🇺🇲 USA LIFE - 01
🎁 South Coast Plaza 是南加州最知名的購物中心, 來逛街的亞洲人更是多到連鼎泰豐都到這裡開餐廳.
來自世界各地的貴婦名牌相當多, 我這次去逛是買 Aveda 品牌的護髮產品, 因為在 Outlet 和 機場免稅店居然都買不到, 可惜的是大概只便宜個兩百元吧. 我很推薦將台灣來的朋友丟在這裡逛一天, 逛累了還可以假掰喝個咖啡或是吃個 Fine Dining 之類! 哈哈
South Coast Plaza Website: http://www.southcoastplaza.com
🎁 South Coast Plaza is probably the most famous Mall at Southern California. There are more Asians than you can imagine. Even Din Tai Fung restaurant opened its oversea branch here! I only shopped here for Aveda since I couldn't find the brand at Outlet and Duty Free shop. BUT, it is only cheaper by only NTD $200.
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