七月是「藝文與運動月」,為了慶祝這個月的主題,AIT特別邀請兩位美國運動大使來台交流,分享自己身為球員與教練的經驗。昨天, 她們在台大體育場帶領了一場精采的籃球實戰訓練, 特別感謝台大體育室副教授曾郁嫻老師,女子籃球誌以及球學x EMPOWER!
#AttacktheGlass #AITat40 #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth #SportsDiplomacy
July is Arts, Culture and Sports Month. To celebrate, AIT invited U.S. Women’s Basketball Sports Envoys Holly Warlick and Carol Jue to share their experiences as players and coaches. Yesterday, they led a basketball clinic at the NTU Arena. Special thanks to NTU Associate Professor Tseng Yu-Chien, Double Pump, Empower and CHOXUE! #AttacktheGlass #AITat40 #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth #SportsDiplomacy