#1. 67 Synonyms & Antonyms for INITIATE |
synonyms for initiate · begin · commence · inaugurate · institute · launch · open · set up · take up ...
#2. 108 Synonyms and Antonyms of INITIATE - Merriam-Webster
Some common synonyms of initiate are begin, commence, inaugurate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean "to take the first step in a course, process, ...
#3. Initiate Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus
initiate · 1 (verb) in the sense of begin. Synonyms. begin · commence. get under way. kick off (informal). launch · open · originate. set in motion. start · 2 ( ...
#4. Best 72 synonyms for initiate - Thesaurus
The best 72 synonyms for initiate, including: inaugurate, open, induct, introduce, start, instate, admit, receive, cause, establish, indoctrinate and more.
#5. What is another word for initiate? - Synonyms - WordHippo
What is another word for initiate? · Verb · To set up or establish · To inaugurate into an office or an organization, especially ceremonially · To cause to be ...
#6. Synonyms of initiate in English -
verb · 1'the government has initiated an extensive programme'. SYNONYMS. begin, start off, commence, take action on, usher in · 2'he had been newly initiated into ...
#7. Initiate Definition & Meaning |
synonym study for initiate. 1. See begin. OTHER WORDS FROM initiate. in·i·ti·a· ...
#8. Initiate Synonyms & Antonyms
initiate verb. Synonyms: introduce, give entrance to · initiateverb. Synonyms: indoctrinate, instruct, teach · initiateverb. Synonyms: begin, commence, inaugurate, ...
#9. INITIATE (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of INITIATE (noun): someone who has recently joined an organization. ... initiate Definitions and Synonyms. noun countable. UK /ɪˈnɪʃiət/ ...
#10. initiate synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'initiate': bring about, trigger, form, invent, develop, inaugurate, get/set/start the ball rolling, make, start off, lead to.
#11. Initiate synonyms, initiate antonyms -
Synonyms for initiate in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for initiate. 110 synonyms for initiate: begin, start, open, launch, establish, institute, pioneer, ...
#12. Another word for INITIATE > Synonyms & Antonyms
Before the court can act, you must initiate a lawsuit against your husband. 2. Verb, non-3rd person singular present. Short deadlines are known to create a ...
#13. INITIATE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
initiate definition: 1. to cause something to begin: 2. to teach someone ... Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press) ...
#14. initiate - English Thesaurus
initiate - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. All Free.
#15. Synonym - Wikipedia
For example, in the English language, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another: they are synonymous .
#16. Reverso - initiate synonym | English synonyms dictionary
initiate synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'initiative',initial',initiation',intimidate', definition.
#17. initiate - Dictionary Definition :
As a verb, initiate means to start. As a noun, initiate refers to someone who has been inducted into a group. ... synonyms: lead up. see moresee less.
#18. Initiate synonyms - 1 361 Words and Phrases for Initiate
thesaurus · related · narrower · broader · similar · sound like · rhymes. Types Parts of speech. Tags. 1 361 other terms for initiate.
#19. What is another word for initiate? - Shabdkosh
Here are the synonyms for initiate, a list of similar words for initiate from our thesaurus that you can use. · activate · actuate · arrange · attempt · constitute ...
#20. Initiate - definition of initiate by The Free Dictionary
Define initiate. initiate synonyms, initiate pronunciation, initiate translation, English dictionary definition of initiate. tr.v. in·i·ti·at·ed ...
#21. INITIATE Synonyms - PastTenses
Find initiate synonyms list of more than 30 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for initiate in English.
#22. Initiate Synonyms -
More 2000 Initiate synonyms. What are another words for Initiate? Start, inaugurate, begin. Full list of synonyms for Initiate is here.
#23. Synonym for begin is "initiate" - synonyms and words
The synonym begin synonymous definition words: initiate, undertake, commence, embark, enter upon, institute, open, originate.
#24. Power Verbs For Your Resume - UNI Career Services
Initiated. Pioneered. Supervised. Changed. Enlisted. Inspired. Promoted. Trained. Conducted. Envisioned. Involved. Raised. Transformed. Directed. Fostered.
#25. 'Initiate' Synonym For 'Start'?
Would 'initiate' be an appropriate synonym for 'start' in the following sentence? May I come into the car and start the engine?
#26. initiate Antonym & opposite meaning - Doubtnut
Defination : A new member of an organization. Synonyms for initiate. Antonyms for initiate. Follow Us: linkedin social icon · youtube social icon.
#27. Synonyms for INITIATE -
initiate (noun); newcomer (noun); other relevant words (noun); recruit (noun); admit (verb); begin (verb); break in (verb); brief (verb); commence (verb) ...
