Are you ready to be sustainable? WWF-Malaysia, EcoKnights and Malaysian Environmental NGOs Mengo are calling for 70 youth leaders who care for the environment to take part in the Building Bridges for Sustainable Consumption & Production Conference from 1-3 December 2016 at International Youth Centre (IYC). *IT'S FREE!*
LEARN MORE & SIGN UP NOW: (Registration closed on 18 November 2016 at 11:59 pm)
The #BB4SCP Conference is a 3-day conference & will be held at International Youth Center (IYC), Cheras. Participants will be able to enhance their Eco-knowledge & be agents of change through knowledge sharing session, hands-on activities, workshops, educational outings & more!
In realizing the importance to support this journey, WWF-Malaysia has conceptualized a working idea, targeting youth leaders from some of the major universities in Malaysia, in collaboration with key partners. As youth are always regarded as active consumers, future leaders, decision-makers & voters, it is imperative they need to be exposed to the sustainable lifestyle now before they are absorbed into their working life.
This is the first Youth Conference for Sustainable Consumption & Production organised by WWF-Malaysia, & will be the most important & historic yet! Not only will the science & policy be at the cutting edge; the conference will be carried out by Eco-warriors with many years of valuable experience & knowledge on sustainable consumption & production. #BB4SCP will host youths, age between 18 to 30 years old, throughout Malaysia. Thus, we urge everybody interested in sustainable consumption & production to come to #BB4SCP. Alas, space is limited, but we’ll pack in all that we can!
The conference is open to :
1. Youths age between 18-30 years old.
2. Preferably university students.
Availability of placement is subjected to first-come, first-served basis. The first 70 conference participants will get mystery gifts*
WWF-Malaysia will sponsor eligible & successful conference participants to attend the 3-day conference with*:
1. Accommodation
2. Complete daily meal
3. Conference kit
4. Certificate of Participation
*Terms & conditions apply
Registration closed on 18 November 2016 at 11:59 pm.