#拜登挺台入北約? #誰疑美棄台?
今日凌晨,網路上傳開拜登總統接受美國媒體ABC News主持人George Stephanopoulos專訪時的一段談話,被認為是繼國家安全顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)前一日的發言後,美國政府再度公開對阿富汗撤軍後世界各國包括台灣都逐漸升溫的「#疑美論」(認為美國的安全承諾不可靠)做出回應。
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
我們已承——我們信守一切承諾。我們對(《北大西洋公約》(North Atlantic Treaty)的)第五條作出了莊嚴的承諾,如果有人要入侵、或採取行動對抗我們的北約盟友,我們會回應。對日本是如此,對南韓是如此,對——台灣(也)是如此。這根本就無法比較。」
以前連《美日安保條約》是否涉及釣魚台都要吵個幾十年,怎麼可能一句話就說日韓台我通通要守下來?何況美國與中華民國🇹🇼(or台灣)目前並未有正式的軍事同盟或協防條約(MDT),如何與北約對比?(《北大西洋公約》第五條「#集體防衛(collective defence)」條款主張:聯盟中任一成員受攻擊,將被視為對全體成員的侵略事件。)
與台灣網路輿論圈的自嗨、樂觀情緒(#台灣要加入北約了?美國爸爸表態死守台灣!)相反,正因為這個表態太過不尋常與不可能,更違反了美國長期以來堅守的「#戰略模糊」政策立場(”a deviation from a long-held U.S. position of "strategic ambiguity.”)。
第一時間,許多評論就認為這可能是拜登的又一次 #口誤(misspoken),代表人物如美國的中國問題專家 #葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)就抱持這樣的看法。
果然,該篇專訪登出後不到7個小時,拜登政府的資深官員就對路透社(Reuters)放風透露:「#美國對台政策不變。」(“policy with regard to Taiwan has not changed”)
1⃣️長期關注美台關係議題的「US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站」粉專大概是台灣這一波訊息燒開的推播起點與主力,內容尚稱公允詳實,並未特別增添政治觀點,也提醒大家美國依然沒有明確回應如果中共出兵,美國會是如何的回應法。(但美國也不可能明確回應,「戰略模糊」,remember?)
2⃣️民進黨副秘書長林飛帆於凌晨2點多發文(大概是觀測站的粉絲),除了同樣提供原文翻譯及評論,重點在他提到拜登的談話,「與美國國安會顧問蘇利文Jake Sullivan把台灣與以色列並列的談話,都明確破除中共正在台灣大肆操作的「#疑美論」和「#美國棄台論」,值得我們持續關注。」
這件事確實值得關注。然而坦白說,台灣的「疑美論」和「美國棄台論」有多少成分是中共大肆操作,有多少是民間自發討論?大概很難有人可以給出客觀量化的數據。因為在阿富汗撤軍後,世界各國都多少興起了這股 #疑美論風潮,連《紐約時報》與諸多民主黨政治人物都批評拜登,紐時更提醒諸多亞洲國家包括 #台灣要警醒。但台灣面對中共武力威脅與併吞野心,自然又多了這一層複雜的外力因素。
台灣:first time?
