【 Anti-epidemic services 】
More than 51 clubs in Rotary District 3450 worked together with NGOs to fight against the impact of COVID-19 to the community.
With the assistance of Rotary District Disaster Response Fund of US$50,000, we organised more than 47 Projects to deliver temporary shelters, foods, masks, sanitizers, baby products, daily necessities, learning devices, emotional support and germicidal treatment to sub-divided flats etc.
Please see the interview with District Governor Eric Chak to know more information for Rotary anti-epidemic services.
【 扶輪抗疫服務 】
國際扶輪3450地區超過 51 個扶輪社連同不同的非政府團體一同對抗新冠肺炎,減低其對社區帶來的負面影響,服務包括提供臨時住所、食物、口罩、搓手液、嬰兒用品、日常必需品、供學習用的電子設備、情緒支援、劏房殺菌等。