愛德萬(Advantest)正全力搶攻10奈米(nm)先進製程商機。台積電等主要晶圓製造商正緊鑼密鼓研發10奈米及其以下先進製程,帶動龐大設備汰換商機;看好此一市場前景,自動化測試設備(ATE)製造商愛德萬已擴大投入多視角掃描式電子顯微鏡(MVM-SEM)和電子束微影(E-beam Lithography)系統,並積極與晶圓廠展開合作,卡位有利發展位置。
e beam lithography 在 Chapter 1 Electron Beam Lithography 的相關結果
Electron beams can be used to make patterns that are smaller and that show better edge resolution than can the best photolithography. Limited data suggest that. ... <看更多>
e beam lithography 在 Electron beam lithography for Nanofabrication 的相關結果
Electron beam lithography appeared in the late 60s and consists of the electron irradiation of a surface that is covered with a resist sensitive to electrons by ... ... <看更多>
e beam lithography 在 Electron-beam lithography 的相關結果
Electron -beam lithography is the practice of scanning a focused beam of electrons to draw custom shapes on a surface covered with an electron-sensitive film ... ... <看更多>