Reading this post by @Shacind Ananthan
(@shacindananthan) made me cry tears of joy and pride, I felt compelled to share it with all of you...
"This is for all my fellow Malaysians who are still abroad; I hope this gives you a little insight on what went on during my journey from the UK all the way to the hotel I am quarantined in in KL. To my non-Malaysian friends, this is me unabashedly showing off the exemplary work by our government. This is my tribute to the countless men and women in duty who assisted us with so much care and respect.
It all started on the plane from Doha to KL, where I had transited from Manchester. With a mere 50 people on the plane, we were all fairly separated to sit in isolation from one another. After taking off, we were handed a Health Declaration form to fill up. In addition to the general information (name, age, etc), COVID specific questions were also asked. It even asked for our flight and seat number- I figured it was to track down those who came in contact with a suspected COVID-19 patient.
When I landed in KLIA, we were greeted warmly by 2 men in uniform at the end of the jet bridge. One was coordinating us to queue, strictly keeping in mind the 1m gap, and the other was guiding us to the skytrain on a Segway. As we approached the skytrain, another policewoman took over and brought us to the bus lounge, where we boarded a bus to the arrival hall. Each bus had a maximum of only 10 people, and the seats were marked with an ‘X’ to make sure we sat adjacent to each other. In the bus was another policewoman who made sure we went in one by one, and only allowed the next person to enter once the previous one had sat down. A recurring theme you would find is that at every ‘checkpoint’ there were at least 1-2 officers who did their job so diligently, that there was no hold up, making the process very smooth. It felt as if this was an extremely well thought out procedure that had been going on for years. All the i’s were dotted and t’s crossed.
Once we alighted the bus, we walked to the immigration counters and were screened by an infra-red thermometry system. After passing it, we were guided towards a team of health officials from KKM on the right. I was very impressed with the number of health officials and the amenities provided for them. There were around 10 officials in what looked like full hazmat suits, each provided with a chair and table. I was greeted by this lovely woman, who asked for my health declaration form and reaffirmed if I had any symptoms. The constant glee on her face and referring to me as “adik” made me feel like I was in safe hands. The first step to addressing a crisis is to calm the stakeholders. It is the little things like these that reassures one in an anxiety driven situation. She then gave me a home assessment form where I had to monitor and report my symptoms daily.
After clearing the immigration, we queued up to sanitize our hands, and then were given another form to register our particulars and emergency contacts. We sat down and filled up the forms while waiting for 3 more batches of people to arrive. After 20 minutes passed, a police officer gave us a short briefing on the do’s and don’ts while in quarantine. The question on everyone’s minds was “where are we being taken?”. I overheard conversations of people praying that it was a five-star hotel in KL. However dire the circumstances, the innate Malaysian tendency to always expect luxury never fades, does it? The policeman politely replied that he wasn’t sure where we were going to be quarantined, but assured us it was going to be a good place nevertheless.
Then we were escorted by another officer to the baggage claim area where our luggage had already been taken off the baggage carousel and organized for us to simply go and grab them. I figured that this was to reduce the contact between people in case we crowd around the conveyer belt. This also significantly reduced the time taken for us to get re-organized. Take note of the little details that the authorities paid attention to.
Later on, the same police officer led us to the arrival hall where 3 Smart Selangor buses had already been parked for us to board. Before entering the bus, a fireman proceeded to fumigate our luggage and backpacks one by one, while we sanitized our hands once more before being handed a bag full of snacks by another officer. In the bus was a lady who helped us load our luggage. It was very systematic, only allowing one person in the bus at a time to maintain social distancing.
We waited for around 30 minutes for all 3 batches of people to board the buses. My mind was still in a state of disbelief, I and kept wondering how much manpower and logistics it must have taken to make the process as smooth as possible and achieve this insane level of efficiency. Before leaving, the bus driver announced that we were being taken to Impiana KLCC Hotel. Mental gasps could be heard from the 15 people in the bus.
