[PROMO ALERT] 50% Off Toroniku Ramen from 18th Sept to 21st Sept at Santouka Ramen.
This was actually my favorite ramen among the four dishes that I've tried here. The meat was tender and the broth was thick. I think I'll come back here again tomorrow for this promo 🤣🤣🤣.
For more info, visit: https://goo.gl/cpHpXA
Thanks @jpassportsg for having me.
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toroniku 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳解答
又是一個濕冷的12月天,這種天氣總讓人想來一碗熱騰騰的拉麵。上週末才第一次去在東村已頗有歷史也相當獲好評的Minca Ramen Factory吃拉麵。
其實之前就曾在他們後來在E. 14 St. 靠近1st Ave的分店Kambi Ramen吃過。當時並不覺得很好吃,因為湯頭太過於濃稠,而蒜味overpowering所有其他食材味道。
這次到Minca吃果然是比Kambi的美味許多! 湯頭不那麼濃稠,但香味依舊。蒜味也沒有那麼強烈。招牌的 Minca Ramen只要10.5元,相當平民。愛吃肉的朋友則可以點Toroniku Ramen, 就能吃到很大塊,慢燉熬煮的五花肉。而前菜Radish Salad with Sesame dressing則是很受歡迎的沙拉。
Minca Ramen House: 536 E.5th St (bet. Ave A & B). Cash only.