不經不覺,國際小姐競選經已結束了一個多星期,好懷念同一班佳麗相處嘅日子啊。喺呢三個星期入面,雖然要長期著住高踭鞋,但好彩有Santé Asia @sante_asia 呢支排毒塑身按摩油咋,每晚返到酒店沖完涼就會用佢,因為佢唔單止令我去水腫鎖緊水份,仲可以令循環系統暢通,第二日又可以精精神神應付緊密嘅行程,有佢真好☺️👍🏻👍🏻
Time flies, Miss International 2016 has been over for more than one week, I really miss all the lovely girls. During my 3 weeks pageant journey, I need to wear high heels for so long and sometimes lack of sleeping too. Fortunately, I got this "Body Massage Oil - Detox & Water Less" from Santé Asia as it helps me to fight oedema, improve circulation and help detoxification and body shaping too. I always feel so refreshing and vitalising after using it. It's really cool ❤️❤️❤️
#santeasia #skincare #GrapeseedOil #SesameOil #PureEssentialOilsofLaurelleaf #Palmarosa #SweetOrange #Lemon #JuniperBerry
#葡萄籽油 #芝麻油 #月桂葉純精油 #玫瑰草 #甜橙 #檸檬 #杜松果 #missinternational2016 #missinternationalmacau #pageant #grandslam