The journey to the hotel was just short of 50 minutes. We were all aghast looking at the sight before us when we reached the hotel. People were busy clicking pictures and taking videos of the scene that frankly seemed like it belonged to a distant dystopian future. Dozens of people in full hazmat suits were standing by a long table which looked like an assembly line, busy screening and registering us aliens. Before we got off the bus, a man in a PASKAU uniform briefed us on the next course of action. He told us to keep our passports ready for registration. We patiently helped each other with the luggage (still maintaining an appropriate distance) and queued up according to yellow tapes on the ground. I was standing in line between two sisters, so I offered the one behind me to take my spot but she politely declined. Soon enough, it was my turn.
The lady at the start of the table proceeded to check my temperature with a temperature gun and passed me another form, similar to the home assessment one. I then handed my passport to the next guy who immediately photo stated it with the photocopier behind him. While waiting for my passport, the following person asked for my phone number and my place of origin. After I received my passport, I was given the room key along with two masks and was quickly thrusted into the hotel. While it seemed quick and rushed, it was effective as the primary goal was to limit as much contact with others as possible.
As I walked in, I saw the girl who was in front of me struggling with her 4 huge bags, so me and another KKM personnel assisted her into the lift. We had a brief conversation and I got to know that she was a third-year student who had to leave the UK and pack her things for good overnight. Laughing at the fact that our rooms were next to each other, we bid goodbye and stormed into our rooms. In the room were two boxes of bottled water, plastic bags for the contaminated clothes, a huge bag filled with coffee, biscuits and snacks and so on. We are being served good nutritious food three times a day and housed in a four star (some five star) hotel all for free of charge. There is 24/7 surveillance and a medical team at our doorstep at all times. I bow down to this great nation with utmost humility, thank you for this Malaysia.
This lockdown/ quarantine has really cultivated the sense of community and the innate feeling of unity that we had lost. Though the time frame of when this epidemic will end is still unclear, it became clear to me that we will pull through, because that’s what Malaysians do best. This was further proven when all 74 of us quarantined at Impiana KLCC were added into a WhatsApp group by Lieutenant Zakee (who was in charge of our welfare in the hotel) for ease of communication. The group was instantly flooded with messages of hope, optimism and love and gratitude for the lieutenant, health workers and other officers who heroically put our welfare in front of their own lives.
Why am I writing this? This is a primary account of someone who experienced the plight of leaving a foreign country overnight with an uncertain future. This is to counter the fake narratives online that seek to defame our great nation. The entire ecosystem functioned like a well-oiled machine, NO stone was left unturned. It is not an overstatement when I say that Malaysia has been one of the most proactive countries with tackling the menace of COVID-19. Therefore, I urge the armchair economists at home, the constant naysayers- if you cannot acknowledge the good our government is doing, at least don’t stand in their way.
Thank you again, Malaysia, for keeping me safe. I have always been, am always, and will always be a proud citizen of this country that has given me so much.
Tanah tumpahnya darahku!
- Shacind Ananthan
「baggage claim area」的推薦目錄:
baggage claim area 在 BTS Room_방탄방_防彈房 Facebook 的最佳貼文
2019년 7월 6일~7일, YANMAR STADIUM NAGAI에서 진행되는 BTS WORLD TOUR ‘SPEAK YOURSELF’- JAPAN EDITION in OSAKA 공연 공식 MD 판매 및 익스프레스&페어링 부스, BTS STUDIO 운영 안내 드립니다.
■OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE 판매부스, 익스프레스&페어링 부스
-운영 시간
7월 4일(목) 12:00~19:00 (사전 판매일)
7월 5일(금) 12:00~19:00 (사전 판매일)
7월 6일(토) 09:00~16:00
7월 7일(일) 09:00~16:00
**사전 판매일(7/4~7/5)에는 익스프레스 부스는 운영하지 않습니다.
**운영시간은 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
■공연장 내부 익스프레스&페어링 부스
-운영 시간
7월 6일(토) 공연장 입장 시작 ~ 16:30 (페어링 부스: 공연장 입장 시작~18:30)
7월 7일(일) 공연장 입장 시작 ~ 16:30 (페어링 부스: 공연장 입장 시작~18:30)
**운영시간은 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
※ 공식 MD 판매부스는 일반 판매부스와 EXPRESS 판매부스로 별도 운영됩니다. (일반 판매부스에서는 모든 상품 구매가 가능합니다.)
