Three Marines in critical condition after accident during drill
漢光預演膠舟翻覆 三名官兵命危搶救
Three servicemen are in critical condition after a serious accident occurred during a Marine Corps drill on Friday. The Marines were taking part in a military exercise on a small boat in the waters off Kaohsiung, when it's believed a sudden change in sea conditions caused the vessel to capsize. Defense minister Yen Teh-fa went to Kaohsiung where the men are hospitalized, to personally oversee their medical care. He promised an inquiry and review would be launched to determine the causes of the incident.
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有看過1987年,導演史丹利.庫柏力克的經典反戰電影《金甲部隊》(Full Metal Jacket)嗎?那你一定記得片中飆罵主角 #Joker 的陸戰隊「士官長」哈特曼吧!這位演活魔鬼士官長、並因此獲得金球獎提名的硬派演員——李.爾米(R. Lee Ermey)——本周日因肺炎併發症病逝,享壽74歲。
退伍之後,士官長選擇在菲律賓馬尼拉大學攻讀犯罪學與戲劇學,甚至乾脆在菲律賓出道演戲,並因緣際會地因「越戰老兵」的身份,被籌拍《現代啟示錄》(Apocalypse Now)的名導法蘭西斯.柯波拉延攬成技術指導,並在經典場景「女武神的飛行」中飾演其中一名直升機駕駛員。
而本張圖片,則是《金甲部隊》開場不久,新訓介紹中士官長痛揍Joker、給菜逼八下馬威的名場面:「You little scumbag! I got your name! I got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will learn by the numbers! I will teach you! 」(Photo Credit:金甲部隊劇照)
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