Congratulations !!
#finalexam #risebakers #professionalclass
最後一關!經四個月訓練,RISE 第一批初級班學員剛完成畢業考試,到底他們能否通過
#RISE技術總監、 #前法國藍帶學校技術總監StephaneReinat
#前四季酒店糕餅主廚、 #BreadElements創辦人GregoireMichaud
七月八日公佈畢業考試成績,當天我們將舉辦【畢業派對】,誠邀各有興趣的人士參與,屆時大家可以和新晉烘焙師們一起慶祝和親嘗RISE 的各式包點
日期:8 July 2017
時間:11:00 - 13:00
地點:Unit 304, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
有意參與請致電 2703 9388
Can our students pass the tests of the 3 master chefs?
After 4 months of training, our dear students have just finished the final exam, can they pass the final chanllenge successfully?
#RiseTechnicalDirector, Former TechnicalDirectorOfLeCordonBleuCulinaryInstitute #StephaneReinat
#FormerPastryChefofFourSeasonsHotelHongKong, #FounderOfBreadElementsGregoireMichaud
Under the examinations of the 3 master chefs, can our students reach the Le Cordon Bleu benchmarks?
The results will be announced in our graduation party, you are cordially invited to the party, enjoy our great bakeries and give the warmest congratulations to our graduates!
Date: 8th July 2017
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Address: Unit 304, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Inquiries please contact: 2703 9388
#RiseBakers #bakingclass #烘焙 #烘焙班 #烘焙課 #新鮮出爐 #breakfast #早餐 #hkig #hk #hkfood #bakery #Baking #BakingTips #bakingtime #bakingfun #bakingworkshop #BakingCourse #foodie #bread #sweettooth #麵包 #法國麵包 #手作麵包 #法包