※ EXPRESS 판매부스에서는 ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3’을 포함한 일부 MD 상품의 구매가 가능합니다. (현장상황에 따라 품목이 추가될 수 있습니다.)
※ LUCKY DRAW 이용을 위해 반드시 코인 구매가 필요합니다. LUCKY DRAW용 코인은 OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE 부스에서만 구매가 가능합니다. (LUCKY DRAW 부스에서는 코인을 별도로 판매하지 않습니다.)
※ 페어링 부스에서는 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3의 공연 좌석 매칭을 도와 드립니다.
※ 일반 판매부스는 입장객 안전을 위해 공연 시작 30분 전부터 판매 운영을 하지 않습니다.
※ 전 품목 수량 소진 시 판매가 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
※ 결제방법: 현금 결제 (카드결제 불가)
※ 구매 수량 제한:
1)공식 응원봉 1인당 2개 한정
2)하기 품목은 멤버 별 1인 1개 한정
3)T-SHIRT 상품은 품목 각 사이즈 별 1인 1매 한정
4)이외 제품은 품목 당 1인 3개 한정
현장 상황에 따라 구매제한 수량의 변동이 있을 수 있으니 이점 양해 부탁드립니다.
[구매 전 유의 사항]
1. 모든 상품은 조기에 품절될 수 있습니다.
2. 모든 거래는 엔화JPY(¥)로만 이루어집니다.
3. 현금 결제만 가능합니다.
4. 고객의 변심으로 인한 환불/교환은 불가합니다. 제품 불량의 경우 구매 당일 현장에서만 교환이 가능하므로 제품 수령 후 반드시 불량 여부를 확인 바랍니다. 불량 상품 교환 시, 영수증을 꼭 지참해주시기 바랍니다. (상품 조기 품절 시에는 환불조치 됩니다.)
5. 상품 판매 시간은 현장 준비 상황에 따라 변동이 있을 수 있습니다.
6. 공연 종료 후 일부 혹은 전체 상품이 위플리(WEPLY) 모바일 어플리케이션을 통해 판매될 수 있습니다.
7. 야외 철야 대기를 하지 마세요. 야간안전에 책임을 질 수 없으며 대기줄이 해산될 수 있습니다.
8. 불법 상품을 구매하지 마세요. BTS WORLD TOUR ‘SPEAK YOURSELF’ – JAPAN EDITION in OSAKA 공연 공식 MD는 콘서트 현장 공식 MD 판매부스에서만 판매됩니다. 불법 상품 구매로 피해를 입지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.
9. 모방 또는 복제제품은 BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 앱을 사용할 수 없습니다. (앱을 사용하여 모방 또는 복제 제품을 확인할 수 있습니다. )
현장의 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK PARING 부스에서 페어링이 가능합니다.
스마트폰 앱 "BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3"을 이용하여 간편하게 페어링을 할 수 있습니다
공연모드 가이드
이미지 :
영상 :
1. OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 페어링은 모바일 앱으로 직접 연결과 현장에서 페어링 부스 등록의 두가지 방법이 있습니다. 두가지 방법 중 한가지 방법으로 페어링 하세요.
2. 모바일 앱으로 페어링에 문제가 있으시면 현장의 페어링 부스를 방문해 스텝의 도움을 받으세요.
3. 공연 관람시에는 공연연출을 위해 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3의 스위치를 위쪽으로 올려 "공연모드"로 설정해 주세요.
4. 공연을 여러 번 관람할 경우 꼭 공연 당일 티켓 정보만 입력해 주세요. 마지막으로 입력된 공연 좌석 정보로 공식 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.가 매칭 됩니다.
5. 공연 전 꼭 새로운 AAA 알카라인 배터리 3개를 사용해 주세요. 배터리가 약하면 빛 밝기가 약하며, 붉은 색으로 발광할 수 있습니다.
6. 반드시 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3에 등록한 좌석 정보와 같은 좌석에서 공연을 관람해 주세요 임의로 다른 좌석으로 이동하게 되면 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 무대연출이 달라질 수 있으니 주의해 주세요.
