哥倫比亞大學工程學院院長瑪麗·博伊斯(MaryC. Boyce)表示:“我們很高興能請到張亞勤博士(Dr.Ya-Qin Zhang)給我們的畢業生做演講,以此來紀念這一重要的里程碑。”她談到:“我們的畢業生將進入一個變化的世界,他們也將成為時代變化的締造者。學生們將受益張亞勤博士的觀點,其非凡職業道路也將鼓舞學生們。”(引用哥倫比亞大學新聞報導)
尊敬的Bollinger校長, Boyce院長,家長們,同學們,大家好。
對於那些學習過熱力學第二定律的人來說,“熵”這個術語一定不陌生,它表示動態系統中的混沌程度(Chaos)。資訊理論的創始者Claud Shannon將這一概念擴展到了資訊的不確定性和隨機性。可以說,2020屆畢業生是被賦予“熵”值最高的一屆。未來的不可預測和混沌程度都是前所未有的。對你們如此,對我們所有人也是如此。
與你們的交流令我回想起我的學生時代和年輕時的工程師工作經歷。1990年畢業後,我的第一份工作是開發演算法,壓縮圖像和視頻,完成遠端傳輸,對國際標準MPEG和H.26x做出一點小貢獻:MPEG和H.26x也是如今Netflix、YouTube、Skype和Zoom等流行視頻應用程式的重要基礎。在過去的三十年裡,我有幸一直在激動人心的創新技術中徜徉, HDTV、自動駕駛、人工智慧和雲計算等等。在這一路走來,收穫的不僅是無窮的樂趣,也有超凡的艱辛。我想跟同學們分享我的三個體會:
2) 要擁有獨特的觀點和視角。當你們進入現實世界,會自然而然的開始被“打磨”,去遵循已有的趨勢,融入他人。我懇請你們保持自己的尖銳、棱角和與眾不同。當我與年輕工程師面聊時,我期待他們的觀點、他們的“熵”、他們鮮活的想法,這些遠比圓滑、打磨、“正確”要重要得多。
3) 無論做什麼事情,要秉承道德和人性。兩千多年前,偉大的希臘思想家蘇格拉底將道德作為追求真理的靈魂。大約同一時期,偉大的中國哲學家孔子把人性的“仁義”作為社會結構的基礎。在截然不同的文化下,兩位偉大思想家所見略同,並非巧合。今天,當我們面臨更多選擇、迷茫和誘惑時,這一點就變得更加重要。技術是中立的,但創新者是有使命的。技術是工具,但技術人員是為人類服務的。院長Mary Boyce對哥倫比亞工學院提出的願景“技術以人為本”是工程學的核心,也是我們工程師和技術人員的宗旨。
百度作為科技巨頭,向全球超過20億人提供包括移動互聯網和雲計算等服務,張亞勤曾負責智慧駕駛、雲計算、新興業務和公司的技術部門。是一位廣受讚譽的科學家和技術專家和創新領導者。他是聯合國、世界經濟論壇和許多公共論壇的領導人和發言人,積極討論新技術對社會變革性的影響以及如何縮小數位鴻溝。2018年,他帶領百度成為第一家加入國際人工智慧道德組織AI (PAI)的中國公司,目前也是全球最大自動駕駛開源平臺Apollo理事會的主席。
加入百度之前,張亞勤擔任了16年Microsoft的高管,任公司全球資深副總裁和微軟亞州研究院院長。2011年,他在中國創立了微軟風險投資加速器(Microsoft VentureAccelerator)。作為中國最有活力的創業引擎之一,該加速器已經幫助孵化了200多家公司。
哥倫比亞大學工程學院院長瑪麗·博伊斯(MaryC. Boyce)表示:“我們很高興能請到張亞勤博士(Dr.Ya-Qin Zhang)給我們的畢業生做演講,以此來紀念這一重要的里程碑。”她談到:“在這個非凡的時代,沒有人能夠更好地講述技術在我們生活中扮演的角色,來描述技術在創造一個更緊密、更安全、更有創造力的人類社會中的潛力。無論工作還是社交,我們比以往任何時候都更加依賴技術來保持聯繫,我們的畢業生將進入一個變化的世界,他們也將成為時代變化的締造者。學生們將受益張亞勤博士的觀點,其非凡職業道路也將鼓舞學生們。”
張亞勤在12歲進入中國科技大學少年班,並獲得電氣工程學士和碩士學位。之後前往美國獲得喬治華盛頓大學的理學博士學位。他畢業于哈佛大學高管商業課程,在職業生涯的早期,曾擔任新澤西州普林斯頓(現為SRI)的Sarnoff Corp多媒體實驗室總監,還曾是GTE Labs(現為Verizon)的高級技術人員。
Leading in times ofuncertainty
President Bollinger, Dean Boyce, Parentsand Students:
I am honored to be here at this veryspecial occasion, at a very special time, in the most special form. First, abig congratulation to the class of 2020 for your remarkable accomplishments. Youmade it!
