中國更是一個特殊個案,一如在2019年,時任美國國務院前政策規劃主任(Director of Policy Planning)斯金納(Kiron Skinner,黑人女士)坦言,中國崛起,是不同文化的衝突(clash of civilizations),更是史上第一次非白人(non-Caucasian)對美國霸權的挑戰!所以美中之爭,何止意識形態那麼簡單?
2017年,哈佛教授Graham Allison出版了《Destined for War: Can America and China escape Thucydides's Trap》一書,提醒了美國需要提防中國的崛起,更可說驅使美國政府走向危險雙邊鬥爭,零和遊戲思維。2018年,美國國防部更首次把中國(跟俄羅斯),提升為對美國最大威脅,取代了之前十多年的所謂恐怖主義。自此,絕非偶然地,美國媒體開始鋪天蓋地,層出不窮的抹黑中國行動。從毫無證據情况下指控華為竊聽,到偏頗的2019年香港暴亂報道,到最離譜的新疆種族滅絕指控,嚴重性逐步升級。近日更開始嘗試推卸自己治疫失敗,超過60萬美國人喪命的責任,轉移視線到中國頭上。在特朗普年代,《紐約時報》、CNN等主流傳媒把COVID來自武漢實驗所意外之說列為缺乏科學證據的陰謀論,但到了今天,在毫無新證據情况下,又突然作出180度改變,不停捕風捉影,亂作故事。
抹黑漸見效果 多國對中國負面印象比例升
國際新聞有報道,但篇幅跟針對新疆的誣告根本沒法比較。我公司有兩個暑期見習生,一個是本港大學生,一個美國大學生,兩個都聰明勤奮,非常留意時事新聞,大部分消息來自Twitter和Instagram等社交媒體。他們兩個都當然聽過對新疆的各樣指控,但竟然他們兩個都從未聽過此宗加拿大進行真正長期種族滅絕的天大新聞!他們自己也非常驚訝,至此才真正明白西方傳媒的極度偏頗!圖1顯示從Google Trend可見到被洗腦的網民,對新疆的興趣遠比加拿大種族滅絕罪行高。
美操控全球傳媒 延續霸權
有些人誤會傳媒只屬較不重要的所謂「軟實力」,重要性始終不及軍事和經濟等所謂「硬實力」。事實上軟硬實力有不可分割的關連性,缺一不可。美國操控全球傳媒帶來的最大好處是幫助美元延續的霸權。40年前,美國GDP佔合球經濟50%,今天已跌至只約23%,若以PPP計算,更已跌至第二,只約15%。美國經濟規模,相對全球不斷縮小,但軍事支出反而瘋狂擴張,每年超過7000億美元,只是F35戰機計劃,已將花驚人的1.7萬億美元。過去20年的窮兵黷武,非法戰爭和種族滅絕,除塗炭數以百萬計生靈外,亦花了額外的6萬億美元以上。赤字本已無窮增長,但上屆政府仍堅持減稅2萬億美元,後來更遇上大疫情,百上加斤,每年財赤躍升至佔GDP的10%以上,總債務更逼近100%。如何解決此辣手難題,答案竟然是長期零利率,再加QE狂印鈔票。不少人如羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)和羅奇(Stephen Roach)等苦口婆心,警告此舉可導致美元大貶值,超級通脹,甚至如古羅馬帝國般的崩潰!
[譚新強 中環新譚]
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過86萬的網紅那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies,也在其Youtube影片中提到,一個人若無法為了所愛而犧牲,就注定會要犧牲所愛。 If one does not sacrifice for what he loves, he is destined to sacrifice what he loves. 復仇者聯盟:無限之戰 (Avengers: Infinity War)...
destined for war 在 Hafiz Hamidun Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sihir tersebut dihantar oleh seorang Yahudi bernama Labid bin Aksam. Ketika itu Nabi pulang dari Hudaibiah. Setelah selesai perang Khaibar, datanglah ketua-ketua Yahudi bertemu Labid, untuk melakukan sihir ke atas Nabi SAW.
Dengan kerjasama daripada seorang budak Yahudi yang juga khadam nabi, mereka telah mencuri sikat rambut Nabi SAW beserta rambut yang terdapat pada sikatnya.
Tukang sihir tersebut membuat patung berupa Nabi SAW daripada lilin, lalu ditikam dengan 11 jarum dan disimpul dengan 11 ikatan dan dicampakkan ke dalam telaga Zarwan, tempat Nabi SAW selalu mandi.
Setelah Nabi SAW mandi di telaga tersebut, ditakdirkan, baginda terkena sihir selama 40 hari.
Satu malam Nabi SAW berdoa kepada Allah. Lalu datang dua malaikat berupa dua orang lelaki menemui Nabi SAW ketika Baginda sedang tidur. Salah seorangnya duduk di sebelah kepala manakala yang seorang lagi di sebelah kaki Nabi SAW.