7. 콘서트 중 공식 OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 무선연출이 진행될 예정입니다.
8. VER.1 & VER.2는 좌석 매칭 연출이 불가하오니 착오가 없으시기 바랍니다.
7월 6일(토) 09:00~16:00
7월 7일(일) 09:00~16:00
※ 당첨자는 개별 공지된 시간에 맞추어 ‘YANMAR FIELD NAGAI’에 위치한 BTS STUDIO에서 STAFF에게 당첨 QR코드 확인 후 입장 가능합니다.
※ BTS STUDIO는 서베이 당첨고객 외에 선착순으로 현장에서도 참여할 수 있는 기회가 있습니다. (현장 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.)
[FOOD ZONE 이용 안내]
- 운영시간
2019년 7월 6일(토) 09:00 ~ 공연 종료 후 1시간(예정)
2019년 7월 7일(일) 09:00 ~ 공연 종료 후 1시간(예정)
※운영시간 이외에는 이용이 어려운 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
※휴게존과 푸드코트의 원활한 운영을 위하여 짐을 두고 자리를 맡거나 장시간 자리를 점유하는 등의 행위는 삼가주세요.
※쓰레기는 지정된 장소에 버려주세요.
※현장 상황에 따라 운영 여부 및 시간은 변동될 수 있습니다.
[짐보관소 이용 안내]
- 운영 시간 & 이용 요금
2019년 7월 6일(토) 09:00 ~ 공연 종료 후 1시간(예정)
2019년 7월 7일(일) 09:00 ~ 공연 종료 후 1시간(예정)
-이용요금(예정): 1회 1,000엔 (세금포함)
※짐보관소의 수용 범위를 넘어설 경우 운영이 종료됩니다.
※한번 맡기신 짐을 찾으시고 다시 보관하는 경우, 이용 요금이 추가 발생합니다.
※짐보관소에 맡기신 짐은 반드시 운영시간내에 찾으러 와주세요. 짐보관소 운영종료까지 찾아가지 않으신 짐은 폐기 처리될 수 있으며, 이에 따른 손해에 대해서는 일체 책임지지 않습니다.
※보관하신 짐의 분실・파손 등의 손해가 발생한 경우에도 일체 책임지지 않으니 양해바랍니다.
We are pleased to announce official merchandise sales for BTS WORLD TOUR ‘SPEAK YOURSELF’ – JAPAN EDITION in OSAKA on July 6th ~ 7th 2019.
Below is the information about Official merchandise sales booth, Express Sales & Pairing Booth, and BTS STUDIO.
July 4th (Thu) 12:00 ~ 19:00 (Pre-Sales)
July 5th (Fri) 12:00~19:00 (Pre-Sales)
July 6th (Sat) 09:00~16:00
July 7th (Sun) 09:00~16:00
**Express Booth will not be open on Pre-Sales dates (7/4 ~ 7/5)
**Operation time might change depending on the circumstances.
July 6th (Sat) Door Open ~ 16:30 (PAIRING BOOTH: Door Open ~ 18:30)
July 7th (Sun) Door Open ~ 16:30 (PAIRING BOOTH: Door Open ~ 18:30)
**Operation time might change depending on the circumstances.
※ Official merchandise booths will be operated as both General sales booth and Express sales booth. (At the General sales booth, all the official merchandise will be available for sale.)
※ At the Express sales booth, some merchandise items are available, including ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3’ (Depending on the operational situation, other items can be added for sales)
※ Coin must be purchased to use the LUCKY DRAW. Coin for LUCKY DRAW is only sold at the OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE BOOTH. (LUCKY DRAW Booth does not sell coin).
※ We will help with seat registration for OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 at the pairing booth.
※ General sales booth will be closed 30 minutes before the show for safety reasons.
※ Both booths are subject to early closure depending on the merchandise stock inventories.
※ Payment Methods: Cash only
※ Purchase quantity limitation:
1) OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 is available 2EA per person.
2) Items below are limited to one item of a member per person.
