2020 IGCSE / IAS / IAL / O Level取消
#motd #moodoftheday #20200324
有史以來第一次,以上公開考試,包括早前宣佈取消的GCSE / A Level / IB,全球大型公開考試,今年全部取消。
受影響的學生,仍會收到公開試的評級及證書 — 是以其本身就讀學校所提供之最佳證明,以評定學生成績。
取消IGCSE / IAL全文:
Update from Cambridge International on May/June 2020 exams
23 Mar 2020
The situation with the Covid-19 outbreak is changing rapidly. In recent days, many more countries have decided to extend school closures into May and June, making it impossible for many of our schools to hold examinations.
We have been consulting closely with our global community of schools, who need as much certainty as possible at an uncertain time. Our priority is to protect the safety and wellbeing of our students and teachers, ensure fairness for all our students and support them in continuing with their education.
Today, therefore, we have taken the difficult decision not to run our international examinations in the May/June 2020 series in any country. This includes Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge AICE Diploma and Cambridge Pre-U.
We recognise that students have been working very hard towards these exams. We will be working with schools to assess students’ achievements using the best available evidence. Students will receive a grade and a certificate from Cambridge International, given the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their programmes of study. This will ensure students do not face disadvantage as a result of these extraordinary circumstances.
We will provide guidance to schools on how students will receive those grades. We are talking to universities worldwide, and they are factoring these unprecedented circumstances into admissions decisions, so students can continue with their education journeys as soon as possible.
We are also aware of the impact the situation may have on student motivation and learning. Many of our schools are working hard to deliver teaching online to support their students’ learning. We will continue to offer a wide range of support and resources for schools, teachers and students on our dedicated pages on our website at
We will provide an update for schools on Thursday 26 March and as regularly as possible. We know that schools will need clear guidance very soon, and we are working around the clock on how to deliver valuable outcomes to students in the many countries where we work.
For more information, including details about the Checkpoint series please visit our FAQ pages.
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MathMan喺IG Stories玩問答,其中有個關於【神技】嘅觀點,啟發我寫呢篇文,略為補充一下佢嘅觀點。
神技對考生嘅重要性,可以寫一篇論文,IG Stories講唔曬,我補充一下:
(一)確保計算正確(🔥穩健度)。大家都知考試係會比平時緊張,careless mistakes好易出曬嚟,平時做功課可以揭去書後面對答案,但考試無得對,做嘅時候好無安全感。(😚對情荳初開嘅年青人嚟講,有咩重要得過安全感?)神技可以確保做完包保有分。舉個例,計sum of roots product of roots嗰啲,用program根本個a同b都喺手,照撳出嚟就係答案,未交卷都可以幫自己Tick定先。
(二)攞分唔使識得計(💧簡易度)。雖然學MathMan話齋,唔係所有題目,乜都唔識一撳都出到答案,但事實上真係有好多題目係得嘅。卷一卷二都有,卷二(MC)特別多。舉個例,代「兀」同「e」落去啲 simplify/factorize/transform 嘅題目嗰度,係完全唔使計都出到答案,而且100%正確,只要你有手指撳機就啱。仲有其他林林總總嘅技巧,加加埋埋每年MC都用到至少20題,非常誇張。呢個係DSE MC卷結構上嘅漏洞,有啲concept要考就一定要咁出,所以禁不了。(你依家明點解其他國際考試唔考MC)
各位同學要記住:DSE係一試定結果,即係踢世界盃決賽。考試嘅時候,你可能會病,每年都見唔少,就算唔病,都會緊張。生心理狀態會令你計得無咁快、多咗careless mistake、遺忘咗啲學過嘅嘢,打個比喻就好似飲醉酒咁。
概念我當然明,但唔要失手,就好沉重。大家應該見唔少老師教書計錯數,其實錯係人之常情,聖人都有錯。我接納自己嘅冒失,所以先更加要藉助神技,提升準確度,務求一寫就啱;就算唔得,都縮短計算時間,騰出更多時間,用驗算神技,搵返啲難以避免嘅careless mistake出嚟。
當年我中七考Applied Maths嗰陣,我係感住冒、發住燒,燒住華氏101度咁考。我好記得卷二用神技驗算嗰陣,發現差唔多題題都有錯,又錯負號、又撳錯機、又寫漏次方……剛好停筆嗰下我先改曬(停筆後用多咗一兩秒🤣)。
好啦,咁係咪所有神技都有用呢?肯定唔係!呢個世界係咁,總有人濫竽充數,總有人巧立名目,總有人欺世盜名。好多天皇教嘅神技,都係Junk Skills,即係垃圾--喺佢自己出嘅Mock卷先用得著,或者十世先出一次,或者要留意好多condition先用得著,又或者其實有更易嘅正常方法解決……以備試嘅角度嚟講,學嚟係嘥時間。
我相信MathMan指嘅神技,其實係指呢一種Junk Skills,天皇為咗出新嘢,夾硬搵嘢教,結果黔驢技窮,由God Skills教到Junk Skills。
神技本質上一定係好,贏【⚡速度】贏【🔥穩健度】贏【💧簡易度】,ManMath係奧數高手,一定明白。問題係同學你要識選材,學啲能夠幫你增值嘅Skills,而唔好學啲Junk Skills。
Why not Both?
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只需3科IAL即符合入大學最低要求,而且沒有必修科目,令選科有更大的自由度。 想睇全片及更多分享, ... Edexcel IAL成績優異學生分享: DSE以外的另一個選擇 ... ... <看更多>
ial成績 在 Pearson Hong Kong 培生香港- Edexcel IAL成績優異學生分享: 擴闊 ... 的推薦與評價
Edexcel IAL成績優異學生分享: 擴闊視野重新向理想出發. 讀果科唔係自己心儀科目?如果命運能再選擇? Edexcel IAL 考試廣受本地和海外大學認可,而且官方網站提供充足 ... ... <看更多>