昨天我們提到,國際知名的美國大提琴演奏家郭虔哲(Kenneth Kuo)在AIT演出了一首家喻戶曉、膾炙人口的台灣民謠,答案是《望春風》,你猜對了嗎?好音樂在此,我們很榮幸在這裡跟大家分享如此美妙的演出!下週三我們將分享更多動人的演奏曲目,動人樂音敬請鎖定AIT臉書專頁喔!郭虔哲的世界音樂 #KennethKuo #望春風
Yesterday we mentioned that cellist Kenneth Kuo played a popular Taiwan folk song. For your listening pleasure, here it is. We are honored to share it with all of you! We will upload more of his concert next Wednesday. Stay tuned on AIT Facebook!
kennethkuo 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
在美國總統大選日這天,AIT很榮幸邀請到活躍於國際舞台的知名台裔美籍大提琴演奏家郭虔哲(Kenneth Kuo)帶來一場令人難忘的小型獨奏會。郭虔哲先生當天所使用的大提琴是1735年傳奇威尼斯製琴師哥夫瑞勒(Goffriller)的名琴,演奏的曲目包括:巴哈G大調第一號無伴奏大提琴組曲、耳熟能詳的台灣民謠 (我們明天會分享這首曲子…請猜猜看他演奏了哪一首,留言告訴我們!) 、讚美詩歌奇異恩典,以及美國國歌。郭虔哲先生極具渲染力的悠揚大提琴聲,讓全場聽眾如癡如醉,曲目終了滿場起立給予掌聲,久久不歇。謝謝Kenneth帶來這麼豐富優美的樂音以及如此美好的感動!#KennethKuo 郭虔哲的世界音樂
On U.S. election day, AIT had the pleasure and privilege of hosting Taiwan-American cellist Kenneth Kuo! Last week this world-renowned New York-based cellist offered a mini solo concert, performing on his cello, made in 1735 by legendary Venetian Master Goffriller. Kenneth Kuo played Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 in G Major, a dear Taiwan folk tune (we will post this tomorrow… tell us in the comments what you think he played!), the classic hymn Amazing Grace and the Star Spangled Banner, which wowed the audience into a standing ovation. Thank you Kenneth for sharing your gift and bringing joy into our day!