Following yesterday’s post on the #ChungChiCollege Bulletin (10.11.19)
Someone asked me “What would I tell my younger self?”
I said a couple of things, but one of them is this—
When somebody says negative things to pull you down as an artist, don’t listen.
Of course, if it’s constructive criticism, please listen. If somebody tells you that you are singing flat, consider listening to that. You need to understand when something is constructive and when something is destructive. If a person comes to you and says, “I want you to succeed. Try doing this.” You can say, “Thank you. Let me try.”
However, if somebody comes up, just saying, “You amount to nothing. You will never make it.” Don’t listen to that. Because, at the end of the day, it’s not them who will make it. It’s you.
It’s better to try. It’s better to do it. It’s better to learn something and find where you actually want to be, than sit down and wonder, “What would happen if I try?”
#RealStories #CelebrateYourJourney #CriselConsunji #PositiveSelfTalk #Empowerment