【買一送一】有300年歷史嘅法蘭西老牌 DALLOYAU Hong Kong (本人對呢個牌子一向都暱稱為大蘿柚),嚟緊嘅8月18至20日一連三日,🍦有買一送一優惠🍦,雪糕正常要 HK$50 個,依家半價就食到!好抵!(仲平過食 H 牌)
我手上呢個係最新出嘅夏天限定口味「🍑香桃芒果」,因為桃同芒果都係本人喜歡嘅口味,所以我係好 like 呢隻味嘅,推;另外兩款新口味分別係🌹玫瑰同埋🍓紅桑子 (冇紅桑子嘅emoji搵士多啤梨頂住先~😂),紅桑子都幾好,但玫瑰就有啲假假哋。
DALLOYAU 分店分別位於金鐘太古廣場,尖沙嘴海港城 及 銅鑼灣 SOGO。
#DALLOYAUHK #DALLOYAUIceCream #SummerFlavours #DALLOYAURecipe #Since1682 #ParisOrigin #SummerIceCream #IceCreamLover
summerflavours 在 Eyes Of Michelle Facebook 的最佳解答
Refreshing, cooling and made with top-notch ingredients, our summer flavours are now available!🍦
Try them out at different DALLOYAU shops in August:
📍Peach Mango - SOGO Causeway Bay
📍 Rose - Pacific Place
📍 Raspberry - Harbour City
#SummerFlavours #Rose #PeachMango #Raspberry #NewFlavours #IceCreamLover #SummerFavourite #DalloyauIceCream #DalloayuRecipe #DalloyauHK #Since1682 #ParisOrigin
summerflavours 在 Celia Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
Limited summer flavour, love rose one #DALLOYAUHK #DALLOYAUIceCream #SummerFlavours #dnapr #DALLOYAURecipe #Since1682 #ParisOrigin #SummerIceCream #IceCreamLover #lifestyle #hotsummer #fashionista #personalshopper #personalstylist
#fashiontrends#fashionicons #fashionlove #fashionshot #fashionpost #fashiondaily #styleicon #stylelover #stylepost #stylelife