#HappyArdbegDay ! 識我嘅朋友都知道我鍾意威士忌,同埋尤其喜愛蘇格蘭艾雷島威士忌,就好似你鍾意食榴槤咁,一發不可收拾!嗰陣醫院味、泥煤味,好似食緊榴槤咁,會上癮㗎!😆😆🥃Ardbeg每年慶祝6月5日 #ArdbegDay 都會出限量版威士忌。今年嘅限量版係艾雷島上一直以來都有嘅火龍傳說,關於英勇戰士將島上嘅巨龍殺死。今年限量版「Ardbeg Scorch」,受這個「真實神話」啟發。而6 月 5 日Ardbeg Day, 世界各地嘅Ardbeg 愛好者將一起舉杯慶祝。味道帶重泥煤、醫院味、烤烘、煙灰、草本植物、蜜糖及乾果、海草及海鹽等。#Cheers!🥳🥃🔥
#HappyArdbegDay! People who know me well all know I’m a big fan of whisky, especially Islay whisky! It’s like your crave for durian, it’s so addicted! 😆😆🥃 Ardbeg will release a special limited edition every year on 5 June Ardbeg day. This year’s release “Ardbeg Scorch” is inspired by a warrior who killed a huge dragon. On this day, all Ardbeg lovers will raise a dram together. Scorch is matured in intensely charred ex-bourbon barrels, creating aromas of heavy smoke, medicinal, toasty, ashes, herbal, honey, dried fruit, toasted nuts, seaweed & sea salt noted. Cheers!🥳🥃🔥
#ccwinevoyage #ccwhiskyvoyage #ccspiritsvoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #威士忌 #Ardbeg #Islay #ArdbegScorch #ArdbegDay2021 #Scorch