呢個post冇任何金句或者tagline,純粹想同搵緊工嘅朋友仔打氣,順便講下最近個job market。
我身邊都有朋友仲未搵到工,甚至係冇feedback、冇call、冇interview,send CV send到懷疑人生。(甚至懷疑email同電話壞咗)
事實上,剛開始疫情嘅時候,已經有好多HR反映過請人有難度,當時啲公司即使冇home office,亦盡量唔想約candidate上去,而家嚟到第三波,wfh嘅公司多過之前,send 完 CV出去冇feedback未必係你有問題,我知道有唔少公司本身打算wfh 兩三日,然後見疫情日日創新高,又extend多一個星期,呢段時間好多公司都失咗預算。
莫講話一般公司,就算係headhunt agency都有唔少行緊AB更,唔需要返足5日,所以無可避免令到整個流程拖住同埋慢晒。
市面上嘅job ad少咗,來來去去嗰幾份都好正常,前景唔明朗,老細想睇定啲先請人,而想辭職嘅員工亦三思而後行,流通嘅position就變得有限數。
早前計劃好提供免費training course畀大家,希望會幫到有需要搵工嘅人,可惜疫情令到場地都book唔到🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ 唔緊要,趁住呢段時間出多啲關於interview技巧嘅post,甚至會搵返以前做headhunt畀客嘅CV sample出嚟,方便搵工嘅朋友參考,圖中呢張就係當時for junior position嘅template,不過未完整嘅,中間cut咗好多,呢幾日再詳細講。
不要停止send CV,加油!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Lukas Engström,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi there! Happy to see you here! Hope I get to see you out on the roads as well! If any information is missing, please reach out to me on Instagram (@...
office email sample 在 辦公室日報 Facebook 的最讚貼文
老老實實,你哋究竟home office完未?我有個朋友差啲因為home office分手。
話說佢兩個都係做design,男仔喺自己屋企work from home,而個女仔間公司雖然都wfh,不過佢就去咗男朋友屋企做嘢,咁你知每個人工作嘅style都唔同㗎嘛,個男仔係好專注,粒聲唔出嗰種,相反女朋友仔就keep住講嘢,會對住個mon自言自語咒罵同事呀,又會無啦啦大叫:「弊喇,唔記得send email!」
最搞笑係個女仔間公司本來已經home office咗一個月,早前疫情第二波,公司第二次宣布home office,搞到我個男仔friend連香檳都未開得切,又要再一次同女友work from home,🎼在一起與你工作,在一起與你摸索🎼,24小時與我常在,好似無啦啦開始咗同居生活咁,連帶磨擦都多咗,個男仔曾經好晦氣咁同我講:「係咁home office,點解佢間公司唔直接退租啫,唔使租寫字樓啦咁!」😂先生你冷靜啲先。
佢勁尷尬開門講做緊嘢,點知老竇睇到佢開住部電腦,再補多刀:「都唔係做嘢!掛住喺房玩電腦!」🤦🏻♂咁都未算,早排咪傳過香港冇米嘅,佢老竇堅信,落街搶咗幾包米但抬唔郁,晏晝3點打畀個女仔叫落樓幫手,佢嗰陣又係視像會議中,咁你明佢點解冒住分手危險都要去男朋友屋企home office啦!
