11小時前 -\-\ NASA洞察號:「既然我已經成功登陸火星,一切塵埃落定,上工前讓我做個健康檢查保養一下💪🏻。」 追蹤我的火星日記:go.nasa.gov/2DDmAar
昨天11:26分 -\-\ NASA洞察號:「呼~~~用我的太陽能板曬太陽中。🌞 在驚險刺激的「火星登陸」長途飛行後,拉拉筋、充充電的感覺真~棒~。接下來就要跟火星好好打交道囉。」追蹤我的火星日記:go.nasa.gov/2DLfAuU #登陸火星 #InSight💫
(11 hrs ago)
Now that the dust from my #MarsLanding has settled, I’m taking a little time for self-care with some wellness checks before I get to work. More about what’s ahead: go.nasa.gov/2DDmAar
(Yesterday, 11:26 AM)
Aaah...soaking up the Sun with my solar panels. 🌞 After a long flight, and thrilling #MarsLanding, it feels great to get a good stretch and recharge my batteries. (Like, literally.) It’s just what I’ll need to really start getting in tune with Mars. go.nasa.gov/2DLfAuU
Aaah...soaking up the Sun with my solar panels. 🌞 After a long flight, and thrilling #MarsLanding, it feels great to get a good stretch and recharge my batteries. (Like, literally.) It’s just what I’ll need to really start getting in tune with Mars. go.nasa.gov/2DLfAuU
marslanding 在 ขายหัวเราะ Facebook 的精選貼文
ผลสำรวจล่าสุดจากนาซ่า... #MarsLanding
marslanding 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
火星,我們來了!美國太空總署NASA洞察號(InSight)在台灣時間11月27日凌晨4點成功登陸火星!🎉洞察號是第一個用於探測火星地下研究的探測器,在未來兩年的期間,洞察號將會鑽研火星地表下的運作、找尋類地行星形成過程的痕跡以及探測是否具有生命體徵等。了解更多有關InSight的消息 👉 https://www.nasa.gov/insight #登陸火星 #MarsLanding #InSight
Touchdown on Mars! NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) landed on the Red Planet at about 3 p.m. EST Monday Nov. 26! InSight is the first spacecraft to explore Mars' deep interior. During its two-year mission, InSight will delve deep beneath the surface of Mars, detecting the fingerprints of the processes of terrestrial planet formation, as well as measuring the planet's "vital signs." Learn more : 👉 https://www.nasa.gov/insight
Our NASA InSight spacecraft stuck the #MarsLanding!
Its new home is Elysium Planitia, a still, flat region where it’s set to study seismic waves and heat deep below the surface of the Red Planet for a planned two-year mission. Learn more: https://www.nasa.gov/insight