再來,拜登總統在提到台灣與南韓前時用的詞是「entities」(實體),這個詞很常用於形容一些不能算是主權國家的團體,美國或世界各地在國際法中討論到中華民國(ROC)或台灣(Taiwan)時很常使用這個詞,如「#政治實體」(political entity)。雖然不知道為何把南韓也放在一起(大概又是直率坦言下的口誤,韓國人知道會很生氣吧?),但重點在後面提到的「他們(台灣&南韓))有個 #統合一致的政府」(”they have a unity government”)。
❚ 小結
就我個人觀察,實在不認為國民黨內疑美、反美是主流立場,至多在個別議題上與美方立場有不同意見,黨的整體與決策層級人士基本上都是親美立場居多,只是他們又要顧及兩岸關係(親美和陸),沒辦法(也不認同)像民進黨那樣採取「#一邊倒」的政策,完全走「抗中保台」路線,親美程度感覺有差。但很大程度上,一些國民黨人也認為這樣的一邊倒政策對台灣人民的安全來說其實 #不夠負責任。
這樣一邊倒不留餘地,甚至可能煽動戰爭風險的路線對台灣是有危險的,「在應競爭的領域競爭,在 #可合作的領域合作,在 #必須對抗的領域對抗」,這是美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)揭示的對華方針,絕對不是一些人說的什麼美中全面爭霸、準備開戰,台灣要趕快選邊站對邊。
這也是為何近期包括吳釗燮部長、邱義仁秘書長及蔡英文總統,都一再發出 #踩煞車 意味的言論,甚至關心對岸水災,一改對抗姿態的原因。畢竟台海風高浪急,美國也不得不出來重申政策框架的邊界,「拜登政府支持強健的美台非官方關係,#不支持台灣獨立。」(by美國白宮國家安全委員會印太事務協調官坎貝爾Kurt Campbell)
君不見繼資深官員放話路透社之後,#國務院發言人 也跑出來重申台灣關係法、六項保證及一中政策等老調了嗎?歷經幾十年淬鍊實踐的政策框架,是不可能輕易更動的。
要戰略模糊還是戰略清晰?這件事 #本身也是模糊的,端看當下環境美國要如何彈性運用,重點在於能夠有效嚇阻。
台灣內部因為歷史與政治的多重因素,對於自身在國際上的地位有著 #焦慮與不安全感,把美國視為維持生存的唯一救生圈。阿富汗撤軍為何在台灣引起極大熱議,除了媒體的推波助瀾、喚起年長的國人當年美國撤軍斷交的痛苦回憶,很大程度上也是反應當前國人尤其綠營內部或許連他們自己都沒有意識到的 #焦慮與恐懼,想要相信、也逼自己相信美國一定會幫忙防守台灣、台灣非常重要,因此看到美方的誰說了什麼一點話,情緒就受到大幅刺激與波動,不是歡欣鼓舞就是難過得要命,實在大可不必。
如果是真正 #勇敢自信的台灣人,看到今天阿富汗面臨的情況(或說下場),應該是可以 #處變不驚(我們 #中華民國派 喜歡講 #莊敬自強 💪),最應先思考的是如何自立自強、如何提升台灣的籌碼與重要性,來認真檢視各項議題:是否要改革兵役制度、加強台灣的國防戰力,我們的軍事轉型完成了嗎?做對了嗎?我們的兩岸溝通管道暢通嗎?有辦法在周邊出事時保持最基本的聯繫而不誤判嗎?
#國際關係是關乎生與死的學問(”International theory is the theory of survival”— Martin Wight, 1961),需要長期觀察與浸淫才能一窺堂奧。近年來開始有很多專注國際關係的新媒體出現與傳統媒體的投入,這是好事。台灣非常需要了解國際關係,無論是經貿或是更重要的安全層面,更應該隨時保持冷靜思考,不要患得患失、隨媒體或政治人物的誇張言論起舞,因為這關乎我們所有人共同家園的存續,
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🔥🔥【拜登將台灣與北約、日韓並列】 昨天半夜開始,不少標題都報導拜登在ABC News的訪談中,對防衛台灣作出正面清晰表態。當時主持人是問(美方撤軍後)中國嘲諷台灣人「不能靠美國」,拜登提及(美國協防)「對北約、日韓、對台灣都是一樣的」。
👉(主持人)STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
👉(#主持人)斯蒂芬諾普洛斯:你談到了我們的對手,中國和俄羅斯。你看到中國告訴台灣,『看到了嗎?你不能指望美國人。』 (笑)
(和撤軍阿富汗相比)現在說這個 #根本沒有可比性。
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拜登親自回應疑美論: #若有人入侵台灣 #美國會回應!
