各位朋友們,想要和您們介紹一個全新的品牌 Ein Brera ,過去中我一直喜歡用不同商業角色,來推廣自己喜愛的理念與事物。Einbrera 是以色列國家IDF的口號,意思是「別無退路」No Alternative 。
以色列常流傳一句話 ”以色列無法有一次的失敗,只要一次的失敗就會失去國家”,以色列這句話是定義在國家的成面,在Einbrera品牌上 我想將它定義在對喜愛的人事物上的「專一」Onething ,這樣的專一是種熱忱,甚至到「別無退路」的喜愛。
IG: Einbrera
Ein Brera (About us/Our Story)
Established in the year 2020, a season of turmoil and downturn.
Catastrophe and apocalypse seem to be on the horizon,
Our backs against the wall.
And that is how we define “Ein Brera”
We don't give up despite struggles and despair.
Fully engaged, we dive into this passion.
Undistracted devotion to one thing.
Ein Brera: Unwavering Hope
Blending various elements with one vision:
Hebrew Language, Jewish Culture, and Modern Israeli Vibe.
Exploring a boundless territory, with keen sensitivity.
Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
Unbeholden to trends, we have our own opinions.
Expression that echoes what we believe, with style.
Gentle determination, and strength that lies within.
Our True Colors
*Ein Brera is a motto for IDF (Israel Defense Force), meaning “no alternative”.
溫柔中的堅定,Ein Brera
Ein Brera,以色列IDF國防軍的口號,表達為了捍衛所相信的價值而別無選擇與懸念的意志。
我行: 我述
表述 Expression
talk the talk, walk the walk
Ein Brera 背包客機能襪設計理念:
Derekh直譯的話就是 “道路” (土地)
希伯來文有句古諺 “Derekh Eretz”,精確地詮釋人與土地之間的關係與行為準則,時常省思自身做事的態度與心境。猶太人過往的智慧言語依舊歷久彌新,而思想與行動並進正是勇敢的具體表現。
Ein Brera 採用 51% 的 Meryl®Skinlife 紗線,此規格是台灣業界首見,它和棉襪觸感完全不同,第一次穿著時,可能會驚訝於它與過往棉襪完全不同的體驗。Meryl®Skinlife 屬於機能材質,有 100% 抗菌、防臭、抗紫外線、快乾,同時帶來絕佳的親膚觸感,非常適合背包客穿用。
在劇烈運動或極端環境依舊維持皮膚的平衡與高度的吸濕性,Meryl skinlife為抑菌纖維材質,具備優異的透氣和抗紫外線性能,加上輕盈與柔軟的觸感。
● 總共有兩種顏色選擇: 墨藍色、軍綠色
● 藍色襪子繡有希伯來文:土地/道路
● 墨綠色襪子繡有希伯來文:勇敢/堅定
• 台灣設計/製造
modern hebrew 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
Today marks the death anniversary of William Tyndale--the anointed martyr of God who was well-versed in English, Hebrew and Greek. He translated the earliest English translation of the Bible! You can get his translation of the New Testament below (they have the Old Testament available separately too).
This translation of the New Testament into English from its original Greek was printed in Germany in 1534 and smuggled back into England. It therefore escaped the fate of Tyndale’s previous version, which had been seized and publicly burnt by the authorities. The 1534 edition outraged the clerical establishment by giving the laity access to the word of God, in print in English for the first time. Tyndale, who was already in exile for political reasons, was hunted down and subsequently burned at the stake for blasphemy.
For the next eighty years―the years of Shakespeare among others―Tyndale’s masterly translation formed the basis of all English bibles. And when the authorized King James Bible was published in 1611, many of its finest passages were taken unchanged, though unacknowledged, from Tyndale’s work.
Although, therefore, this astounding work of pioneering scholarship was the basis of all subsequent English bibles until after the Second World War, and though it was the version of the Bible used by some of our greatest poets, it is today virtually unknown because of its suppression for political reasons because of its difficult early sixteenth-century spelling.
