這本經典一百頁多點,作者是編劇兼導演,其實是based on 他在哥倫比亞大學的一個講座。
The story is the essential progression of incidents that occur to the hero in pursuit of his one goal.
Screenwritinf answers a few key questions: what does the hero want? What hinders him from getting it? What happens if he does not get it?
Film and drama schools are useless. You learn in the normal course of events. All they should teach is an understanding of the technique of juxtaposition of uninflected images to create in the mind of the viewer the progression of the story
Keep everything interesting out of the way. Just tell the story
If sth is not essential to the story, throw it out
Dramatic art is good for telling a story but nth else
Dont crave acceptance by the industry or u will just become part of what us sloppy, trivial and ovscene.
The greatest lesson about acting: perform the physical motions called for by the script as simply as possible.
Always strive to make a silent movie - the perfect movie has no dialogue. The story is carried by the shots.
The job of the director is to tell the story through the juxtaposition of uninflected images