3) T-SHIRT is limited to 1 EA per size in each item
4) Limited to 3 items of the same product per person except the items mentioned above.
Please understand that the booth operating hours and limited purchase quantities are subject to change without notice.
1. Products may be sold out early.
2. Payments are accepted in Japanese Yen (JPY, ¥) only.
3. Accepted payments are cash only.
4. Refunds/exchange is not allowed due to customer's change of heart. In case of defective products, they can only be exchanged at the show site, so be sure to check if they are defective right after receiving the product.
5. Sales hours are subject to change without notice depend on the site situation.
6. After the end of the Show, some or all of the merchandise may be sold through the WEPLY mobile application.
7. Please do not camp out. We are not responsible for overnight safety. You will be escorted off the premises.
OFFICIAL MERCHANDISES for BTS WORLD TOUR ‘SPEAK YOURSELF’ – JAPAN EDITION in OSAKA are only sold through the official merchandise booths. Please beware of the risks when purchasing counterfeit products.
9. In case of BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3, the counterfeit light stick won’t be connected to the official app. (You can verify it using app whether it is genuine or not.)
[OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 – Light Stick Pairing Guidance]
Light Stick pairing is possible at all LIGHT STICK PAIRING booths. Light Stick will be easier with smartphone application (BTS OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3).
– “Concert Mode” Guide
Image :
Video :
1. There are two ways to pair your LIGHT STICK VER.3 with your seat: using a mobile App, or visiting a pairing booth onsite. Use one of the ways to pair your LIGHT STICK VER.3
2. If you have any problem with pairing using a mobile App, please visit the pairing booth onsite and get help from the staffs.
3. During the performance, please set your OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK to “Concert Mode” by lifting up the switch.
4. If you are attending to show multiple times, make sure to enter the ticket information that ONLY corresponds to the day you are attending. The OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 will be paired with the latest information you have entered.
5. Make sure to use three new batteries. If the battery runs out, the brightness of the light will be weakened and might glow in red.
6. Please sit at the same seat where you have registered for the light stick. Moving to a different seat might affect the stage production.
7. There will be an OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK VER.3 synchronization program during the show.
8. Please be aware that the LIGHT STICK VER.1 & VER.2 do not have pairing function. They will not work with seat synchronization.
July 6th (Sat) 09:00~16:00
July 7th (Sun) 09:00~16:00
※ The winners of the survey will be admitted ONLY after having winning QR code checked by the STAFF at BTS STUDIO BOOTH, located in ‘YAMAR FIELD NAGAI’, in time for the individual announcement.
※ BTS STUDIO also suggests opportunity to participate in the field based on arrival order in addition to survey-winners. (Subject to change depending on the circumstances)
July 6th (Sat) 09:00 ~ 1 hour after the show (scheduled)
July 7th (Sun) 09:00 ~ 1 hour after the show (scheduled)
※ SY FOOD ZONE is available for those who do not have a ticket for BTS WORLD TOUR LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF – JAPAN EDITION.
※ Please understand that it is difficult to provide food outside the operation hours.
※ Do not occupy area of the rest zone or the food court for a long time, or secure place with a baggage.
※ Dispose trash at the designated garbage station.
※ Some operations may be closed depending on the situation of the day.
[Locker/Storage Guide]
July 6th (Sat) 09:00 ~ 1 hour after the show (scheduled)
July 7th (Sun) 09:00 ~ 1 hour after the show (scheduled)
-Service Fee (expected): 1,000 Yen per time (including tax)
※ The storage will be closed if the number of baggage exceeds the storage limit.
※ The storage will charge again when you find your baggage and store it again.
※ Please come within the operation hours to claim your baggage. After the operation hours, the baggage that does not get claimed will be discarded. We are not responsible for any damages caused by disposal.