以下文章出自:US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站
ABC主持人George Stephanopoulos:「你提到我們的對手中國和俄羅斯。你已經看到中國告訴台灣說『看吧?你們不能靠美國人啦。』(笑)」
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
針對此事,布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)資深研究員Caitlin Talmadge在推特上立刻評論:「聽到一位美國總統提到對台灣的承諾時,是和北約、日本和南韓條約盟友並列,是高度不尋常的。」(Highly unusual to hear a US president mention commitment to Taiwan in the same breath as treaty allies NATO, Japan and South Korea)
這不止對「一位美國總統」不尋常,而是對「拜登」本人也不尋常。因為拜登過去就一再強調自己這位見證過《台灣關係法》立法過程的資深參議員,就美國對台灣的承諾細節十分熟悉。最有名的就是在前總統小布希在2001年4月24日一樣接受ABC專訪時聲稱美國會「盡其所能幫助台灣自衛」,當時的參議員拜登就在2001年5月2日在華盛頓郵報上寫了一篇《台灣議題上不那麼機靈》(Not So Deft On Taiwan)的投書。文中「糾正」小布希:「美國過去曾有『戰略模糊』政策,亦即我國保留使用武力守護台灣的權利,但不言明在什麼情況下我國可能或可能不介入台海戰爭。我國現在似乎有個「模糊的戰略模糊」。這不是個進步。」、「在外交事務上,保留使用武力的權利與有義務守護台灣理論上有著天壤之別。總統不該將我國進入台海戰爭的能力自動讓渡給台灣,更不能給中國。」
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★ 10 Things You Didn’t Know About THE 2011 JAPANESE TSUNAMI & TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE: https://youtu.be/VuWTETyzR9Y
★ 10 Things You Didn't Know About JAPANESE RAMEN: https://youtu.be/p4TEixig6Vw
The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster was caused by the massive tsunami triggered by the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11th, 2011. This was a Level 7 nuclear event, comparable only to Chernobyl.
1. Unheeded Warning
Before the disaster even happened, there were industry experts who warned of mega tsunami-generating earthquakes hitting the area every 800 to 1100 years, with the next one being overdue. But those in charge dismissed such warnings.
2. No Good Robots
During the crisis at Fukushima, high radiation levels at the plant made it desperately hard for human workers to do what they needed to do.
Back in 2001, the Japanese had actually developed extremely capable robots that were deemed technical successes, but then a government task force concluded that a Chernobyl-scale disaster was never going to happen in Japan .
The program was shut down and the robots were dismantled or donated.
3. Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant
The Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant was the closest power plant to the earthquake epicentre, yet it successfully withstood the barrage.
While the Fukushima Plant had sea walls up to 5.7 meters, Onagawa had it up to 14 meters.
4. Wrongful Evacuation
Due to miscommunication between the evacuation authorities and the experts who were analysing the fallout, many residents were evacuated from pretty safe areas right INTO the radioactive plume.
5. Evacuation Deaths
More people were killed by the evacuation process in Fukushima
than by the actual earthquake and tsunami, the disaster itself.
People died of fatigue, exhaustion, illness, suicides - losing their homes, not knowing where they would end up, cramped evacuation centres; the whole ordeal was taxing.
6. Geiger-Counter Hobby
After the Fukushima disaster, random radiation hot spots were discovered in unexpected locations.
Radiation levels as high as those in the no-go zone were detected as far as some Tokyo suburbs. This prompted many Japanese residents to take up a new hobby - walking with Geiger-counters through their city or village in search for random radiation levels to report.
7. Animal Guardian
55 year old Naoto Matsumura is the only man brave enough to live in Fukushima’s no-go zone. After the initial evacuation, he returned back
to take care of the animals that were left behind. Not just his animals, but everyone’s.
8. Mutations
There were a few small scale Fukushima discoveries.
9. Human Radiation Effects
No one died from radiation exposure in Fukushima.
And contrary to a well-publicised, yet poorly-executed, study
that made the rounds in 2015, thyroid cancer rates in Fukushima children were actually lower than the national average.
10. Disobedient Hero
Masao Yoshida was the manager of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant and on March 15th 2011, he lead a brave group, now dubbed ‘The Fukushima 50’ into the radioactive trenches.
With cooling systems crippled and having run out of fresh water, Yoshida decided they would pump seawater straight from the ocean into the damaged reactors.
Then corporate headquarters (TEPCO) ordered him to stop the seawater injection. They didn’t want the corrosive seawater to permanently damage their reactors.