#28. Synonym of initiate - Idioms Proverbs
Dictionary of similar words, Different wording, Synonyms, Idioms for Synonym of initiate.
#29. initiate in Marathi initiate meaning | KHANDBAHALE.COM
initiate meaning in Marathi is a translation of initiate in Marathi dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word initiate.
#30. Initiate meaning in Hindi - इनिटियाते मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
initiate इनिटियाते / इनइतियाते / इंजितियाते ... of Initiate in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages ...
#31. initiate synonyms - Ichacha
initiate's synonyms are:enlightened, learned person, pundit, s..., what's the synonyms of initiate, click to show the full list of synonyms for initiate.
#32. Initiate synonym by Babylon's thesaurus
Synonym of Initiate: Initiate Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus initiate Synonyms and related words:Greek, abecedarian, accept, accomplished, ...
#33. initiate แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า ...
พจนานุกรม แปลภาษา แปลภาษาอังกฤษ แปลความหมาย Longdo Dictionary English Japanese German French Dictionary Service.
#34. INITIATE - crossword answers, clues, definition, synonyms ...
Crossword Solver - Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of initiate.
#35. Synonyms and antonyms for Initiate - Classic Thesaurus
The term 'Initiate' in classic thesaurus. Find out the synonyms, antonyms and definition.
#36. Sinonim initiate, Antonim initiate, Thesaurus Tesaurus
Synonym dari initiate atau persamaan kata. Terdapat juga antonym, lawan kata, tesaurus Inggris dan Indonesia dari initiate.
#37. synonyms, initiate antonyms, definition -
Synonyms for the word Initiate, all found — 60, antonyms — 1. Definition of «Initiate». All the words are sorted alphabetically.
#38. Resume Power Verbs with Synonyms
A Synonyms D Synonyms abated decline, decrease, lessen dealt traded, marketed, sold abbreviated concise, condensed, summarized debated argued, discussed, disputed abolished ended, eradicated, terminated debugged corrected, fixed, cured
#39. Glossary of Legal Terms | United States Courts
A synonym for legal precedent. ... The document that initiates the filing of a bankruptcy proceeding, setting forth basic information regarding the debtor, ...
#40. Polar Pairs: Synonyms Game | Twinkl Go!
Some examples of synonyms are: Good, great, fantastic, brilliant. Begin, start, commence, initiate. End, conclusion, resolution, finale.
#41. Calretinin antibody Western, ELISA SAB2500188 - Sigma ...
Anti-Calretinin antibody produced in goat affinity isolated antibody, buffered aqueous solution; Synonyms: Anti-ANX2,Anti-LPC2,Anti-ANXA2,Anti-LIP2 ...
#42. Synonyms (Database Engine) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs
References to synonyms are not schema-bound. Therefore, a synonym can be dropped at any time. However, by dropping a synonym, you run the risk ...
#43. Practice Changing UpDates - UpToDate
For hospitalized adults with COVID-19 who have initiated mechanical ventilation in the prior 24 to 48 hours, we suggest adding tocilizumab to usual care (which ...
#44. What is a one word synonym for "Not Yet Started" - English ...
If I've interpreted correctly, you want a word describing something that you have decided on, but not yet started. Per Collins Dictionary:.
#45. Overweight Definition - Investopedia
An overweight investment is an asset or industry sector that comprises a higher-than-normal percentage of a portfolio or an index.
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Healthcare professionals should be alert of GBS signs and symptoms to ensure correct diagnosis, in order to initiate adequate supportive care ...
#47. Cholera, Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139, and Other Pathogenic
In 1992, cholera caused by serogroup O139 (synonym “Bengal” the 139th and latest ... Infections initiated by extraintestinal routes of inoculation (e.g., ...
#48. Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy | NIH - Clinical Info
When initiating ART, it is important to educate patients about the benefits of ART and to deploy strategies to optimize care engagement and ...
#49. What does drl mean in texting
Synonym Discussion of Ire. y. My XLS rules are executed first I am ... It is therefore your responsibility to initiate brexit. It wasn't in a sentence or ...
#50. What is Agentic Learning and Why is it Important? - Getting ...
Student agency is when students of their own volition initiate actions that support their learning within the context of their learning ...
#51. Question Bank Class 10 English - CBSE Academic
initiated by your boss, can also be an equally compelling reason! ii. Read the given anecdote and analyse the similarities and differences with.
#52. Exercise 1 words in context lesson 2
Group A will initiate formal greetings,. inquisitive 3. ... Synonym-Antonym Exercises: Antonyms Exercise Synonyms / Antonyms Worksheet ...
#53. Can prescribed fires restore C4 grasslands invaded by a C3 ...
Pre-treatment overstory at study initiation in 1991 consisted of 2- to 3-m tall mesquite at ... Recent synonym Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) ...