※ We are not also responsible for any loss or damage to your baggage. Please understand.
baggage claim area 在 พ่อบ้านโอตะ Facebook 的精選貼文
กฏระเบียบการถ่าย 2Shot ออกละ
กฎระเบียบสำหรับการซื้อสินค้าในงาน BNK48 1st Album RIVER 2-shot ในวันที่ 29 กันยายน
1. สินค้าจะจำหน่ายเวลา 9:00-20:00 น. โดยบูธจำหน่ายสินค้าจะอยู่ด้านในฮอลล์ ท่านต้องมีบัตรเข้าร่วมอีเวนท์ในการผ่านประตูเนื่องด้วยข้อจำกัดของสถานที่ในการจัดงานครั้งนี้ ทำให้ไม่มีพื้นที่รองรับสำหรับท่านที่มาถึงก่อนเวลาประตูเปิด จึงขอความร่วมมือให้ทุกท่านมาภายในเวลาที่เปิดจำหน่ายสินค้า
2. ไม่อนุญาตให้นำอาหาร และเครื่องดื่มจากภายนอกเข้ามาภายในบริเวณฮอลล์
3. เครื่องดื่มที่อนุญาตให้นำออกจาก BNK48 CAFE ZONE ได้คือน้ำเปล่าที่มีฝาปิดเท่านั้น
4. หากสินค้ามีตำหนิ สามารถติดต่อขอเคลมสินค้า ได้ที่บูธเคลมสินค้าภายในวันจัดงานเท่านั้น
5. ไม่อนุญาตให้นั่งหรือทำการ Trading บริเวณด้านหน้า และด้านข้างฮอลล์จัดงาน
6. ภายในฮอลล์ อนุญาตให้นั่งได้เฉพาะในบริเวณ Trading Zone และพื้นที่ที่จัดไว้ให้สำหรับผู้ป่วย, ผู้พิการเท่านั้น
7. การนั่ง Trade สินค้าใน Trading Zone ขอความร่วมมือใช้พื้นที่ท่านละไม่เกิน 1 ตารางเมตร และจะต้องเว้นพื้นที่สำหรับทางเดิน ในบริเวณเขตที่กำหนดไว้ให้เท่านั้น
8. ไม่อนุญาตให้นำสินค้าละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์เข้ามาภายในบริเวณพื้นที่จัดงาน หากพบเห็นจะทำการตักเตือน และหากไม่ปฏิบัติตาม เจ้าหน้าที่มีสิทธิ์ที่จะนำท่านออกจากบริเวณงานได้ในทันที และดำเนินคดีทางกฎหมาย
9. ห้ามนำสิ่งของมีคม วัตถุไวไฟ และ สิ่งของที่สามารถนำมาเป็นอาวุธได้ เข้ามาภายในพื้นที่จัดงาน
กฎระเบียบสำหรับการถ่าย 2-shot ในงาน BNK48 1st Album RIVER 2-shot ในวันที่ 30 กันยายน
1. การเข้าไปถ่าย 2-shot จำเป็นต้องใช้บัตร 2-shot ใบจริงที่มีการลงทะเบียนแล้ว ไม่สามารถใช้ใบแทน หรือเพียงโค้ดได้
2. หากท่านมีบัตรหลายใบ กรุณาตรวจสอบบัตรของท่านล่วงหน้า เพื่อที่จะไม่เป็นการผิดพลาดในวันงาน ท่านสามารถตรวจสอบสมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียนไว้ โดยกรอกหมายเลขบัตร และ รีดีมโค้ดอีกครั้งได้ที่
3. หากมีปัญหา หรือข้อสงสัยเกี่ยวกับบัตร 2-shot ของท่าน สามารถติดต่อได้ที่บริเวณ Event Pop Information ในวันงาน
4. การถ่าย 2-shot อนุญาตให้ใช้เฉพาะกล้องจากโทรศัพท์มือถือ / smartphone ของท่านเท่านั้น ไม่สามารถใช้กล้องชนิดอื่น หรือ แท็บเล็ตในการถ่ายได้ ดังนั้น กรุณาเตรียม โทรศัพท์มือถือ / smartphone มาด้วยตัวท่านเอง
5. กล้องจากโทรศัพท์มือถือ / smartphone ของท่านต้องไม่มีอุปกรณ์เสริมต่าง ๆ ที่เป็นการติดตั้งเพิ่มเติม เช่น เลนส์เสริม (ถ้าเป็นเลนส์ที่ติดมากับเคสโทรศัพท์ กรุณาถอดเคสออกก่อนเข้าไปถ่าย 2-shot)
