26/6 PMQ 元創方 Open house 有Playright 同其他工作坊~~
【夏日微旅程 - Summer Microadventure – Open House】
日期 Date: 26/6/2016 (星期日Sunday)
時間 Time: 2pm – 5pm
地點 Veune: Marketplace & Courtyard, G/F, PMQ
活動詳情 Details: http://bit.ly/22IUEs8
快來一次暑期熱身活動,讓充滿活力的孩子們到PMQ盡情放電! Open House當日PMQ將化身兒童遊樂園,除了由主理4段旅程的嚮導為大家帶來「夏日微旅程」中的免費體驗:「米」整雪糕! 手作坊、廢棄卡板小木城、竹篾試車場、泥匠小畫家等,更聯同智樂兒童遊協會(Playright),擺下多個遊樂空間,讓孩子多嘗試、多玩樂,啓發小朋友潛能,讓他們學會自主起飛! 歡迎家長與孩子們一齊跳出框框,一起「童行同感」!
- Open House 活動開放予家長及3-11歲孩子免費參加 (部份活動須完成指示,方可參加)。
- 如參與人數眾多,需排隊輪候參與。
- 已報名「夏日微旅程」的家長與孩子憑確認電郵可於當日下午2-3時優先享樂!
Let’s gear up for Summer holiday! PMQ invites you to get sneak peek at its “Summer Microadventures” Open House! Parents and kids will have a free taste of “Summer Microadventures”: make R-ice cream, create little city with unwanted cardboards, bamboo car test run, mud as art canvas! PMQ has also teamed up with non-profit making organization Playright Children’s Association to set up a play corner with interactive games for children aged 3-11. Let Children’s Imagination Run Wild!
- Open for parents & kids aged 3-11. FREE to join on the spot. (while you must complete required action to join for free in some areas)
- Queue up for participation if necessary.
- Successful applicants of “Summer Microadventures” who show the confirmation email could enjoy the early session at 2pm-3pm!
「夏日微旅程」(適合7-11歲孩子與家長參加), 可於網上立即報名
“Summer Microadventures” (For parents & kids aged 7-11) - Register Now:
*putyourself.in is designated as online registration and payment platform in Summer Microadventures
#PMQ #PMQhk #夏日微旅程 #OpenHouse #SummerMicroadventures Playright Children’s Play Association #Childrenplayground #TasteLibrary #LittleRiceCooker Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 KaCaMa Design Lab #BambooRacecars #LammaCorner #WongTinYan #IslandTreeCityWood #CreatefromNature #MontiLai #Workshop #Fun 南丫部落 Lamma Corner Junk Wood Sculpture