Alhamdulillah, the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! The whole family has been waiting eagerly and excitedly for the Founder’s Day Ceremony to come around. Thanks to the technology amidst the pandemic, we still managed to have the ceremony - in the form of a virtual live video we could attend safely in the comfort of our home.
If Covid-19 hadn’t hindered our plans, I would be attending it in my school uniform in Big School, the main hall of King Edward’s School. But as I’m attending this virtually, this is my #OOTN 😎 Outfit Of The Night…yep, those are bright red Kellog’s socks! I guess you can tell how much I love cereal, huh?
As you know, I was blessed by not one, but two prizes this year. One is the Junior Drama Prize - I was really pleased to get this, being in the Junior Production two years in a row and being an active member of Drama Club really paid off! The other prize was the W.R. Buttle Prize, which is totally different from the Junior Drama Prize. I was awarded the prize for exceptional contributions to the harmony and wellbeing of my form, based on the opinion of my teachers and classmates.
I truly am honoured to have been given these prizes - without those people who led me to these achievements, I wouldn’t have received that fateful envelope bearing the good news in the first place. I’d like to say thank you to my friends and teachers, not only for considering me for the prize, but for supporting me a huge amount as well. I want to thank the School for all the effort to put it all together despite Covid-19 being among us, and for humbling me with the double prize. I also want to give my thanks to my parents and family for being my biggest point of support, advice, encouragement and unconditional love no matter what! And not forgotten, thank you to each and every one of you who has been supporting me and praying for me through thick and thin. Your love and loyalty truly warms my heart!
And above all, I thank Allah for guiding me on the right path and showering me with His gifts. Without all of His blessings, none of this would have been possible!
Omar Mukhtar