little nightmares 2 The chase scene - Mono use powers to push the Thin Man
you’ll have to turn off the TV to your left in order to attract the Viewers to the one on the right. Once they leave, turn on the TV to the left and interact with it. However, this will attract the entire group behind you, so be ready to run. The chase scene will have you zig-zagging through the store, but at the end you’ll find a TV to jump through.
Once you’re on the other side, head right and into a room with another TV. This time around, Six will appear, so head up to the screen and grab onto her to try and pull her out. Unfortunately, the Thin Man will appear again and grab her. He’ll then pop out of the screen and come after you.
Run for the door and use the axe on the floor to break it open. Once you’re through, climb up the panels on the right and drop down into the next area. Crouch under the pipes and climb the panels on the right into the hole.
You’re under the floorboards now, so move quietly. The Thin Man will reappear above you, so avoid holes in the floor as he’s walking by. Once you’re on the other side, head through the hole and you’ll drop down into a hallway.
Grab the stool nearby and push it under the window on the right. Be quick, though, because the Thin Man is coming towards you from down the hallway. Once you’re by the window, pull off the plank and run through. You’ll go sliding down the awning and down a train, but be ready to grab onto the platform or else you’ll fall.
Once you’re in the train, keep heading right. Unfortunately, the Thin Man will reappear and a chase scene will ensue. Keep running through the trains until you reach a lever. Then, pull it to separate your train car from where he is.
Once you’re back on your feet, you’ll notice Six’s glitching remains on the left. Keep following her. She’ll lead you up and into an alley that leads to stairs. Take them up and you’ll see a ladder, then take that up. This will lead you back to the streets.
The Thin Man will appear again, and now it’s time to fight him. He’ll approach you with his hand out, and Mono will do the same. You’ll have to handle this like how you would the TV's, by "tuning" the frequency to keep him back. Mono will use his powers to push the Thin Man back until he's defeated.
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awning window 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的最佳貼文
The Hunter Boss Cutscenes Little Nightmares 2 it's too scary!!
I can't play this game, it's too scary!
The Hunter.
Sneak around him, avoiding any items on the floor, until you reach a piece of wood you’ll have to move in order to get out. Unfortunately, this will make a lot of noise, and he’ll instantly be alerted to your presence. So, get ready to run.
He’ll start shooting at you with his shotgun, so you’ll have to quickly move behind boxes for cover. Once you reach a drop off, jump down and quickly run left to hide. Once he starts walking away, Six will hold out her hand for you to grab, that way the two of you stick together.
Then, head towards the tall grass and duck down. This will help you stay hidden from The Hunter. If he shines his light on you, stop moving and stay hidden until he moves it somewhere else.
Once you reach the end of the tall grass, you’ll have to make a break for it to reach the hole at the bottom of the tree. Hold on tight to Six and book it. Once you’re down there, head right until you reach a light shining through. Then exit out.
You’ll hear The Hunter again, so get ready to run again. You’ll have to move quickly, because a crow will alert him to your presence. Run over to the building and start climbing up. Once inside, continue running, following Six, out the window and down the awning into the water.
He’ll come back out, but go backwards to hide under the dock. Once he walks away, start swimming. Once you reach the next dock, move up towards the one panel and duck under it.
On the other side, you’ll have to swim to the next tree stump. So start making your way over, but duck underwater whenever his light shines on you. When you reach the next hiding spot, climb up and go towards the tree with a heart on it. With Six’s help, push it over and use it as cover to navigate the water. Be quick about jumping back in the water. Once you make it all the way over, climb up the planks. Get ready to run through this next area, as the crows will once again draw attention your way. Run inside the shed and grab the shotgun off the wall. With Six’s help, lift it up, aim it at him, and shoot.