Maka yang seorang lagi membacakan beberapa ayat dari al-Quran, iaitu Surah ‘Mu’awwidataini’ (Surah Al-Falaq dan Surah An-Nas).
Nabi SAW kemudiannya terjaga dari tidur, lalu mengutus Saidina Ali, Saidina Zubir dan Ammar ibnu Yasir pergi ke telaga tersebut.
Sesampainya di sana, mereka melihat air telaga itu seperti rendaman daun inai kemerah-merahan darah warnanya, manakala pokok kurmanya kelihatan bagaikan kepala-kepala syaitan. Mereka menimba airnya dan mengangkat seketul batu besar, kemudian menemui bungkusan berikat tersebut lalu mereka mengambil dan mengeluarkannya dari telaga itu, seterusnya bungkusan berikat itu disampaikan pada Nabi SAW.
Pada bungkusan tersebut terdapat 11 simpulan bersama sikat, dan 11 jarum.
Kemudian Nabi SAW membaca ‘Surah Mu’awwidataini’ iaitu dua surah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi SAW dalam mimpi semalam.
Setiap kali dibaca satu ayat dari kedua-dua surah tersebut, terurailah satu ikatan, sehinggalah terurai kesemua simpulannya. Maka dengan takdir Allah, Nabi SAW dapat berdiri dan seakan-akan baru terungkai dan terlepas dari belenggu ikatan.
Apabila dicabut pula satu persatu jarum tersebut, terasa sakit dalam tubuh Nabi SAW yang kemudiannya beransur hilang.
Sumber dari MSTAR.
The magic was sent by a Jew named Labid bin Aksam. That time the Prophet came home from Hudaibiah. After the Khaibar war, the Jewish chiefs came to meet Labid, to perform magic on Prophet SAW.
In cooperation from a Jewish boy who also khadam prophet, they stole the hair brush of Prophet SAW along with his hair on his brush.
The witch made a statue of Prophet SAW from a candle, then stabbed with 11 needles and knitted with 11 bonds and thrown into Zarwan's lake, where Prophet SAW always took a bath.
After Prophet SAW bathed in the lake, destined, he was affected by magic for 40 days.
One night Prophet SAW prayed to Allah. Then two angels came, two men found Prophet SAW while He was sleeping. One of them sat on the head while the other one was beside the Prophet SAW.
So the other one recites several verses from the Quran, which is Surah ' Mu ' awwidataini ' (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas).
Prophet SAW then woke up from sleep, then sent Saidina Ali, Saidina Zubir and Ammar ibnu Yasir to the lake.
When they get there, they see the water like the soak of the reddish henna leaves, while the date tree looks like the devil's heads. They took the water and lifted a large piece of stone, then found the allied package and then they picked it up and removed it from the lake, the next packaging was delivered to Prophet SAW.
In the package there are 11 knots with brush, and 11 needles.
Then Prophet SAW read ' Surah Mu ' awwidataini ' which are two verses sent down to Prophet SAW in yesterday's dream.
Every time read a verse from both verses, there is a bond, until it unravels all its knots. So in the destiny of Allah, the Prophet SAW can stand up and as if it has just been released from the shackles of the bond.
When the needle is pulled out one by one, the pain in the body of Prophet SAW which then disappeared.
The source of MSTAR.
destined for war 在 林作 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Black Panther 導演悼念 Chadwick Bosemen 極度真摯的一封信。極度令人感動。What a great man. Calm, assured, always studying. Just like me.
Before sharing my thoughts on the passing of the great Chadwick Boseman, I first offer my condolences to his family who meant so very much to him. To his wife, Simone, especially.
I inherited Marvel and the Russo Brothers' casting choice of T'Challa. It is something that I will forever be grateful for. The first time I saw Chad's performance as T'Challa, it was in an unfinished cut of Captain America: Civil War. I was deciding whether or not directing Black Panther was the right choice for me. I'll never forget, sitting in an editorial suite on the Disney Lot and watching his scenes. His first with Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, then, with the South African cinema titan, John Kani as T'Challa's father, King T'Chaka. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to make this movie. After Scarlett's character leaves them, Chad and John began conversing in a language I had never heard before. It sounded familiar, full of the same clicks and smacks that young black children would make in the States. The same clicks that we would often be chided for being disrespectful or improper. But, it had a musicality to it that felt ancient, powerful, and African.
In my meeting after watching the film, I asked Nate Moore, one of the producers of the film, about the language. "Did you guys make it up?" Nate replied, "That's Xhosa, John Kani's native language. He and Chad decided to do the scene like that on set, and we rolled with it." I thought to myself, "He just learned lines in another language, that day?" I couldn't conceive how difficult that must have been, and even though I hadn't met Chad, I was already in awe of his capacity as actor.
