[The poorer you are, the more frequent that you see ghost]穆迪下調匯控(HSBC)(*)評級喎,冇乜見人講?
1. 實情十分合理,預咗,所以對股價應該零影響。早幾日下調咗大英帝國主權評級,咁銀行就差不多一定接住。除咗匯控,仲有萊斯(官方譯名叫駿懋),桑坦德都一齊。
2. 至於RBS皇家蘇格蘭(其實而家係國民西敏NatWest)點解冇份?唔知,因為一早係國企?但,都係分開評級的(正如四大中資行同中國主權評級都分開),況且早幾日大英帝國被下調時都唔覺有郁NatWest
3. 下調英國評級嘛,都係嗰幾味。經濟差,債重,保就業但錢從何來?。本人不止一次寫過,MMT(Modern Monetary Theory)係金融巫術。如果你認為真係work嘅,不妨諗下,如果國家可以不停用本幣發債而冇任何後果—咁,仲使乜收稅?
4. 又,換著香港?又成班乜柒學者出嚟講,嘩,發債成本大升呀,利息開支加呀,雪上加霜呀,惡性循環dead spiral呀,外資拋售呀,好多基金要睇住信貸評級呀。
5. 係咯,係咁簡單就好。你不妨睇下美國上次被下調評級後,融資成本有冇升到。「美國點同!」。咁你可以睇下英國,或者香港。再唔係睇下希臘國債而家幾多厘息,睇下見唔見到大嶼山。
6. 又又又真係要講,「評級機構都好信嘅?」。正如今期流行嘅「民調都好信?」,的確,「評級機構都好信?」。中文唔好(英文更差),但即係,credit rating agency 頂多can suggest a price, but cannot enforce it.
7. 實情呢句「評級機構都好信?」,質疑極有道理。雷曼債都AAA啦,係咪?之後的確評級機構大受評擊,政府話要整治云云—轉眼間雷曼爆煲12年,唔知整治咗乜。穆迪當年20蚊,而家300,不停創新高。
8. 事實上呢個商業模式幾好,同Visa/Master一樣,穆迪同標準普洱Duopoly,但因為穆迪「只係」520億美金市值(Visa嘅十份一),一般人根本唔會接觸到,所以唔會畀政府搞。如果信咩共濟呀郭文貴呀阿波羅新聞嗰啲,咁穆迪直頭係美國金融大殺傷力武器添,點會搞佢?「咁點解穆迪下調美國評級?」「苦肉計呀,冇聽過呀?」
9. 以上種種,當然Patreon寫過,可以去訂(https://bit.ly/31QmYj7)。冇錢?買Moody’s啦,都話上市公司。
10. 冇時間睇?「唔緊要,照科水就得」。講真的。今日同讀者食飯,講話到埃汾畀人炒魷(你覺得冇呢一日?再鋒利嘅刀都會生鏽,況且我又唔係未畀人炒過),就應該可以扮村上春樹咁,日本又住幾個月,韓國又住幾個月,泰國又住幾個月咁。靠嘅除咗係科技,當然就係眾多讀者支持。諗到呢度真係令我覺得好幸福。「但未開關喎」「咁……一晚在麗晶大賓館,一晚在麗晶酒店都得嘅」
(*)嚴格嚟講,係HSBC嘅英國unit.係喎,香港又分另一個評級的。因為發債係間銀行發,一般唔係HSBC Group發(得吾得架呢?好似唔得)。唔止講過一次,你做銀行同業嘅,你拆錢畀DBS Bank Hong Kong Branch 同DBS(HK)已經係兩回事。有限公司嘛,理論上後者執笠,前者完全唔使承擔任何債務。Vodafone嗰時阿根廷subsid爭落一身街數,母公司都係有得佢的。並冇母公司要上身呢回事。
Ivan Patreon 狼耳街華人,一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,一個月一舊水唔使,開張兩個月已600人訂!仲有兩篇免費試睇:https://bit.ly/31QmYj7
instagram @ivanliresearch.七成金融(短打)兩成嘢食一成其他嘢。
本星期內特惠售價: $80
客服whatsapp: 63832145
「dbs bank branch」的推薦目錄:
- 關於dbs bank branch 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於dbs bank branch 在 Kaitinghearts Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於dbs bank branch 在 Ann Kok 郭舒贤 Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於dbs bank branch 在 DBS - Take a peek at our revamped Plaza Singapura Branch!... 的評價
dbs bank branch 在 Kaitinghearts Facebook 的最佳解答
What would prepare you better for your next phase of life? For me, I would want to be financially prepared for what’s to come! 💰
As a newlywed who've just moved out, I need to manage my own bills and take note of my expenses. This motivates me to open a new account to set aside funds for future purposes. 💵
After finding out that DBS Bank. Living, Breathing Asia now allows users to open an account online, I was over the moon! 😍
There's no need to queue and spend 45 mins or so to open an account at the branch because now, in just 15 mins or less, I’m able to open a new account online without any hassle! 🔑
Furthermore, I get to do it any time at my own convenience, without having to adhere to the bank branches' opening hours. ⏰
On top of that, #DBS will also give a pair of Shaw Theatres IMAX® tickets when you open an account online! 📽
If you are among the first 140 customers, you will also get an additional $140 in your eligible account. Visit https://go.dbs.com/2rc59Lv for more information. 🤗
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dbs bank branch 在 Ann Kok 郭舒贤 Facebook 的精選貼文
It's always good to do charity!! Pls help if u can!! any amount is good!! :D :D
Fundraising appeal in aid of Oasis Second Chance Animal Shelter – OSCAS. We hope you will be able to support us by donating and sharing this with your friends.
D.O.G.S is embarking on this project to assist OSCAS because the shelter is low profile and will need all the aid they can get to feed over 110 dogs that are currently seeking refuge in the shelter.
Please help us help them. Together, we can make Singapore a better place for these forgotten woofy friends. Do PM us or email Marie at marie@alchemyc.com should you wish to make a donation. *woof*
To do a bank transfer to D.O.G.S, our details are:
Bank: OCBC
Branch Code: 647
Bank Code: 7339
Account No.: 647 169 457 001
(If you are using POSB or DBS bank account to do the transfer, please omit the first 3 digits "647" from the bank account number)
You can also write a cheque to D.O.G.S (Singapore) Limited and Marie will give you the mailing address. :)
dbs bank branch 在 DBS - Take a peek at our revamped Plaza Singapura Branch!... 的推薦與評價
Discover the latest digital innovations in banking. Talk to Pepper, our resident about our Video Teller Machine or take a journey in our ... ... <看更多>
dbs bank branch 在 DBS Bank - DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION @ Plaza Singapura 的推薦與評價
This project is the grand winner of $3000 for DBS Bank's branch banking design competition. Understanding that DBS Bank has been immersed in ... ... <看更多>