I am also a proud parent of Columbia.My son is a rising junior at the engineering school, and my daughter is also aclass 2020 for the business school. I share the immense joy and incrediblepride with all the parents, we all made it too!
This is undoubtedly the mostchallenging and uncertain time in our living memory.
We see the staggering pace ofinnovation and the transformative power of the fourth industrial revolution,with technology breakthroughs such as artificial intelligence, nano-technology,quantum computing, and 5G advanced communications.
We also see the sudden disruption andcatastrophic impact of the once-in-a-century pandemic at a global scale thatchallenges the very foundation of our social fabric, economic structure, andlife style.
For those of you who have learned the 2ndlaw of thermodynamics, you know the term “entropy”, which represents degree of chaosin a dynamic system. Claud Shannon, the founding father of information theory,extended this notion to measure information uncertainty and randomness. It’s fair to say that the Class of 2020 is the one that is “given” the highest entropy. The level ofunpredictability and chaos is unprecedented for you -- and for all of us.
Talking with you reminds me of my earlyyears as a student and young engineer. My first job after graduation in 1990was developing algorithms to compress imagery and video for remote transmission,essentially to extract the maximum entropy. The work eventuallycontributed in a small way to a set of international standards known as MPEGand H.26x, the base for today’s popular video applications used in Netflix, YouTube, Skype andZoom. Over last three decades, I had the distinct opportunity to work on someof the most exciting technologies such as HDTV, autonomous driving, AI, and cloudcomputing. I have had the wildest ride with not only a great deal of fun, butalso extraordinary hardship along the way. Let me share with you three of mypersonal learnings:
1) Be an adaptive learner in the world of dataexplosion and constant change. In today’s fast changing technology industry, most of what you learned fiveyears ago is irrelevant. The most valuable skill you’vegained at Columbia is the ability to learn new things, to discern the signalfrom the noise, and to extract entropy from the ocean of data. One routine Ifind particularly helpful is to commit just 10 minutes each morning and prioritize3 things – anything new and important to me – to learn that day.
2) Have a unique point of view and perspective. When you get into the realworld, there is a natural tendency to become “polished”, to follow existing trends, and toblend in with the rest.
I ASK you tomaintain your sharpness, your edge, and your differences. When I interviewpeople, particularly young engineers, I look for their point of view, theirentropy, and their flash of ideas, which to me is far more important than beingsmooth, polished or “correct”.
3) Hold Ethics and humanity at theheart of what you do. Over 2000 years ago, the great Greek thinker Sock-ruh-tease put ethics as the soul forthe pursuit of truth. Around the same time, the great Chinese philosopher Confuciusplaced “Renyi”, whichessentially means humanity, as the foundation for social structure. It is nocoincidence that two of the greatest minds from vastly different cultures hadthe same idea. This has become even more critical today as we all face morechoices, confusion, and temptations. Technology is neutral, but innovatorshave purpose. Engineering is a tool, but engineers serve humanity. “Engineering for Humanity”, the vision set byDean Mary Boyce for Columbia engineering is the very core of engineering andwhat engineers are all about.
My youngfriends, this is the defining moment for you, for you to rise, to shine andanswer the historic call of duty, with not only your talent, spark andinnovations, but also compassion, courage and humanity.
Congratulations again, Class 2020 !
industrial revolution impact 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的精選貼文
Sáng sớm nay một bạn Schofans cùng tên có inbox nhắn cảm ơn chị Hoa Dinh và Page Scholarship for Vietnamese students. Bạn ấy mới đi Kuala Lumpur về theo chương trình CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders được tài trợ toàn phần. Cơ hội ra nước ngoài không mất phí là chuyện nhỏ nhưng quan trọng hơn chỉ trong thời gian ngắn Hoa đã làm quen được với rất nhiều bạn bè quốc tế và đã học hỏi được rất nhiều điều bổ ích cho bản thân. Chị tin rằng đây chỉ là bước khởi đầu, chắc chắn bạn ấy sẽ giành được rất nhiều học bổng khác trong tương lai. Cùng chúc mừng Hoa và Schofans nhà mình cùng cố gắng thêm nha. À bật mí là trong đoàn Việt Nam còn có 1 bạn Volunteer của page mình đó. Schofans chịu khó Like, See First page để không bỏ lỡ cơ hội nào ha.
