AIT@40五月「移民與交流月」即將到來,美國在台協會想要恭喜所有已經拿到美國大專院校入學許可的台灣學生,很高興看到這些學生努力付出得到收穫。許多赴美留學的畢業生後來都在世界各地和台灣,成為各行各業的領袖與創新的佼佼者。美國也是台灣學生的留學首選,去年有超過2萬2千名台灣學生在美國念書。AIT馬上就要搬到內湖新館了,我們很期待能在新的辦公室協助您辦理F1學生簽證。#AITat40celebration #EduUSA #移民與交流月
As we prepare for the “AIT@40 Immigration and Exchange” month in May, we would like to congratulate all students in Taiwan who have received offers of admission from a U.S. college or university! It is such an exciting time to see all of the hard work that students put into applications result in admission offers. Graduates of U.S. universities have gone on to become leaders and innovators in many fields around the world, and here in Taiwan. The United States is also a top choice for Taiwan students, with more than 22,000 students studying in the United States last year. AIT will be moving to Neihu over the next few weeks. We are looking forward to assisting your student visa interviews in our new office.
Learn more about studying in the United States:
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eduusa 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
來美國留學的人會發現每年的這個時節,美國大學生甚至全美的球迷都會陷入「三月瘋狂」(March Madness)。「三月瘋狂」指的是美國全國大學籃球聯賽(NCAA)男子甲組(Division 1)籃球錦標賽,賽程從三月中旬持續到四月初。下面這篇文章將有助於了解這項特殊的賽事。明年,如果你有機會進入美國校園,可能也會高聲地為自己的校隊加油,直到嗓子都啞了。
#EduUSA #MarchMadness
If you come to study in the United States, you’ll find that this is the time of year when college students — and much of the rest of the country — become obsessed with March Madness, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Basketball Championship. It lasts from mid-March to early April. This article will help you make sense of this peculiarly American event. And next year, when you’re on a U.S. campus, you just might be screaming yourself hoarse cheering for your team:
eduusa 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
榮譽學會、兄弟會、和姊妹會是美國大學校園生活裡的一部份。一群充滿進取心的大學生在1776年12月5日成立了斐陶斐榮譽學會,該學會是美國最具歷史及最負盛名的榮譽學會。學會的名稱是以「philosophia biou kubernetes 」這句希臘文裡每個字的字首所組成,意思是「哲學,生命的指引」。該學會成立之後,組織成員定期聚會,舉行寫作、辯論、及其他社交活動。他們同時也建立了一套美國榮譽學會、兄弟會、與姊妹會的運作傳統與符號象徵:秘密誓言、行為規範、希臘或拉丁文的訓言、和入會儀式。如果你在美國留學,可以考慮以加入學校的榮譽學會為目標,你也有機會成為斐陶斐的一員喔。更多資訊請見:
#TodayinHistory #EduUSA #EducationUSATaiwan
Honors societies, fraternities, and sororities are part of college life in the United States. Established by a group of enterprising undergraduates on December 5, 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is America’s oldest and most prestigious academic honors society. Its name is formed from the initial letters of the Greek words for philosophia biou kubernetes, meaning "Philosophy, the Guide of Life." After its founding, members met regularly to write, debate, and socialize. They also established the practices and symbols typical of American honors societies, fraternities and sororities: an oath, a code of laws, mottoes in Greek and Latin, and an initiation ritual. If you are a student, think about working toward and joining an honor society at school. Someday you may be a Phi Beta Kappa! Learn more: