「我們向仍在為失去親人而悲痛的家庭深表痛惜,其中包括勇敢的天安門母親們,她們甘冒巨大的個人風險,永不停息地追究責任。30年前發生的事件仍在觸動我們的良知,以及全世界熱愛自由的人民的良知。」美國國務卿龐佩奧在《天安門抗議活動30周年紀念日》聲明裡說到。我們向天安門母親致敬,一起來聽聽她們的心聲。#Tiananmen30 #TiananmenMassacre #TiananmenMothers #WeRemember64
"We express our deep sorrow to the families still grieving their lost loved ones, including the courageous Tiananmen Mothers, who have never stopped seeking accountability, despite great personal risk. The events of thirty years ago still stir our conscience, and the conscience of freedom-loving people around the world." U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in his statement on the 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square. We salute to Tiananmen Mothers. Let's see what they said.