As we all mourn for all the devastating things happening in the world and all the sad news recently, perhaps we should all try to live like a child, think like an adult, and see the world as Yin & Yang, because it is.
Love like a child - A child that falls and gets back up, a child that cries loudly but also laughs loudly right after, a child that sees the heroes in the world and gets inspired, a child with dreams and hopes and an unwavering keenness to learning and growing, a child whose laughter and light can brighten up the whole room. Live like a child.
Think like an adult - remember to cherish those around you, remember to love yourself, treasure the chance to still be able to laugh and cry, the ability to have perspective - to see the dark side, but also to see the bright sides - to have perspective and make decisions to take action instead of giving up. To take charge and be the captain of your own ship, and to care for others too.
See the world as Yin & Yang, because it is - The world may feel like a dark place sometimes, and you’re not alone in feeling that way. I’m feeling it right now, right this moment. But please don’t soak your mind with negativity. Don’t deny it, but don’t sit with it and let it grow. Use your negativity for something - music, art, a good run, a good cry, a good scream, time with friends and family, whatever it is - use it and turn it around.
We may think that other people know better, but they don’t - we are all the same. So please, help someone also to balance out their darkness with some brightness. And please, for every comment that makes you feel like you shouldn’t share happiness, that you don’t deserve to be happy, don’t fall for that guilt-trip. Don’t fall for it at all. We all deal with our emotions differently. So for the lack of a better choice of words - Fuck them. Seriously, fuck. them.
For every chance that there is to breathe, to blink, to smile, to laugh, to hug, to love - take it, cherish it, and know that it’s not for granted, but know that you deserve to have that choice.
Choose love, bring light
#prayforTheWorld #RIPKobe #justkeepgoing