NBA總裁Adam Silver 今天再次針對中國對於火箭事件發表聲明。
I recognize our initial statement left people angered, confused or unclear on who we are or what the NBA stands for. Let me be more clear.
…for those who question our motivation, this is about far more than growing our business.
Values of equality, respect and freedom of expression have long defined the NBA – and will continue to do so. As an American-based basketball league operating globally, among our greatest contributions are these values of the game.
平等,尊重,言論自由等價值,長久以來一直定義了NBA – 而未來也會持續。身為一個來自美國營運全球的籃球聯盟,這些價值是我們最重要的貢獻之一。
In fact, one of the enduring strength of the NBA is our diversity – of views, backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and religions.
事實上,NBA長久以來的優勢之一,就是我們的多元 – 不論是觀點,背景,種族,性別,宗教。
With that diversity comes the belief that whatever our differences, we respect and value each other; and, what we have in common, including a belief in the power of sports to make a difference, remains our bedrock principle.
It is inevitable that people around the world…will have different viewpoints over different issues. It is not the role of the NBA to adjudicate those differences.
However, the NBA will not put itself in a position of regulating what players, employees and team owners say or will not say on these issues. We simply could not operate that way.
At a time when divides between nations grow deeper and wider, we believe sports can be a unifying force that focuses on what we have in common as human beings rather than our differences.
小人物Hans: 要說Silver是相信價值也好,要說他是等美國這邊的風向出來後再反應也好,無論如何總裁再次定調NBA所相信的價值,就是多元,尊重,言論自由。當然我們還是能夠看到如Harden和火箭老闆等表態滅火言論,但是就像Silver所說的,這也不是聯盟能夠控制的;說真的球員在中國被捧在手中,他們當然很愛。老闆不想虧錢會切割也是可以理解。但是身為聯盟老大,重複表示支持言論自由,至少展現了該有的氣度,也撐住了NBA 這個品牌。
當然也可以從市場面去考量;NBA最終還是一個吃美國市場的產業。就像之前提到的,如果Joe Tsai說領土是中國不可觸碰的引爆議題 (Third-Rail issue), 那正值美中貿易戰時對於中國磕頭就是美國這邊的Third-Rail issue. Adam Silver這樣的聲明雖然很難讓所有的人都滿意 (看小人物們的反應也可以看出來),但是至少讓愛籃球的美國球迷願意接受。
至於火箭 (和籃網),可又是另外一回事了。
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