🔤 同義詞
同義詞是 synonym,反義詞是 antonym,同義詞並不是 100% 可互換通用的(不然就不用造這麼多詞了),而是有細微的差異,或有慣用的搭配,用得好可以表達得更適切道地。
英美的小學生就開始會學同義詞和反義詞。一開始低年級可能會以 "In other words..." 或是 "Power Words" 表示,也有簡單的學習單配對 "same" or "opposite"。到了三四年級就會特別引導學生閱讀時留意收集,也練習查詞典,探究詞義,運用在寫作和口說。
第一張圖片的 Super Synonyms Sheet 標示給 7~11 歲母語孩子用的。可以免費下載:
* https://www.teachingideas.co.uk/synonyms-and-antonyms/super-synonyms-sheet?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_smartloop&utm_content=smartloop&utm_term=23834556
用 "The Good, the Bad, and the Nice" Word Webs 列出同義反義形容詞的練習,四年級以上,完整教案可以在這裡看到,可以下載模板檔案:
* http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/using-word-webs-teach-282.html
Fancy Nancy 這套繪本裡面的主角 Nancy 是小學生,特別喜歡用 fancy words,就是用比較漂亮高級的詞,也用一些法語詞彙。I Can Read 第一級裡面有,書末會匯總那一冊出現過的 fancy words,敦煌書店有進。
*Fancy Nancy 播放清單:
專門的同義詞典叫做 Thesaurus,有大人用的,也有兒童和中學生附插圖版本。Amazon 上排名第一的兒童同義詞典是 DK 的 Children's Illustrated Thesaurus,有 Kindle 版。
* https://www.amazon.com/Childrens-Illustrated-Thesaurus-DK/dp/1465462376
高階一點的學習詞典都會列出同義、反義詞,我最推薦牛津的 Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary (OALD),有 app 版本,功能齊全,一年訂閱價格三百多台幣,一生大推。也有免費的網頁版。
*iOS app: https://apps.apple.com/app/oxford-advanced-learners-dict/id1469549281
*Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oup.elt.oald10_gp
lesson synonym 在 PChan English Facebook 的最佳貼文
Final tips for Paper 4 Speaking
Group Discussion
先睇instructions再睇passage 找relevant points。通常那大約200字的passage 只有3-4個relevant points。 同學不單要elaborate 那數個points, 還必須要加自己original ideas and personal experience。
Pronunciation & delivery, Vocabulary & language patterns 不能在短時間改善。 但以下兩項則可以。
Ideas and organization
- 在原文找到points 後必須要運用topic sentence 及 examples 去organize 及elaborate。
例如題目要discuss home swapping vacations 的pros and cons.原文提及好處是save accommodation expenses and provide a 'local- flavored 'trip。那麽你表達這兩個points 時應該是:
- save expenses on hotel rooms and meals
- personal experience( staying at your friend's home during a trip before)
2) a better understanding of the culture
- know more about their lifestyle/habits
- more 'local-flavored'
- personal experience( staying with a host family during a student exchange programme before)
Bear in mind that the passage is only a springboard from which you come up with the ideas with your personal experience. 記住要加:
1) topic sentence for each point( organization)
2) personal experience and examples ( 一定要有)
3) original ideas( 原文冇提及的)
Communication Strategies
此項非常重要。有些同學只顧講自己的points 而缺乏communication. 像在讀一個pre-prepared speech.
記住每次發言均要承上啟下。要回應之前發言者意見,才再加自己的point ,再啟發下個發言者。記住用speaking class( theory) 的兩個重要句式:Apart from... as you have just mentioned, it can also... // I am afraid ...wouldn't it be...?
謹記我在speaking lesson 提及的P Chan's communication strategies(4 steps ) 記住要有 reinforcement 及persuasive questions.
至於pronunciation, 如不肯定1個字怎讀,用較淺的synonym 取代. 如a sumptuous hotel 可改為luxurious 甚至comfortable. 不識讀apprentice 改為intern 甚至trainee. 唔好expose your weakness!
As for vocabulary and language patterns, watch out for the following fatal errors:
Discuss about/ let us to talk/ many information/ childrens / more better....
Individual Response
唔好用以下公式的開塲白及結尾(formulaic expressions)
Thank you for your question x
Thank you for asking me such an interesting question x
That's the end of my presentation x
回答問題時,報以微笑,最後說聲thank you 便可。回答yes/ no question時必須要用2-3points elaborate.回答問題時,不可只用group discussion 提及的points, 要加自己original ideas( 所以在10- minute preparation time 必須要唸至少2個 original ideas ( ideas not stated in the passage) )
The best of luck💪
lesson synonym 在 PChan English Facebook 的最讚貼文
Final tips for Paper 4 Speaking
Group Discussion
先睇instructions再睇passage 找relevant points.通常那大約150字的passage 只有3-4個relevant points. 同學不單要elaborate 那數個points . 還必須要加自己original ideas. Take notes 千萬不可將原文句字照抄及照讀。
Pronunciation & delivery, Vocabulary & language patterns 不能在短時間改善。 但以下兩項則可以。
Ideas and organization
- 在原文找到points 後必須要運用topic sentence 及 examples 去organize 及elaborate。
例如題目要discuss home swapping vacations 的pros and cons.原文提及好處是save accommodation expenses and provide a 'local- flavored 'trip。那麽你表達這兩個points 時應該是:
- save expenses on hotel rooms and meals
- personal experience( staying at your friend's home during a trip before)
2) a better understanding of the culture
- know more about their lifestyle/habits
- more 'local-flavored'
- personal experience( staying with a host family during a student exchange programme before)
Bear in mind that the passage is only a springboard from which you come up with the ideas with your personal experience. 記住要加:
1) topic sentence for each point( organization)
2) personal experiences and examples ( 一定要有)
3)additional personal ideas( 原文冇提及的)
Communication Strategies
此項非常重要。有些同學只顧講自己的points 而缺乏communication. 像在讀一個pre-prepared speech.
記住每次發言均要承上啟下。要回應之前發言者意見,才再加自己的point ,再啟發下個發言者。記住用speaking class( theory) 的两個重要句式:Apart from... as you have just mentioned, it can also... // I am afraid ...wouldn't it be...?
謹記我在speaking lesson 提及的P Chan's communication strategies(4 steps ) 記住要有 reinforcement 及persuasive questions.
至於pronunciation, 如不肯定1個字怎讀,用較淺的synonym 取代. 如a sumptuous hotel 可改為luxurious 甚至comfortable. 不識讀apprentice 改為intern 甚至trainee. 唔好expose your weakness!
As for vocabulary and language patterns, watch out for the following fatal errors:
Discuss about/ let us to talk/ many information/ childrens / more better....
Individual Response
唔好用以下公式的開塲白及結尾(formulaic expressions)
Thank you for your question x
Thank you for asking me such an interesting question x
That's the end of my presentation x
回答問題時,報以微笑,最後說声thank you 便可。回答yes/ no question時必須要用2-3points elaborate.回答問題時,不可只用group discussion 提及的points, 要加自己original ideas( 所以在10- minute preparation time 必須要唸至少2個 original ideas ( ideas not stated in the passage) )
如非必要,請不要request another question. 大部份examiners 也不喜歡。另一條問题也可能更難答。
一個5** 的individual response 必须要有original ideas and personal experience.
Hang in there, boys and girls! 💪💪💪💪
Seize the day, make your life extraordinary! 💪💪💪💪
P Chan
lesson synonym 在 Synonyms Lesson Video - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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