Now for the first time this version is published in modern spelling, as the modern book it once was, so that this masterly work of English prose by one of the great geniuses of the as is available to today’s reader.
#williamtyndale #bible
modern hebrew 在 Florence 陈秀丽 Facebook 的最佳貼文
罗马现在有80%以上信奉基督教或天主教,其中很大的原因是起源古罗马,基督教就在这里开始了越来越多人信奉了。耶稣的其中两大门徒Paul and Peter,当时也在罗马宣教。现在葬在这里。我建议对基督教有兴趣的信奉者可以来罗马探索,这里有很多耶稣的画像,毕竟和他一起宣教的Peter and Paul很多时间都是在罗马宣教。
转自维基百科:耶稣的诞生在年表中提出了一个有趣的悖论。罗马人使用约会系统,其中城市或罗马的神话基础的年份是它的主要参考点,并且他们命名为第1年AUC,代表ab urbe condita,“从城市的建立”。在耶稣的生命之后的几个世纪,Dionysius Exiguus(约公元前470年 - 公元前544年),一位居住在罗马的希腊僧侣和神学家得出结论,耶稣出生于753年AUC,这个日期被广泛接受。旧的罗马约会系统逐渐被一个新的系统所取代,其中主要的参考点是耶稣的诞生。那一年后来被称为公元1年,Anno Domini“我们的主年”。耶稣诞生前的几年被命名为BC,“在基督面前”。这意味着,根据Dionysius Exiguus的计算,罗马城是在耶稣诞生之前753年建立的。现代奖学金不是BC / AD符号,而是传统约会的另一种命名:BCE“在共同时代之前”和CE“共同时代”。
Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa; Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה Shim'on bar Yona; Greek: Πέτρος Petros; Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros; Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] died between AD 64 and 68),[2] also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon (/ˈsaɪmən/,
pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome—or pope—and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).
The New Testament indicates that Peter's father's name was John (or Jonah or Jona)[4] and was from the village of Bethsaida in the province of Galilee or Gaulanitis. His brother Andrew was also an apostle. According to New Testament accounts, Peter was one of twelve apostles chosen by Jesus from his first disciples. Originally a fisherman, he played a leadership role and was with Jesus during events witnessed by only a few apostles, such as the Transfiguration. According to the gospels, Peter confessed Jesus as the Messiah,[5] was part of Jesus's inner circle,[6] thrice denied Jesus[7] and wept bitterly once he realised his deed, and preached on the day of Pentecost.[8]
According to Christian tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome under Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar. It is traditionally held that he was crucified upside down at his own request, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus. Tradition holds that he was crucified at the site of the Clementine Chapel. His remains are said to be those contained in the underground Confessio of St. Peter's Basilica, where Pope Paul VI announced in 1968 the excavated discovery of a first-century Roman cemetery. Every 29 June since 1736, a statue of Saint Peter in St. Peter's Basilica is adorned with papal tiara, ring of the fisherman, and papal vestments, as part of the celebration of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. According to Catholic doctrine, the direct papal successor to Saint Peter is the incumbent pope, currently Pope Francis.
Two general epistles in the New Testament are ascribed to Peter, but modern scholars generally reject the Petrine authorship of both.[9] The Gospel of Mark was traditionally thought to show the influence of Peter's preaching and eyewitness memories. Several other books bearing his name—the Acts of Peter, Gospel of Peter, Preaching of Peter, Apocalypse of Peter, and Judgment of Peter—are considered by Christian denominations as apocryphal, and are thus not included in their Bible canons.[10][11][12]
modern hebrew 在 Modern Hebrew before Biblical Hebrew? - Language ... 的推薦與評價
I'm an Hebrew native speaker, not a teacher nor a linguistic expert. I love learning new languages, a hobby I only "discovered" after age 35. ... <看更多>