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awning window 在 米大創意 Mita Idea Youtube 的最讚貼文
【製作團隊 Production Design】
米大創意有限公司 Mita Idea CO., LTD
【策展人 Producer】
舒米恩・魯碧 Suming・Rupi
【小巨蛋節目統籌 Events Planning at Dulan Arena】
黃宏寶 A-Bao Huang
【市集/志工/外場統籌 Markets & Volunteers & Outdoor Events Arrangement】
鄭宜豪 Yihao Cheng
【部落邀請/票口統籌 Public Relation/ Box Office Arrangement】
努儂・布海 Nunung・Puhay
【主視覺/商品設計 Visual/ Products Design】
劉冠群 Kuan-Chun Liu
【行政/會計 Administration/ Accountant】
哈璐崮・魯碧 Haluko・Rupi
【小巨蛋節目執行 Events Executives at Dulan Arena】
黎立語 Liyu Li
馬淑儀Homi Ma
王瑋婷 Dongi
【小巨蛋主持人 Hosts at Dulan Arena】
阿洛·卡力亭·巴奇辣 Ado・Kaliting・Pacidal
洛恩・阿浪 Roen・Alang
【小巨蛋視覺設計 Visual Design at Dulan Arena】
馬莉 Marilyn Lin
【大操場節目執行 Events Executives at Playground】
陳晏如 Yen-Ju Sylvia Chen
謝勝龍 Sheng Lung Hsieh
【大操場主持人 Hosts at Playground】
都蘭部落 'Atolan
【文化顧問 Cultural Consultant】
拉中橋 Lakayakay
【活動執行 Activities Executives】
都蘭部落 'Atolan
拉中橋 Lakayakay
拉監察 Lakanca
小姐組 Kaying
巴卡路耐 Pakarongay
【平面攝影 Photographers】
漠視文化 Mose Image Studio
江婕羽 Jieyu Jiang
小林賢伍 Kengo Kobayashi
【場地統籌 Venue Arrangement】
卓世宏 校長 Tab Jwo
【場地協力 Venue Coordinator】
都蘭國民中學 全體師生 Dulan Junior High School
【外場執行 Outdoor Executive】
闕宇良 Yu-Liang Chueh
【裝置藝術-入口意象 Installation Art- Entrance Image】
都蘭部落青年 Dulan Youth Villagers
【裝置藝術-木帆船團隊 Installation Art- The Crew of Carving Boats】
賴進龍 Laway
柳哲光 Adeng
羅福慶 Raranges Hoki na Tungaw
劉烱錫 Chiung-Hsi Liu
【裝置藝術-彩虹天幕 Installation Art- Awning】
大間構造場 In-Between Fabrics
黃福魁 Fu-Kuei Huang
許光輔 Kuang-Fu Hsu
【裝置藝術-帆船豐收箱/八角星燈 Installation Art- Artistic Boxes/ Eight-edge Star Lamps】
郭樂 Ivana
鄭敘慈 Dolly
【裝置藝術-木雕作品 Installation Art- Woodcarving Collections】
希巨·蘇非 Siki Sufin
【裝置藝術-八角星牆 Installation Art- Eight-edge Star Wall】
峇岦嵐偲・旮札涅灆 Paqeriras • Kazangiljan
林琬筑 Wan-Chu Lin
【裝置藝術-都蘭電影院 Installation Art- Billboard of Dulan Theater】
瑪拉刺馬 巴德勒勞 Malacemas Badeleluw
【裝置藝術-凱道傳統領域 Installation Art- Decorations of Ancestral Domain】
安聖惠 Eleng Luluan
【指示牌設計 Signs Design】
鍾佩紋 Chung Pei Wen
【小巨蛋音響/LED牆 Sound Engineer/ LED at Dulan Arena】
【小巨蛋舞台/燈光、外場音響 Stage at Dulan Arena/ Lighting & Sound Engineer】
【都蘭電影院音響 Sound Engineer at Dulan Theater】
【外場帳篷 Outdoor Booths】
【官方工作人員 Official Staff】
胡月美 Elaine Oh
嚕嚕 Kerry Lu
郭文吉 Richard Kuo
林東翰 Tung-Han Lin
葉之幸 Alu
張麗雲 Kany Chang
哈拿崮・阿日恩・烏諾日兒 Hanako・Aleng.Onol
巴奈・阿慕依・拉慕恩 Panay・Amoy・Lamen
哈娜 Hana Rupi
秋香 Apple
帆婷 Amy
小韓 Elva
小惡 Joanna
元豪 Andy
馬克 Mark
虹琳 Lin
小雞蛋 Vita
【拉志工 Lachihkung】
小林賢伍 Kengo Kobayashi
毛嵩傑 Sungchieh Mao
王云柔 Dawn Wang
