Happy Saturday Everyone! 🥰
2 years ago diagnosed with high cholesterol & it got worried sick - also forced Auntie Lilly to embark on a FITNESS plan to exercise daily for a fitter & healthier version of me. Good results for HDL, LDL & Triglycerides, all readings are at the NORMAL range now. Been working hard for the past 24 months to get these 'achievable' results! 💪💪💪
So happy & totally motivated to continue on my fitness plan of daily workouts, eating healthier with Intermittent Fasting & doing my FIR Sauna regularly at home. Getting old is unavoidable but to be old & still healthy is possible. I want to live well, be happy & stay healthy always! 😘 😘😘
With this post, Auntie Lilly hopes to inspire many of my friends out there to care for your health by exercising & eating well for a FITTER & HEALTHIER YOU. It works wonders for me & I believe it definitely works for everyone too! 🥰🥰🥰
#FollowMeToEatLa #FollowMeToExercise
#Healthy #Fit #OldButFit #Happy #57YearsOld