Feeling his superiors were inept for risking a colossal radioactive fallout, Yoshida disobeyed the direct order and continued with the seawater injection.
Many experts now agree that his actions on that day
arguably prevented a much greater catastrophe.
We do videos on interesting 'Asiany' topics - Asian stereotypes, Asian pop culture, Asian issues, Asian history, AMWF, and things you just didn't know about Asia!
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Other videos:
How Would You Escape North Korea? (The 7 Choices): https://youtu.be/6A0ZOkMDLw0
10 Things You Didn’t Know About FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR DISASTER: https://youtu.be/HpOG4WFKBZQ
(TOHOKU DISASTER) 東北地方太平洋沖地震 (March 11th)
The most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have hit Japan. A 9.0 magnitude. This of course triggered a massive tsunami that wrecked the north eastern coastline.
Japan was simply not as prepared as they thought they were for such a disaster. If that wasn’t bad enough, there was a Level 7 nuclear emergency at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant comparable to Chernobyl.
1) Every 800 to 1100 Years
From analysing the Holocene sequence in the Sendai area, it’s known that sometime between 1000 BC and 500 BC, a massive tsunami-generating earthquake hit the area.
Then in 1 AD, it hit again.
Over 800 years later, The Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami of 869, devastated the same area in and around Sendai.
That’s 3 events of similar type and magnitude in the same region all in the last 3000 years. This indicates a recurrence interval of 800 to 1100 years. We were due another one...
2) Antarctic Ice
Seismic waves increased the flow of the Whillans Ice Stream in Antarctica, which is essentially a moving ice river. Sea waves, having traveled 13,000 km broke icebergs the size of Manhattan off the Sulzberger Ice Shelf.
3) Planetary Changes
The Earth’s axis shifted by 10 to 25 cm, which changed the tilt of the planet and the length of a day-. That’s right; the redistribution of Earth’s mass shortened our day by almost two microseconds.
4) Costliest Natural Disaster
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, $15 billion
The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, $20.7 billion
Hurricane Katrina in 2005, $45 billion
The 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China, $148 billion
The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan? Over $300 billion
5) Gaman
In Japan, immediately following the earthquake, there was a notable lack of disorder.
People remained calm despite having every right to freak out. They formed orderly lines outside supermarkets even though they were desperate for food. This act of civility is due to what the Japanese call, Gaman.
Gaman means to do one’s best in times of distress, to maintain self control and discipline. There is a national desire to see civility prevail, no matter the circumstances, even when one catastrophe piles onto another.
6) Yakuza Crime Syndicate
Members of the Yakuza, Japan’s organised crime syndicate, helped enforce order on the streets.
7) North Korean Assist
North Korea donated a $100,000 US to the Japanese Red Cross Society, and the late former leader Kim Jong-Il himself sent half a million dollars to Korean residents in Japan caught up in the disaster.
8) Celebrity Aid
All around the world, many celebrities privately donated to the relief effort, including Hikaru Utada, Gackt, AKB48, Girls’ Generation, Jackie Chan, Clint Eastwood, Sandra Bullock, Gwen Stefani, Shakira, Black Eyed Peas, My Chemical Romance, and Lady Gaga.
9) Ghost Passengers
Police have received hundreds of reports from people who have apparently seen ghosts in tsunami-devastated towns. Taxi drivers in particular have reported picking up ghost passengers.
10) Vindicated Mayor
Wamura became the mayor of Fudai, and in 1972, he started construction on a 15.5 meter floodgate. The total cost was 3.56 billion yen. Many residents as well as the village council felt a floodgate of that size was unnecessary. It was reckless spending from a foolish mayor.
The Tohoku tsunami destroying towns along the north eastern coast. Fudai, however, was spared. Wamura’s floodgate had prevented much of the water from coming in. He had saved the town that had doubted him.
Today, Kotaku Wamura is remembered as a hero, the saviour of Fudai.
We do videos on interesting 'Asiany' topics - Asian stereotypes, Asian pop culture, Asian issues, Asian history, AMWF, and things you just didn't know about Asia! At the moment there is particular emphasis on Japan, China and Korea, but in the future we would like to focus on other Asian countries as well.
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