China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China would work with the US on a "soft landing of the Afghan issue" to promote stability and prevent the country from becoming a humanitarian disaster and breeding ground for terrorism.
Wang also objected to the October 2020 removal of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movements (ETIM) from the United State’s list of “terror organizations" which China called a double-standard. China charges ETIM has trained members to sneak into China and carry out terrorist activities.
The statement from China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said the two countries should find places to cooperate but warned that the United States could not count on China’s support and cooperation while impeding China’s “legitimate rights and interest.”
Political risk analyst Henry Storey of the Lowy Institute tells me: "China is really quite worried that the instability and chaos on the ground in Afghanistan, factored with the Taliban's previous relationship, and indeed ongoing relationship with the East Turkistan Islamic Movement."
Here's how China is navigating the return of the Taliban after the US's hasty departure from Afghanistan.
factored in 在 Diyanarazip Facebook 的最佳解答
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來 早安 12/24 愛德恩盤前素懶
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(+)國巨資源整合 強化戰力
(+)鴻海旗下天鈺、訊芯、帆宣 繳佳績
( = ) 穩懋再砸14.64億元 擴建養豬場 豬農
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四. 其他
(+) 券商調升8299群聯 2409友達 3661是心目標價
早上工作一小時的精華都給你了 請各位幫我按讚分享出去阿!!!
愛德恩感謝你 穩一個 ~~~~~~~~ Cheers.
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Our 3D representation. Given a single 2D image (a) we infer a 3D representation which is factored in terms of a set of objects inside an enclosed volume. ... <看更多>