This Cayman Turtle Center on the Cayman Island in Caribbean not only let tourists swim with and hug turtles, it also sells turtle meat for food!!!😱😱😱
This government-owned facility is farming numerous endangered green turtles. Many tourists from cruise ships all come here and swim with and take selfies with them. Hugging turtles outside of the water is already too much, this turtle center also serves them turtle meat because it is part of the protein source of the locals!!😭😭😭
Eating turtles is not even what upsets the World Animal Protection the most. The way this turtle center farms these turtles is actually animal abuse!! Turtles are solitary animals that can migrate for thousands of km in the ocean in her life. But in here, hundreds of turtles are kept in a small pool and hardly have any space to breathe. They attack each other everyday and most turtles are injured or missing fins. Everyday the workers would have to fish out dead turtles from the pool. There was even a bacteria infection that caused loads of turtle death once! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
They claimed they made conservation efforts. But all they did was to release some farmed hatchlings. This could not only cause some contamination of diseases, but also compromising genetic diversity. They also use this to cover up their animal abuse!!💔💔💔
Traveling with cruise ships often include visiting this kind of centers. It can be hard to discern whether one animal center is good or bad. We MUST resist this particular turtle center!! Let's just meet them in wild without harassing them~~~🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
If I ever find myself traveling to the Cayman Island, I am going to bring tons of ramen noodles because I don't want to risk accidentally eat turtle meat~~~ My heart is broken!💔💔💔