“С днём рождения!” (S dnom rozhdeniya!) means “Happy Birthday!” in Russian. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs José María Liu attended a belated #RussiaDay celebration at the Representative Office in Taipei for the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation on June 14 on the very evening Russia soared to victory in the first match of the World Cup, scoring an impressive 5 goals ⚽🥅 in their match against Saudi Arabia.
當世足賽如火如荼地進行時🏆,主辦國俄羅斯️也在幾天前迎來了國慶日~ Представительство МТК в Тайбэе • 莫北協駐台代表處 • Office of MTC in Taipei特別在台北舉辦國慶酒會🥂,外交部劉德立次長也應邀出席慶祝!
莫北協駐台代表白樂賢 (Sergey Petrov)表示世足賽促進了俄羅斯的觀光產業發展,也和劉次長一起為世足賽開幕開球,Live It Up!👩🎤👨🎤