How to Have God’s Faith
“Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.” (Mark 11:22-23 TPT)
In the passage above, Jesus said the “faith of God” and not “faith in God”. If we want to perform mighty miracles like casting a mountain into the sea, we will need to receive God’s own faith.
“For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3 WEB)
You see, there is the measure of faith that God already gave to us in the past, and also God’s own faith that He gives to believers at appointed timings.
The former is the one that we keep free from unbelief through daily renewing of the mind, while the latter is more powerful because it is pure and guaranteed to mightily prosper in its intended purpose.
“But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the profit of all. For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom, and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, by the same Spirit; and to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discerning of spirits; to another different kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages. But the one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing to each one separately as he desires.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11 WEB)
Faith is one of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. He distributes this “faith of God” at times. Every believer can receive this.
To understand when this God-faith comes, we have to know the delivery system:
“Faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s anointed utterance of the Anointed One.” (Romans 10:17 TPT)
Many English Bible translations do a poor job of translating the verse above. They stray from the original Greek meaning. However, I like the translation I quoted above.
The words translated as “anointed utterance” in Greek is “rhematos” which means “a spoken word”. “The Anointed One” is Christou, which is Christ.
“Rhematos Christou” is not referring to God’s written Scriptures in general. That one would be the logos word, or “what God has said before”. The rhema word is talking about what Christ is currently actively saying to you through His Spirit inside you.
When Jesus speaks a rhema word to you, it carries God’s authority. When you hear and act upon that word, the “faith of God” is imparted to you for mighty power to be released. This is when miracles and breakthroughs flow.
Let us see this in action:
“Peter answered him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.” He said, “Come!” Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus.” (Matthew 14:28-29 WEB)
Jesus said “Come,” and this rhema word carried the authority for Peter to transcend the natural laws of nature. When Peter heard the command and acted upon it, the “faith of God” was imparted to him, empowering him to walk on the waters.
You may be surprised by this, but even Jesus depended on the rhema word from His Father during His earthly ministry.
“Jesus therefore answered them, “Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise. For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does. He will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.” (John 5:19-20 WEB)
Before doing any miracle, Jesus first received the rhema word from the Father, and He simply obeyed, acting upon what the Father showed Him.
When Jesus acted upon the rhema word, God’s power flows because the authority, faith, and will of God are working in perfect synergy.
It is therefore most crucial that we ask the Lord to give us the rhema word for our situation. To receive it, you can calm your emotions and pray about your situation, listening in silence to see what the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.
Other than that, sometimes He uses your pastor or Christian friend to speak divinely inspired words to you. The Holy Spirit is the source of the rhema word. The way He delivers it isn’t the most important thing, so be open to however He chooses to convey the rhema word to you.
When it comes, grab hold of it in your heart, and act upon it, for it is the key to unlock God’s supernatural provision in your situation!
The 37 recorded miracles of Jesus Christ in the four gospels show us God’s heart of love and Grace towards us. As you explore them in “Messiah’s Miracles”, faith will arise in your heart to receive miraculous breakthroughs in your own life:
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過33萬的網紅Mr.GTA5 MOD,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Made by GT-Ace with eveything: And enough quality suppose 720p graphics if you wanna see the sight that almost orig...
「intended meaning」的推薦目錄:
- 關於intended meaning 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於intended meaning 在 譚蕙芸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於intended meaning 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於intended meaning 在 Mr.GTA5 MOD Youtube 的最佳貼文
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- 關於intended meaning 在 Determining if your content is 'Made for Kids' - YouTube Help 的評價
intended meaning 在 譚蕙芸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[He can’t reply]
高等法院第一庭的證人席旁,有個矮身木架,擺放了審訊相關的Bundle。 文件夾每個逾吋厚,約五六個排列在書架上,審訊談到那一份文件或證物,便需要從架上的文件夾中取閱出來。法庭很多時間就是消耗在翻查相關文件的程序上。文件夾背脊貼上了白紙告示,註明了這宗案件的編號及控辯雙方名字。
這宗案件為「HKSAR v. TONG Ying-kit」(香港政府v.唐英傑)。香港法庭文書處理,細緻非常。姓氏TONG全為大階英文字母,名字Ying-kit 中大小字母分野,讓人明瞭這組英文字需要連起來理解,但中間的「-」號又剛好分開了兩個中文字的粵語拼音。
辯方今天翻出了唐英傑的中學成績表。辯方大狀Clive Grossman(郭兆銘)已達八旬,他手震震,口震震地拿着唐的成績表說:「中三那年,他的中史分數,一百分滿分,他只拿了五十分;全班130人,他考第124。」顯然,郭資深大狀想說明,唐英傑沒可能理解深奧的學術知識。
郭資深大狀又指,控方形容三個警員嚴重受傷是誇大了。「電單車不是致命武器,它不是機關槍。他在車上掛着那支旗,可以說是在showoff (炫耀)。但控罪說『嚴重危害社會安全』實在說不上。現場的圍觀人士,在拍掌喝采,那不是感到危險的人會做的事。怎能說公眾安全受威脅呢?」
控方周天行專員,今天帶出了要理解口號除了參考專家,也要考慮口號的 “ordinary meaning”, “ordinary understanding” 。周專員並引述案例指,常人理解口號意思如何,已可達至煽動入罪理據。
周專員指控,辯方雙李專家指「光時」意義抽象又多樣的報告,不可靠又不可信。周專員指,辯方雙李專家(Eliza及 Francis)並非歷史學者,辯方報告裡的研究,也不是特意為此案進行,又指焦點小組的調查員在調查時發問了「引導性問題」。
但辯方的郭大狀則多次強調,法庭要小心不要隨便否定兩位辯方專家意見。「Eliza及 Francis是其領域上具權威的學者,兩人做的研究、著書、教學,均通過嚴謹的學術標準。控方劉智鵬或許是稱職的歷史學家,但劉智鵬教授不是政治學者,也不是政治傳播學者。Eliza及 Francis是真正的專家 (They are experts in real sense) 。」
今天代表辯方發言的郭兆銘資深大律師,年屆八十,眉毛稀疏,胖得有雙下巴,鼻子尖尖,耳朵卻特大。他在英國出生,曾於南非讀書,他嗓子陰柔,以英語提醒法庭:「正正是因為Eliza及 Francis的研究,不是特別為此案而做,而是他們老早以學者身份進行,更顯得他們是獨立而且不偏不倚 (independence and impartiality)。學界一直是這樣做研究,他們的方法受國際學術圈子認可。」
郭資深大狀,肚腩大大,說話帶有老派英式紳士的幽默感。對於控方的指控,例如舉起「光時」旗有煽動成分,是恐怖活動,郭資深大狀攤開他的老人手掌,不住反問: “What? How? Why?”