Chị trích lại những bài học mà Hoa nhận được để chia sẻ với mọi người nhé, đặc biệt chú ý phần các ngành nghề và kĩ năng cần thiết trong tương lai ở cuối. Link bài viết: https://www.facebook.com/notes/hoa-nguy%E1%BB%85n/cyal-2018-brief-notes-and-highlighted-moments/10156418943876187/
Related links:
UCTC UKM official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/uctcukm2014/
CIMB Foundation official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/cimbfoundation/
News of CYAL 2018 on BH Online: News- BH Online
Scholarship finding page: Scholarship for Vietnamese students
Here is the key notes that I found most impressed with, and would like to share to my friends, relations, as well as anyone who want to try practicing to “Think ASEAN”, “Act Sustainably” or just simply understand the importance of and are curious to know more abt the “ Green, prosperous lifestyle of a Smart City”.
1. ASEAN Identity and Unity
Dr. Wahiza Wahi
- To drive social changes, it is vital to engage people in the society. There are 2 key indicators:
o Whom to engage.
o How many people to be on board.
- Base of Social Engagement: Emotional Commitment (EC)
o EC caused from shared goals among people.
o To go as a team in a long run, a part from EC, you have to build credibility as well (delivering your responsibilities on time).
2. Think City
Dr. Neil Khor
Programme Director, Southern Region
Think City Bhd
- Why City?
o Future trend: the growing population of large cities àmore than 60% of the population will live in cities in 2050. (*)
o Basic elements of societies, where you can create the smallest sustainable ecosystem unit for citizens.
- Smart City: Transformation from conventional cities into smart cities by replacing manual tasks by smart applications.
o How machines have changed the way human work, contact, engage, etc. àneed to evolve and participate in this 4.0 revolution.
o Considering SDGs as the common goals worldwide (previously we had MDGs, but have switched into SDGs since 2015 as MDGs applied primarily to least developed/poor countries, while the new SDG goals set targets that call all countries to action, no matter how developed).
o Recommendation: Using Crystal Ball as a digital platform for analytics and making predictions.
- Smart City Fundamentals:
o Smart Energy
o Smart Mobility
o Smart Water
o Smart Public Services
o Smart Buildings
o Smart Data Center
==> Smart Collaboration:
Planning & Design
Solution Implementation
Operation & Optimization
Business models & Financing
- Smart Digital City: In 4.0 era, digital facets become more essential to evolve conventional cities.
o Low carbon city concept
o E.g. of smart cities: Singapore & Curitiba
- Smart Digital City concepts & Business Impact
o Block chain Technology:
No Third-party Involvement
Trusted transactions
Reduce cost
No single point of Failure
Real-time tracking
Unalterable Copied only
o Business Impacts:
Digital Transformation Strategy à[Social Media Mkt & Branding] + [Digital Mkt] + [Brand & Product Mkt] à[Advertising Business Mkt] àGreen Product àGreen Services
3. Sustainability City Plan and Dev. from Industry Perspective
En Ismail Hj Abdullah
President & CEO
International Green Training Centre
- Sustainable City Framework:
o Policy Objectives & Planning
o Spatial Data & Indicator Dimensions
o [Urban Form + Economy + Resource Efficiency + Environment + People]
o Climate Change (Low Carbon & Resilience)
o Governance
- Sustainable Cities Index:
o People (Social)
o Planet (Environment)
o Profit (Economic)
(Reference: ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index)
- ARCADIS Sustainable cities indicators for economic pillar
o Transport infrastructure and traffic congestion
o Ease of doing business
o Tourism volume
o GDP per capita
o Global economy networks ranking
o Broadband connectivity
o Employment rates
- Sum-up notes:
o Sustainable city development requires the participation of all stakeholders in the society, including city councils, citizens and industries players.
o Sustainable city development from industry perspective requires comprehensive assessments of social, economic and environmental costs.
4. Smart City- Issues & Challenges
Prof. Dato’ Dr. K. Sopian
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), UKM
Ar. Chan Seong Aun
Makaysian Green Building Federation (MGBC)
- Strategies to bring renewable into the cities
o Capacity building, awareness & educational programme
o Infrastructure development & Market enhancement programme
o Effective policies & enhancement of financial mechanism
o R&D and industrial interactions (Competitive industries)
- Fyi: CO2 green building index
5. CIMB Sharing- Sustainability
Sieh Luanne, Hussam Sultan
CIMB Group
- CIMB’s Sustainability Focus across 5 major buckets:
o Sustainable business
o Sustainable action
o Governance & Risk
o Stakeholder Engagement & Advocacy
o Corporate social responsibility (CSR)*
- CIMB has worked on various projects to drive positive impact in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) space.
