Today is #ZEROdiscrimination day. We've got a loooong loooong way to go on many many things. We've progressed so much against so many odds and i think that just shows how resilient we are and how much further we can go!
@paintthetownredsg hopes to erase the stigma surrounding pple living with HIV and one of the things theyve done is found real stories from some people who have the virus. The ones that I read really touched me and make it so clear how little i knew about it. I hope that u manage to find some time to go to their page and check them out because... The world is a hard enough place, lets not make it harder because we didnt want find out more, didnt want to have the tough conversation, and... All that. You know?? 💌 im so inarticulate sometimes.
BASICALLY, please go check out these stories, they say it much better. #PaintTheTownRedSG