控方指梁天琦本人支持港獨,故「光時」八字有港獨意思;控方指此八字在中聯辦外被叫喊,故「光時」有分裂國家意思。郭資深大狀連續用英語輕輕而高音地反問,說話時縮起他那佝僂的肩膀,攤開滿佈手筋的手掌: 「“So What?” 梁天琦怎樣想,被告人怎知道?“So What?”中聯辦外的活動,被告人連去都沒有去,他怎知道?」
郭大狀重申了Eliza及 Francis的意思:「口號意思是多元的,抽象的。」他舉起了右手拳頭,舉向天:「正如我喊:『Let’s go out and fight for our rights!』(我們出去爭取權利。英語fight有『打鬥』和『爭取』雙義),你可以理解為我要去寫信給報紙投稿,或參選議會,或者出去打人。一字歧義,是常見之事。」
「Eliza及 Francis提過,發訊者若想表達清晰的意思,會挑選一個意思更清楚的詞,不會選一個抽象的字去表達。『光時』這口號意思不明白,並不像『我們要去打林鄭月娥 (let’s go and beat up Carrie Lam)』那麼明確。」郭大狀語氣在說笑,但法庭裡卻沒有甚麼笑聲。
代表政府的周天行專員,提到「恐怖活動」罪行時,指出「光時」旗幟是一支帶有「政治議題(political agenda)」的旗幟,會向附近的人宣揚其包含的分裂國家意思,嚴重危害社會。
此時,唯一男性法官陳嘉信提出,根據國安法「恐怖活動罪」相關條文(24條),「造成嚴重社會危害的恐怖活動…..即屬犯罪。」陳官指,這條文是談活動(activity)而不是政治議題(political agenda)。陳官強調「的」這個字。而24條的細項指出,活動包括暴力、爆炸、縱火、破壞交通、干擾水電通訊等。
彭寶琴插話:「不只是字面,是條例這樣寫,恐怖_的_活動,不是關於政治議題。(Activities intended to cause grave harm to society, not about political agenda)」杜官再點頭。
彭寶琴問辯方,光時口號多義,為何郭大狀說「應當無罪」,兩者關係如何?彭官指出,「煽動」於口號有兩部分,第一部分,是指口號在這個考慮了歷史及處境,合理地造成一個事實,是口號有可能去煽動 (capable to incite)。第二部分,是指被告人當時的理解,有沒有犯罪意圖 (Mens Rea刑事意圖)。
郭資深大狀澄清,辯方認為,尤其考慮要對被告人公允,若有其他可能性,根本不應入罪。郭的話是指,這口號太抽象,根本不可能煽動 (the slogan is too vague to incite)。
郭大狀不好意思的說,「我擔心之後要讓控方回應我,不夠時間。」此時杜麗冰法官微笑回答:「他 (控方周天行專員) 不可以回應,被告人擁有最後的回應權利。(He can’t reply. The accused has the last word.)」
(圖為今天替辯方結案陳詞的資深大律師郭兆銘 Clive Grossman)
intended meaning 在 Gucci Facebook 的最讚貼文
GUCCI GAOK, the House’s second flagship in Seoul located in the vibrant neighborhood of Itaewon, opens its doors, presenting a bespoke façade designed by renowned Korean artist Seungmo Park. Taking its name from the Korean word ‘gaok,’ meaning ‘traditional home’, the space is intended as a comfortable place of respite and a warm environment to welcome visitors. Once inside, an unexpected environment with mosaic walls and distinctive lighting awaits.
intended meaning 在 Mr.GTA5 MOD Youtube 的最佳貼文
Made by GT-Ace with eveything:
And enough quality suppose 720p graphics if you wanna see the sight that almost original model. ↓↓↓ Detailed INFO(以下詳細)↓↓↓
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ENB is made by GT-Ace in GTA4 EFLC GTA5 for PC.
Posted by L-wing.
Photo by Lyc.
Tested on Patch Ain't tested on
Spec by NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN SLI 3-way, Intel core i7 3970X EE,32MB RAM,2TB HDD,1500W POWER.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2GB / 30-40 fps with Maxed out in Game Graphics Setting.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN 6GB / 40-50fps with Maxed out in Game Graphics Setting.

intended meaning 在 Determining if your content is 'Made for Kids' - YouTube Help 的推薦與評價
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