我自己啲廣告客好多都有wfh,之前開咗N個視像會議,當中都有見過佢哋屋企嘅小朋友扭計,一直有喊聲做background,亂入就更加唔少得啦!雖然我不嬲都home office,又冇女朋友嚟痴住我😭,但呢段期間嘅煩惱一樣咁多,因為啲客要求視像會議多咗,佢哋冇返公司,連sample都寄唔到嚟,唯有視像show畀我睇,講下成個campaign嘅brief,所以我喺屋企都要梳頭剃鬚著得靚仔啲,形象問題冇辦法,始終唔可以畀佢哋見到我不修邊幅嘅一面,好幾次我都因為開會而梳咗個靚頭,剃埋個靚鬚,著咗件靚外套,照鏡都覺得自己好型,又唔想浪費個look,結果我著埋鞋,決定出門口......買盒鮮奶返屋企🤦🏻♂,呢個就係疫情下嘅生活。
吹頭對我嚟講就好快既,兩三分鐘搞掂,最耐反而係剃鬚,可能揀唔啱鬚刨啦,有時剃完會feel到唇邊同下巴位慶慶地,一個唔好彩仲腫埋添,自我感覺唔係太好。聽過有啲人仲會鬍鬚內生嘅情況,真係諗到都毛管戙。呢啲都係常見嘅剃鬚後敏感問題,好多男人都有,又好多男人都闊佬懶理,最近換咗Philips全新7000系列電鬚刨就舒服晒冇交嗌,因為佢係同皮膚科專家共同研發,你最唔想理嘅嘢,佢已經幫你take care埋。
只係你點估得到,做咗咁多年人,剃咗咁多年鬚,竟然要人 (啊! 唔係,係App)教我點樣剃鬚,阿叔食鹽多過你食米,剃鬚多過你沖涼啦!不過唔到你唔服,Philips 7000系列連接咗特別設計嘅GroomTribe應用程式,剃鬚時會提供即時引導式提示,又會因應我哋唔同嘅皮膚狀態製訂個人化剃鬚計劃,又真係幾high tech❤️,佢有個智能感應可以幫你感測鬍鬚密度每秒成15次咁多,自動調節最佳效能,刀頭全方位緊貼塊面嘅輪廓,減少擠壓肌膚,我冇零歲肌啫,都唔想有「零碎肌」㗎嘛,更加唔想畀敏感肌折磨啦!
我用緊嘅S7970型號仲有埋SmartClean自動清洗充電座,即係可以喺充電之餘,一邊自動清洗刀頭同潤滑,唔單止方便,亦減少咗細菌滋生,呢個時勢冇嘢緊要得過乾淨同埋衛生啦下話🤷🏻♂,希望所有嘢盡快重回正軌啦!日日home office絕對冇想像中咁爽,有好多人work from home忙過之前,因為冇咗收工時間,上司仲會比平時「chur」得更盡,當然啦,仲有人因為wfh差啲分手......😂
#人人都WorkFromHome #人人都鍾意HomeOffice咩 #PhilipsMen #PhilipsShaver #MakeLifeBetter #PhilipsS7000 #S7000shaver #你的專屬防敏專家 #敏感肌膚首選 #防敏微珠保護環 #GroomTribeApp #IOS同Android兼容 #Aquatec乾濕剃鬚技術 #全機可水洗 #仲有SmartClick修髮器
office email sample 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【暑期實習】美國 ETS 總部 TOEIC、TOEFL、GRE 試題撰寫給(ㄍㄠ)薪實習,開始招收啦
英語系 / 應用語言學系的學生們,想在 ETS 總部普林斯頓度過充實的 2020年暑假嗎?ETS 又在招募實習生了,提供給大家~(有關申請上的問題請直接寫給下方 email的 Dave Yanchuk,不要寫給我和創勝文教嘿)
2020 ETS English Language Learning & GRE® Verbal Summer Institute: Paid Summer Associate Positions Available
The English Language Learning (ELL) group and the GRE® Verbal group in the Assessment and Learning Technology Development Division of Educational Testing Service (ETS) expect to hire approximately 24 associates for the summer of 2020.
ELL summer associates will produce materials for use on large-scale, high-stakes standardized tests of English language proficiency. Each summer associate will work on one of the following:
• TOEFL iBT® Test
The TOEFL iBT test is taken by nonnative speakers of English who are planning to apply to a college or university in an English-speaking country.
• TOEIC® Tests
The TOEIC tests are taken principally by people who need to communicate with both native and nonnative speakers of English in the context of the global workplace.
• GRE Verbal test summer associates will produce materials for use on large-scale, high-stakes standardized tests to assess readiness for graduate-level work. Specifically, they will help develop assessment materials for the Verbal Reasoning measure, which assesses complex verbal reasoning skills.