6. กรุณาใช้โปรแกรมถ่ายภาพดั้งเดิมที่ถูกติดตั้งมากับโทรศัพท์มือถือ / smartphone ของท่านเท่านั้น
7. ภาพที่ถ่าย จะเป็นแนวนอนเท่านั้น
8. ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้โหมด Burst หรือ Live ในการถ่าย การถ่ายต้องถ่ายออกมาเป็นภาพ 1 ภาพ เท่านั้น
9. ในเลน หลังจากวางสัมภาระของท่านเรียบร้อยแล้ว เพื่อไม่เป็นการเสียเวลา กรุณาเปิดโปรแกรมถ่ายภาพรอไว้ตั้งแต่ก่อนถึงคิวของท่าน
10. การเข้าไปถ่าย 2-shot ไม่อนุญาตให้ถืออุปกรณ์ต่าง ๆ เข้าไปร่วมถ่ายภาพ และสมาชิก BNK48 จะไม่สามารถถือวัตถุ หรือ อุปกรณ์ใด ๆ ของท่านได้ทั้งสิ้น
11. การถ่าย 2-shot ไม่อนุญาตให้ใส่หมวกที่สวมปิดทั้งหน้า เช่นหมวกกันน็อค
12. กรุณาคิดท่าที่ต้องการถ่ายภาพมาล่วงหน้า เพื่อเป็นการประหยัดเวลา
13. การถ่าย 2-shot สามารถสัมผัสตัวสมาชิก BNK48 ได้เพียงปลายนิ้วของท่าน และสมาชิกนั้น ๆ เท่านั้น
14. ท่าที่ถ่าย ท่านและสมาชิก BNK48 ต้องนั่งติดกับเก้าอี้ที่เตรียมไว้ให้เท่านั้น
15. สมาชิก BNK48 หรือเจ้าหน้าที่ มีสิทธิ์ปฏิเสธ หรือให้ท่านเปลี่ยนท่าถ่ายภาพ หากท่านั้น ไม่เหมาะสม
16. ทางเรา มีการจัดเตรียมอำนวยความสะดวก สำหรับปลั๊กเพื่อเสียบชาร์จแบตเตอรี่ให้ แต่กรุณานำอุปกรณ์ชาร์จมาด้วยตัวท่านเอง รวมถึงปลั๊กมีจำนวนจำกัด ดังนั้นกรุณาชาร์จแต่พอดี และเผื่อแผ่ท่านอื่นด้วย และอนุญาตให้ชาร์จเฉพาะโทรศัพท์มือถือ / smartphone สำหรับถ่าย 2-shot เท่านั้น *หมายเหตุ ทางเราจะไม่รับผิดชอบความเสียหาย หากเกิดความเสียหายของอุปกรณ์ของท่านจากการชาร์จ*
1. ภาพที่ถ่ายออกมา สมาชิก BNK48 หลับตา
2. ภาพที่ถ่ายออกมา เบลอมากจนมองไม่ออก
3. นิ้วของเจ้าหน้าที่ที่ถ่ายภาพให้ท่าน บังกล้องและติดเข้าไปในภาพ
1. ภาพที่ถ่ายออกมา ท่านหลับตา
2. ภาพที่ถ่ายออกมา ไม่เบลอจนเกินไป
3. ตำแหน่งของตัวท่านและสมาชิก BNK48 ไม่อยู่ในตำแหน่งที่ท่านต้องการ
ทั้งนี้ กรุณาตรวจสอบภาพที่ถ่ายพร้อมกับเจ้าหน้าที่ บริเวณทางออกจากเลน หากท่านออกจากเลนไปแล้ว จะไม่อนุญาตให้ถ่ายซ่อมแซม ไม่ว่ากรณีใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้น
หมายเหตุ ขอสงวนสิทธิ์ในการเปลี่ยนแปลงเงื่อนไขต่าง ๆ ตามความเหมาะสม
#BNK48 #BNK482shot #RIVERTH
Regulation for buying items at BNK48 1st Album RIVER 2-shot on September 29
1. items will be on sale at 9:00-20:00 pm The vendor booth will be inside the hall. You need an event card to enter through the door. Due to the limitations of this venue, there is no accommodation for you arriving before the door opens, so you can cooperate with us by opening hours. Selling products.