6. FORWARD Your Leadership Skills for the Workforce of Tomorrow
Tengku Dato’ Sri Zafrul Aziz
CIMB Group
- Situation: The pace of innovation is accelerating àdeveloping trends are causing Disruption
A. Banking Industry
- Banking disrupted by multiple players:
o Challenger banks
o Platform players
o Fintechs
- Bank of the future: Key characteristics
o Embrace technology
o Explore partnership
o Enhance analytics
==> Digitizing the core: Create a holistic & consistent digital multi channel- multi product sales experience across MIST
B. Jobs opportunities
- New opportunities regarding to Digital/ Big data/Architect/ Engineer/ Healthcare, etc. that machines cannot replace.
- Skillsets required in the new age of technology:
o Creative and Innovation
o Leadership
o Emotional Intelligence
o Adaptability
o Problem Solving
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industrial revolution impact 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳貼文
【2018 APAIE教育者年會:深耕亞太,接軌全球】
OIA Delegates Attend 2018 APAIE Annual Conference
國際處叢肇廷總監、林家安幹事與林侑昕幹事於3月25日至3月29日,前往新加坡參加亞太教育者年會(The Asia-Pacific Association for International Education)。本屆年會為三大教育者年會之一,此次年會主題為「The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Higher Education in the Asia Pacific」,共計58國、超過2,200位國際教育者參與,來自全球大專院校共設置超過200個攤位。此行以加強國際合作、推廣短期班計畫、洽談交換教授計畫、雙聯學位計畫及提升交換生計畫品質為目標,並首度以校名「國立臺灣大學」設置獨立攤位;叢肇廷總監代表本校主持並發表兩場演講,介紹臺大國際化發展策略的推動與改革。
教育年會期間,本校與近70所全球頂尖學校代表進行會談,會面姊妹校包括多倫多大學、東京大學、京都大學、早稻田大學、馬來西亞國立大學、朱拉隆功大學、新加坡國立大學、南洋理工大學、澳洲國立大學與紐西蘭奧克蘭大學等;此外,亦積極開拓非姊妹校之夥伴,如美國哥倫比亞大學、日本市立橫濱大學與英國布里斯托大學。除與姊妹校會談之外,叢肇廷總監代表本校與韓國高麗大學、美國羅徹斯特大學(University of Rochester)聯合主講「區域政治趨勢對國際學生流動之影響」(The Impacts of Geo-political Trends on International Student Mobility);叢肇廷總監與在座聽眾分享臺灣高等教育的南向政策與培英計畫,美國羅徹斯特大學闡述該校在川普的旅行禁令下(Travel Ban)如何完善國際學生之照顧。另一場與雪梨大學(University of Sydney)及加州大學系統(University of California Education Abroad Program)共同演講「國際化發展策略—推動學術參與」(Innovative Faculty Engagement in Internationalization),於會談中發表臺大四年來舉辦多場與重點姊妹校雙邊聯合會議之成果,吸引不少大學代表提問。兩場論壇皆為本年度臺大參與提案投稿後脫穎而出,除了提升臺大的能見度及聲望外,更為臺灣高等教育立下標竿。
藉此次APAIE於新加坡舉辦之便,本校受邀參加Yale-NUS College舉辦姊妹校活動。本校於2017年甫與該校締結交換學生合作協議,並已陸續有姊妹校學生到本校交換。Yale-NUS College相較於新加坡其他知名頂尖大學,聚焦於小班教學,著重個人獨立性與職涯發展,且為全英文授課,為學生打造合適的求學旅程。除此之外,該校學生可以選修新加坡國立大學開設之課程,並享有新加坡國立大學學生所擁有的資源,目前也積極與耶魯大學開拓實習合作項目。國際處代表藉此機會了解此新興學校之校園國際化策略,同時參訪學生生活環境,本校下一學年度將開放交換生申請前往該校,亦期許能更加深化兩校未來之合作。
During March 25–29, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) Director for Global Engagement Andrew Tsung along with two OIA managers attended the 2018 Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Annual Conference in Singapore. The theme of the conference was “The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Higher Education in the Asia Pacific.” A total of 2,200 international affairs administrators from 58 countries took part in this conference, setting up more than 200 booths. The aims of the delegation were to strengthen international cooperation, promote short-term programs, discuss the details of faculty exchange programs and dual degree programs, and improve the quality of student exchange programs. It was also the first time that NTU set up an independent booth.
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