#54. determine synonyms - RhymeZone
decline to initiate betting; mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on; stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution
#55. Spark Programming Guide - Spark 2.1.0 Documentation
Note: some places in the code use the term slices (a synonym for partitions) to maintain backward compatibility. External Datasets. Scala; Java; Python.
#56. Booklet_Rights of Disabled.pmd - National Human Rights ...
Hence, handicap is neither unique nor a synonym to persons with disabilities, ... would initiate the process reform and the call for systemic and structural.
#57. Spark an idea synonym - Cervejaria Cartoon
Spark an idea synonym. ... spark an idea synonym Write a short story. ... Spark off definition: to bring into being or action; activate or initiate ...
#58. Centaurea biebersteinii - Global Invasive Species Database
Synonym. Centaurea maculosa , auct. non Lam. ... Seeds require at least 55% soil moisture to initiate emergence.
#59. Antonyms synonyms -
Synonym Worksheets and Antonym Worksheets. com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 ... open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate BROWSE THESAURUS.
#60. Put in synonym
put in synonym Printer Friendly. synonyms. put it there! idiom. ... set up, start, begin, get going, initiate, institute, form, found, create, ...
#61. Final Report of the Task Force on Psychotherapy - American ...
Over a period of years, the Academy has initiated specific programs to ... to use the term "psychosocial intervention" as a synonym for "psychotherapy.
#62. Which word is a synonym for embarking on something? Thanks
initiate, start, engage, commence.
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youtube, youtube to mp3, download youtube, mymp3song, hindi music lyrics ,download punjabi music, free punjabi music, hindi songs mp3 ,punjabi wap ,punjabi ...
#64. My feelings are not reciprocated
Words near reciprocate in the Thesaurus My problem seems to be an ... with you when you say to know for sure if a man is interested they need to initiate.
#65. Minima definition
Email. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 1 British Music. ... Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a reaction.
#66. Paraphrasing Tool - Rephrase Sentences & Articles Online
Step 2: Click the “Rephrase Article” button to initiate the paraphrasing process. ... This online facility doesn't just change some words with synonyms, ...
#67. The Synonym Finder - Google 圖書結果
1. commence, start, go ahead, Inf. fire away, Inf. blast away; embark, set sail, set to or about, turn to, Inf. take off, Inf. jump off, Inf. kick off, ...
#68. Trendy words 2020
Busão Another word for “bus”. ... Balada This is another word for “party”. ... by a further 5 to 10 per cent in 2021 and to initiate a recovery in 2022.
#69. Lunatic Cultist - The Official Terraria Wiki
Defeating the Lunatic Cultist initiates the Lunar Events. ... The term lunatic is nowadays usually used as an informal synonym for insane, mentally ill, ...
#70. 发起恢复- 云数据库OceanBase 版 - 阿里云帮助文档
#71. Wind someone up meaning
Synonyms for pick up include lift, raise, hoist, elevate, heave, uphold, uplift, ... Y. For members of a company to initiate a voluntary winding up, ...
#72. Come on synonym - BAKAN
For example, in the English language, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another: they are synonymous.
#73. commence son texte - Traduction anglaise – Linguee
[...] use a phrase from the text, but it doesn't start with a word with [...] the right initial letter, use a synonym for that does.
#74. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms - 第 94 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Rise , although someness ) Initiate ( see also INITIATE ) suggests reference to the times used in place of genesis , usually denotes the upward first step ...
#75. The American Heritage College Thesaurus
See synonym note at gaze . stare noun An intent fixed look → gape , gaze . ... + CORE SYNONYMS : start , begin , commence , initiate , inaugurate .
#76. you are a devil.' the integration of 'pagan' ideas into the ... - jstor
initiate (d) positive behaviour (1971) and that the old ideas about. God include positive values (1976). ... chcraft (adze) as a synonym for Abosam.
synonym or brief phrase for the unknown ... meaning, examples and nonexamples (or synonyms and antonyms), ... initial, initiate, initiative integ (l).
#78. A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems
preauthorised debit on the payer's bank account initiated by the payee. Red Book. Blue Book direct holding system a holding system for securities in which ...
#79. Initiate - Urban Dictionary
Person who belongs to the Divergent Fandom (a fan of The Divergent Series)
#80. Pedagogical model - Department of Education and Training ...
... provide opportunities for students to initiate and assist in planning school events; build connectedness with parents/carers and the ...
#81. Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI ...
bringing people from different backgrounds together to debate and dialogue effective responses to organized crime.
initiate synonym 在 What is a one word synonym for "Not Yet Started" - English ... 的推薦與評價
If I've interpreted correctly, you want a word describing something that you have decided on, but not yet started. Per Collins Dictionary:. ... <看更多>