2. External food and drinks are not allowed to be taken into the hall area.
3. drinks allowed to be removed from BNK48 CAFE ZONE is only water with lid.
4. If the product is defective, you can contact to claim items at the booth to claim items within the event day only.
5. Not allowed to sit or do Trading on front and side halls.
6. In the hall, sitting is allowed only in the Trading Zone area and provided for patients, disabilities only.
7. Trading goods in Trading Zone cooperation with space under 1 sqm and you need to reserve the area for walking distance in the defined area only.
8. No copyright infringement products are allowed within the event area. If you see, you will be warned and if you don't follow, officers have the right to immediately take you out of the work area and legal prosecution.
9. Do not bring sharp objects, wifi objects, and material that can be brought into the event space.
Regulation for taking 2-shot at BNK48 1st Album RIVER 2-shot on September 30
1. shooting 2-shot. Must use 2-shot card. Real registered can't use leaf instead or just code.
2. If you have multiple cards, please check your cards in advance so that there is no mistake on the event day. You can check registered members by filling the card number and re-code again at
3. If you have problems or doubts about your 2-shot card, you can contact the Event Pop Information area on the day of the event.
4. shots 2-shot. Only allowed camera from your mobile / smartphone / smartphone. It can't be used by other types of cameras or tablets to shoot. So, please prepare yourself for a smartphone / smartphone.
5. Camera from your mobile phone / smartphone must not have any additional accessories such as additional installation lenses (If it's a lens attached to your phone case, please remove the case before taking 2-shot)
6. Please use the original photography program installed with your mobile / smartphone only.
7. photos taken will be horizontal only
8. Burst or Live mode is not allowed to be taken. It has to be 1 photos only.
9. in the lane after putting your baggage in no waste of time. Please open the photographer for your queue.
10. shooting 2-shot doesn't allow any devices to take photos. BNK48 members can't hold any of your objects or devices.
11. Shoot 2-shot. Not allowed to wear a hat that wears off the whole face like a helmet.
12. Please think ahead of the photo shoot to save time.
13. shots 2-shot can touch BNK48 members at your fingertips and members.
14. poses taken by you and BNK48 members must be sitting in a chair that is prepared for only.
15. BNK48 members or officials have the right to refuse or let you change your photo if you are not appropriate.
16. We have a facilitation provision for plugs to plug into battery charger, but please bring yourself a charger, including a limited amount of plugs, so please charge but fit and peel other people. And allow for charging only your mobile phone / smartphone charger. For 2-shot shots only thèānận Note that we won't be responsible for damage if your device's damage on a charge *
Repair shooting.
Case that can be taken for repair
1. photos taken. BNK48 members. Eyes closed.
2. photos that I took were so blurry that I couldn't see.
3. inch of officer who took a photo for his camera and caught it into the photo.
Case that can't be filmed.
1. photos taken. Eyes closed.
2. photos taken. Not too blurry.
3. position of you and BNK48 members are not in your position.
Please check the photos taken with the lane exit officer. If you have left the lane, you will not be allowed to take repairs in any case.
Note that reserves the right to change conditions accordingly.
#BNK48 #BNK482shot #RIVERTHTranslated
baggage claim area 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
baggage claim area 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
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baggage claim area 在 Baggage reclaim - Wikipedia 的相關結果
In airport terminals, a baggage reclaim area is an area where arriving passengers claim checked-in baggage after disembarking from an airline flight. ... <看更多>
baggage claim area 在 Airport Module - Baggage Claim Area - ICAO 的相關結果
The baggage claim area of an airport is susceptible to high passenger footfall and physical contact with luggage carts, baggage, washrooms and other ... ... <看更多>
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the place in an airport where you get your cases and bags when you arrive after flying: baggage reclaim area. ... <看更多>