其實頭兩胎我都陀得算輕鬆,不過到今次陀細佬仔就發現個肚明顯大好多,係孕中期已經有腰痛、坐骨神經痛既問題,個肚仲好墜添!所以我就入手左有美國醫療級 FDA註冊既 # Motif #孕康美孕期托腹帶 (Pregnancy Support Band) ,幫手托住我個大孕肚!
Motif 孕康美孕期托腹帶 所用既物料好透氣,戴個時唔覺得侷促,質地好柔軟,設有調壓側帶,隨住懷孕胎兒成長調較尺寸同鬆緊,亦可以用於衣服內外,貼身地托住個肚!
🌟 減輕腹部、下背部、臀部和盆骨的壓力,有助於預防直腸異位
🌟 舒緩懷孕期間引起的腰痛和不適
🌟 減少坐骨神經痛
另外我仲入手埋 #孕康美妊娠漸變壓力襪,非常有彈力既壓力襪,而且質地舒服易著,漸變式壓力設計,唔會緊到箍住箍住咁,可以:
🌟 預防靜脈曲張及腫脹不適
🌟 減少小腿疲勞
🌟 促進血液循環,支持心血管健康
🌟 減輕妊娠及產後浮腫不適
Motif 美國FDA醫療級懷孕托腹帶
Motif 美國FDA醫療級註冊妊娠漸變壓力襪
#motif #medical #maternity #compression #socks #FDA #pregnancy #supportband #孕康美 #美國FDA註冊 #醫療級 #妊娠 #壓力 #內衣系列 #孕期 #漸變 #壓力襪 #懷孕 #新手媽媽 #recovery #garment #托腹帶 #養胎 #腰酸背痛
compression socks pregnancy 在 購物狂媽媽與Noah • Deron • Rafa Facebook 的精選貼文
Motif Medical孕康美產後壓力收腹內衣
C-Section Compression Recovery Garmen
(剖腹產 C-Section)係我用過最好一款。
可以加快產後癒合恢復時間,幫我舒緩盆骨疼痛症狀。而且好貼心地擋分開 C 設計,去廁所都好方便。面料方面都十分透氣(76%尼龍及24%氨綸),成件用左無縫設計,就算著出街都唔覺架!
另外我仲有Motif Medical 孕康美妊娠漸變壓力襪
Maternity Compression Socks
Motif 美國FDA醫療級註冊收腹壓力衣-剖腹產
Motif 美國FDA醫療級註冊妊娠漸變壓力襪
#motif #medical #maternity #compression #recovery #garment #FDA #pregnancy #supportband
#CSection #孕康美 #美國FDA註冊 #醫療級 #妊娠 #壓力 #內衣系列 #孕期 #束腰 #收腹 #壓力內衣 #懷孕 #養胎 #新手媽媽 #剖腹產 #漸變 #壓力襪
compression socks pregnancy 在 Familystaysg Facebook 的最佳貼文
#25weeksd3 - Becoming sleeping beauty during pregnancy is no longer a dream but a dream come true as I slipped on the compression socks by Dr. Scholl - the no1 Japan brand formulated compression socks for the past 8 years!
Have always being using this brand during my flying days while my leg gets swollen and pressured by the gravity and constant walking in the aircraft.
Right now into my 2nd pregnancy trimester, to prevent DVT (yes even on land you may also get it!) I wear this to sleep to alleviates the pain and aches from the heavy tummy - super effective lor!
With the new and improved compression sockings design , I saw the different target areas to relieve the tension built up thru the day and how it's comfortable to wear thru the night - cooling, breatheable and quick drying!
Don't believe me? Get this yourself and give it a try! To achieve good results cannot be lazy, OK?! Plus point, it's so comfortable you won't feel pressured at all, as I'm wearing size L, I highly recommend to get the comfort size rather than a size smaller and it becomes too tight for you.
In collaboration with Dr. Scholl MediQttO, @theasianparent is offering a special 20% discount from 20 March to 19 April. All you have to do is, use this coupon name is "20% Off Dr.Scholl #0" and key-in the password: MEDIQTTO#0 when you click 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻
https://www.qoo10.sg/gmkt.inc/Special/Special.aspx?sid=154915 .