馬來西亞的沙貝琴女神Alena Murang 即將要發行新專輯了!
(English Below)
Alena一向非常重視環保、土地議題與傳統文化的保存。她即將推出的新專輯《致‧天空Sky Songs》,主題圍繞在她的故鄉砂拉越古老的傳說故事,用馬來西亞的傳統語言唱出她生活所在的大地與天空。
═╡ 一睹女神風采跨海直播 ╞═
主 題│沙貝琴女神來了!Alena Murang跨海線上見面會
日 期│2021/05/25 Tue.
時 間│20:00-21:00
直播平台│風潮音樂 FB、Alena Murang FB
#阿蓮娜 #致天空 #世界音樂節 #新專輯 #即將發行 #AlenaMurang #Skysongs #Malaysia #Sarawak #2021WMF@Taiwan #WindMusic
#RWMF2021 #MoreToDiscover #砂拉越 #砂拉越無盡的探索
│English Version│
The Sape’ Goddess of Borneo (Malaysia) is releasing her newest album!
Alena has always dedicated herself to the environment and her indigenous community. She is releasing her newest album Sky Songs. It’s inspired by the stories of her ancestors that lived in the skies and on Earth, the album is a journey of song through the cosmos.
Please stay tuned at Wind Music Facebook Page!
Here’s the details about the Online Fan Meeting:
Topic| Here Comes The Sape’ Goddess of Borneo! Alena Murang Overseas Online Fan Meeting Date| May 25th, 2021, Tue.
Time| 8~9 pm (National Standard Time, UTC+08:00)
Live Stream Platform| Wind Music and Alena Murang’s Facebook fanpages
P.S.1 The virtual fan meeting is supported by the Sarawak Tourism Board.
P.S.2 This live streaming will be hosted in Mandarin.