I learned later that there was much conversation over how T'Challa would sound in the film. The decision to have Xhosa be the official language of Wakanda was solidified by Chad, a native of South Carolina, because he was able to learn his lines in Xhosa, there on the spot. He also advocated for his character to speak with an African accent, so that he could present T'Challa to audiences as an African king, whose dialect had not been conquered by the West.
I finally met Chad in person in early 2016, once I signed onto the film. He snuck past journalists that were congregated for a press junket I was doing for "Creed," and met with me in the green room. We talked about our lives, my time playing football in college, and his time at Howard studying to be a director, about our collective vision for T'Challa and Wakanda. We spoke about the irony of how his former Howard classmate Ta-Nehisi Coates was writing T'Challa's current arc with Marvel Comics. And how Chad knew Howard student Prince Jones, who's murder by a police officer inspired Coates' memoir Between The World and Me.
I noticed then that Chad was an anomaly. He was calm. Assured. Constantly studying. But also kind, comforting, had the warmest laugh in the world, and eyes that seen much beyond his years, but could still sparkle like a child seeing something for the first time.
That was the first of many conversations. He was a special person. We would often speak about heritage and what it means to be African. When preparing for the film, he would ponder every decision, every choice, not just for how it would reflect on himself, but how those choices could reverberate. "They not ready for this, what we are doing…" "This is Star Wars, this is Lord of the Rings, but for us… and bigger!" He would say this to me while we were struggling to finish a dramatic scene, stretching into double overtime. Or while he was covered in body paint, doing his own stunts. Or crashing into frigid water, and foam landing pads. I would nod and smile, but I didn't believe him. I had no idea if the film would work. I wasn't sure I knew what I was doing. But I look back and realize that Chad knew something we all didn't. He was playing the long game. All while putting in the work. And work he did.
He would come to auditions for supporting roles, which is not common for lead actors in big budget movies. He was there for several M'Baku auditions. In Winston Duke's, he turned a chemistry read into a wrestling match. Winston broke his bracelet. In Letitia Wright's audition for Shuri, she pierced his royal poise with her signature humour, and would bring about a smile to T'Challa's face that was 100% Chad.
While filming the movie, we would meet at the office or at my rental home in Atlanta, to discuss lines and different ways to add depth to each scene. We talked costumes, military practices. He said to me "Wakandans have to dance during the coronations. If they just stand there with spears, what separates them from Romans?" In early drafts of the script. Eric Killmonger's character would ask T'Challa to be buried in Wakanda. Chad challenged that and asked, "What if Killmonger asked to be buried somewhere else?"
Chad deeply valued his privacy, and I wasn't privy to the details of his illness. After his family released their statement, I realised that he was living with his illness the entire time I knew him. Because he was a caretaker, a leader, and a man of faith, dignity and pride, he shielded his collaborators from his suffering. He lived a beautiful life. And he made great art. Day after day, year after year. That was who he was. He was an epic firework display. I will tell stories about being there for some of the brilliant sparks 'till the end of my days. What an incredible mark he's left for us.
I haven't grieved a loss this acute before. I spent the last year preparing, imagining and writing words for him to say, that we weren't destined to see. It leaves me broken knowing that I won't be able to watch another close-up of him in the monitor again or walk up to him and ask for another take.
It hurts more to know that we can't have another conversation, or Facetime, or text message exchange. He would send vegetarian recipes and eating regimens for my family and me to follow during the pandemic. He would check in on me and my loved ones, even as he dealt with the scourge of cancer.
In African cultures, we often refer to loved ones that have passed on as ancestors. Sometimes you are genetically related. Sometimes you are not. I had the privilege of directing scenes of Chad's character, T'Challa, communicating with the ancestors of Wakanda. We were in Atlanta, in an abandoned warehouse, with bluescreens, and massive movie lights, but Chad's performance made it feel real. I think it was because from the time that I met him, the ancestors spoke through him.
It's no secret to me now how he was able to skilfully portray some of our most notable ones. I had no doubt that he would live on and continue to bless us with more. But it is with a heavy heart and a sense of deep gratitude to have ever been in his presence, that I have to reckon with the fact that Chad is an ancestor now. And I know that he will watch over us, until we meet again.
destined for war 在 那些電影教我的事 Lessons from Movies Youtube 的精選貼文
If one does not sacrifice for what he loves, he is destined to sacrifice what he loves.
復仇者聯盟:無限之戰 (Avengers: Infinity War), 2018
今天這一集影片裡爆雷的地方不多,選擇把重點放在這部片真正的主角 - 大反派Thanos。
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恭喜以下五位抽中漫威官方T-Shirt (黑)一件,以及一個無限手套造型USB (8G)!
Shawn Wu
Lena Lee
Tito MMo

destined for war 在 Ian Bremmer - Destined for War: Can America and China ... 的推薦與評價
Here in Boston with the great Harvard prof Graham Allison. We're talking about his all consuming and concerning book: Destined for War : Can ... ... <看更多>