江婕羽 Jieyu Jiang
何瑪丹 Madan Ho
吳英信 Lucien Wu
周惟誠 Wei Cheng Zhou
林佑丞 You Cheng Lin
林昕慧 Sinhuei Lin
林琬筑 Wan-Chu Lin
林聖心 Avu Paljizaw
林翠嫺 Angela Lin
峇岦嵐偲 ‧ 旮札涅灆 Paqeriras • Kazangiljan
洪健原 Mose Stark
夏哈波 Shaun Harper
高翊寧 Yining Kao
高毅鴻 Saforo Ikay
張啟萱 Stephanie Chang
許承澤 Cheng Ze Hsu
陳怡如 KK Chen
陳峙穎 Jhih Ying Chen
陳禹安 Yu-An Chen
陳苡寧 Yining Chen
陳軍鈞 Chun Chun Chen
陳晏如 Yen-Ju Sylvia Chen
陳慕婕 Vais Mavaliu
陳靜宜 AJing Chen
曾素薇 Su Wei Tseng
游賀翔 Hank Yu
黃天姮 Tien Heng Huang
黃詩涵 Shihhan Huang
楊雲翔 Siyu·Harumi
楊璦芳 Ai-Fang Yang
葉日中 Jih-Chung Yeh
葉典翰 D.h. Yeh
廖家儀 Chia I Liao
廖毓強 Yuchiang Liao
瑪拉刺馬 巴德勒勞 Malacemas Badeleluw
潘念岑 Afih Kesang
潘致穎 Chih Ying Pan
蔡佩吟 Carrie Tsai
蔡雅菁 Ya Ching Tsai
【小巨蛋演出單位 Performers at Dulan Arena】
澳洲_B2M(Bathurst to Melville) + 莫言 + 卓楓國小合唱團
巴奈 Panai Kusui
日本_Kachimba Mundo
法屬玻里尼西雅大溪地_Tamariki Poerani舞團
Te Natira'a 南島大溪地藝術工作室
拉是非 Lasifi
拉元簇 四騎士
Ngapa lisang樂團
菲律賓_Dap-ayan ti Kultura iti Kordilyera (DKK)
吳元楷 ft. 拉古鐺
MAFANA ft. 拉薩崠
Morocca’n Roll (摩洛哥)
阿洛 ft.拉立委
Suming ft.拉千禧
【大操場演出單位 Performers at Playground】
巴卡路耐 Pakarongay
拉千禧 Lacingsi
法屬玻里尼西亞大溪地_Tamariki Poerani舞團
港口部落 Makota’ay_阿美
達魯瑪克部落 Taromak_魯凱
建和部落 Kasavakan_卑南
馬遠部落 Bahuan_布農
拉立委 Laliwiy
宜灣部落 Sa'aniwan_阿美
卑南族花環部落學校 Pinuyumayan_卑南
拉勞蘭部落 Lalauran_排灣
羅娜部落 Luluna_布農
拉薩崠 Ladatong
菲律賓_Dap-ayan ti Kultura iti Kordilyera (DKK)
鄒族 Tsou
隆昌部落 Kanifangar_阿美
普悠瑪部落青年會 Puyuma_卑南
拉古鐺 Lakotang
里繞(東昌)部落 Lidaw_阿美
初鹿部落 Mulivelivek_卑南
七佳部落 Tjuvecekadan_排灣
馬蘭部落 Falangaw_阿美
【阿米斯小教室 Amis Classroom】
造船者-阿美族古帆船 賴進龍 Laway/羅福慶 Raranges Hoki na Tungaw
We are Igorot(菲律賓DKK)Alma Sinumlag
海嘯想辦法吧-傳統領域規範辦法 馬躍・比吼 Mayaw Biho
鮮肉節奏教室 Rhythm Play-Body Percussion(沖繩)Kachimba Mundo
'Atolan的靈魂-高砂的翅膀 希巨蘇飛 Siki Sufin/蔡政良 Futuru Tsai
【都蘭電影院 Dulan Theater】
《漂流遇見你Ça Fait Si Longtemps》陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow/一顆星工作室
《吹過島嶼的歌 音樂人物誌-Suming Rupi》阿洛·卡力亭·巴奇辣 Ado' Kaliting Pacidal、陳昭宏/原住民族電視台
《我的名字叫織羅啟示篇》林光亮 Fuday ciyo
【媒體協力 Media Coordinators】
吹音樂 李鑫
Mata Taiwan Vanessa
布萊克薛薛 Black Talking Shit
Navi Matulaian
【住宿協力 Accommodations Coordinators】
都蘭國民小學 Delight-Land Elementary School
好的・窩 Good-Nest Homestay
海或公路青年旅舍 OceanWay
飄洋都蘭 Piao Yang Dulan
【影像紀錄 Documentary】
製作 靠窗映像 Window Side Film
【特別致謝 Special Thanks to】
都蘭部落頭目 姜清武
awning window 在 22 Best Awning Windows ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Feb 3, 2016 - Explore Bayview Windows Ottawa's board "Awning Windows" on Pinterest. See more ideas about awning windows, windows, window design. ... <看更多>