The test development work is intellectually challenging and rewarding. The work may include:
✔︎ writing items that test knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension
✔︎ writing items that test analytical reasoning
✔︎ identifying academic texts that are suitable for testing reading comprehension, critical reading, and analytical skills
✔︎ creating conversations and talks that test listening comprehension
✔︎developing scenarios and prompts that allow candidates to demonstrate their speaking or writing skills
The program runs from July 6th through August 14th (6 weeks) for all ELL test sections, and from July 6th through July 31st (4 weeks) for GRE Verbal. Summer associates are expected to work 8:30–5:00, Monday through Friday, for their entire program, and will receive attractive compensation.
All work is conducted at the ETS Rosedale campus in Princeton, New Jersey. Summer associates must provide or arrange their own housing and transportation.
The TOEFL iBT test, TOEIC tests, and GRE Verbal test are global measures, so ETS actively seeks candidates who can bring diverse experiences and perspectives to the work. The Summer Institute workforce includes people from a variety of backgrounds, such as undergraduate students, graduate students, teachers, professors, and professional writers. ELL program applicants must have completed at least some undergraduate work to be considered. GRE Verbal applicants must have completed at least a master’s degree (or possess equivalent experience) to be considered.
All summer associates must have appropriate authorization to work in the United States. If you do not currently have U.S. work authorization, please note: Some candidates who receive an offer to be a summer associate may be able to apply for a CPT or an OPT work authorization visa if enrolled at a U.S. university. Check with your university’s international student services office or program coordinator for eligibility before applying to the ETS Summer Institute. CPT visas can usually be acquired quickly, while OPT visas typically take longer. Candidates who receive an offer and who need a CPT or an OPT visa should apply for one of these visas immediately upon accepting our offer. Summer associates must have a very high degree of fluency in English but do not need to be native speakers.
Each of the test sections hiring for the summer is associated with a specific work sample. You will need to complete and submit a separate work sample for each test section for which you would like to be considered.
⚑ Directions for completing and submitting your work sample(s), along with a cover letter and résumé, are posted on the ETS Summer Institute Web site at
Applications are due Friday, January 31, 2020. Applicants are selected mainly on the basis of their performance on the work samples. Work samples will be evaluated in February and March, and you will be notified of your status by Friday, March 13, 2020. For questions, please contact Recruiting
Consultant Dave Yanchuk at DYanchuk@ets.org
January 31, 2020
Application deadline
March 13, 2020
Applicants notified of decisions
July 6, 2020
July 31, 2020
1st day of the ETS Summer Institute for all test sections
Last day of the GRE Verbal Summer Institute
August 14, 2020
Last day of the ELL Summer Institute
office email sample 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hi there! Happy to see you here! Hope I get to see you out on the roads as well!
If any information is missing, please reach out to me on Instagram (@LukasEngstrom) or FB (@LukasTaiwan) and I'll get back to you right away!
Shilin DMV:
No. 80號, Section 5, Chengde Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111
What you need to bring:
1x ARC (valid for at least 6 months in total)
3x Photos (Recently taken, 1-inch size)
$400 NT (for test and health check fees)
Link to DMV Online test:
Link to Sample questions (make sure to search for 英文!):
Do you want to see MORE videos like this one? Please consider supporting me on Patreon as all my income will go directly back into the channel and cover either future travels or other resources: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom
Want to see photos from our adventures before everyone else and/or suggest what I should check out next?!
Please follow me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LukasEngstrom
Business inquiries:
創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @rog8149u
Email: contact@lukasengstrom.com
All music from Epidemic Sound: http://share.epidemicsound.com/DlqDP
The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any sort of support is highly appreciated!
Insta360: https://www.insta360.com/sal/onex_real_estate_kit?insrc=INR0P5F
Camera: Canon EOS R: https://amzn.to/2CAybbh
Lens: Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
Insta360 One X: https://amzn.to/2KfwBjd
Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 5K Kit: https://amzn.to/36VxMhy
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN
Camera: Canon M50: https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR
ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
MacBook Pro 15” - TouchBar: https://amzn.to/2p7rSsy
Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI
Special thanks to STC for helping me out with filters:
STC website:https://stcoptics.com/en/
STC Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STCOptics/
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