卵巢容易出現瘤狀物,據說每十個女生就有三至四個長有子宮肌瘤,雖然體質細小的話不用治療,但長有腫瘤總叫人擔心。想預防腫瘤出現,建議可適量食用十字花科蔬菜,它有抗炎、抗菌、抗腫瘤及抗氧化作用,十字花科蔬菜種類繁多,常見的有西蘭花、椰菜花、大白菜、小白菜及椰菜,還有上海人尤其喜歡吃的薺菜、外國人常見的椰菜仔(brussel sprouts)以及熱門沙律菜火箭菜及羽衣甘藍,原來都出自十字花科,不妨按體質適量食用。
西蘭花 — 性平,有強腎壯骨、健脾養胃的作用,適合脾胃虛弱、久病體虛、容易腰酸人士食用。
椰菜花 — 性平,能助消化、生津止渴,適合口乾口渴、消化不良、食慾不振人士食用。
椰菜 — 性平,有補腎壯筋骨、健胃助消化的功效,適合久病體虛、容易腰酸、食慾不振人士食用。
薺菜 — 性平,有健脾利水、止血明目的作用,適合便血、消化道出血、月經過多人士食用。
大白菜 — 又名津白、紹菜及黃芽白,性平,能健脾胃、潤腸通便,適合消化不良、大便乾燥、容易便秘人士食用。
小白菜 — 性涼,有清熱通便、解熱除煩、消痰止咳的功效,適合口乾、小便短赤、容易便秘人士食用。
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Getting to know cruciferous vegetables
Tumor-like lumps can easily grow in the ovaries. According to reports, three to four out of ten women will develop uterine fibroids. Though it does not require treatment if the size remains small, having a growth in the womb can be quite worrisome.
In order to prevent tumors, consume an appropriate amount of cruciferous vegetable, as they are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, and anti-oxidant.
There are many genera and species under this family. The common ones include broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, cabbage, and Shanghainese’s favorite shepherd's purse. Brussel sprouts, arugula, and kale, which often appear in Western cuisine, are also cruciferous vegetables. It will be good to incorporate them into your diet based on your body constitutions.
Broccoli - mild in nature. It can strengthen the kidneys and bones, as well as the spleen and stomach. Suitable for those with a weak spleen and stomach, weakness from chronic illness and sore lower back.
Cauliflower - mild in nature. It can aid digestion, promote fluid production and relieve thirst. Suitable for dry mouth and throat, indigestion and poor appetite.
Cabbage - mild in nature. It can strengthen the kidneys, muscles and bones, strengthen the stomach and aid digestion. Suitable for those with weakness from chronic illness, sore lower back and lack of appetite.
Shepherd's purse(ji cai) - mild in nature. It can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, relieve bleeding and improve eyesight. Suitable for individuals with blood in stool, blood in digestive tract and large volume of menstrual blood.
Chinese cabbage - also known as Jin Bai, Shao Cai and Huang Ya Bai, mild in nature. It can nourish the spleen and stomach, promote urination and bowel movement. It is suitable for those with indigestion, dry stool and those who are prone to constipation.
Bok choy - cool in nature. It can clear heat, improve bowel movement, relieve stress, clear phlegm and relieve coughing. It is suitable for those with dry mouth, reddish and short urination and easy constipation.
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#女 #經期 #便秘
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About a couple of weeks ago, I was notified by the gasing veterinary that plastic ( Stray we saved) has a tumor in his nose. More than a month ago I brought plastic for checkup because he was bleeding from his nose for sometime and after three doctor visits, we decided to undergo a scope to see what’s actually going on with plastic. In the scope the vet found a large growth in his nose nasal and suspected it could be a severe infection or cancer. We send his nose mass to Aus...
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#失譯症 #不止一次的心碎
再過兩天,已逝模特兒、饒舌歌手 Lil Peep在生前留下的作品將集結成《Come Over When You’re Sober Pt. 2. 》問世,今天釋出收錄在其中的歌曲“Life is Beautiful”,這首作品由先前已經發行過的歌曲”Life”重新混音而成。這首歌的歌詞提到了對於人生的無奈和對於發生的事無能為力的沮喪,而Peep在歌曲裡由”Isn’t life beautiful?”唱到”Isn’t life horrible?”,深刻展現了他誠實而悲傷的一面。
Lil Peep的母親Liza則寫道:「Gus在2015年初時寫下這首歌曲,他在我們長灘的家和朋友留下了一些影像,他喜歡在地下室、車庫進行拍攝;他喜歡在有氛圍感的場地做這些事,在這部影片裡他戴上了他很喜歡的近視眼鏡,這也是他配過的唯一一副。」
“Life is Beautiful” by Lil Peep - https://youtu.be/2ORsrbQa94M
I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful
Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles
Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Tryin' to keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral
Finding out eventually the feeling wasn't mutual
You were not invited 'cause you're nothing like the usual
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
You wanna see your friends, but you're stuck inside a hospital
Doctor walks in and he tells you that it's terminal
Tumor in your brain and they're sayin' it's inoperable
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
They'll kill your little brother and they'll tell you he's a criminal
They'll fucking kill you too, so you better not get physical
Welcome to America, the type of shit is typical
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Wake up in the morning, now you doing the impossible
Find out what's important, now you're feeling philosophical
When I die, I'll pack my bags, move somewhere more affordable
Isn't life horrible? I think that life is horrible
(Lil Peep曾告訴Pitchfork他因為憂鬱和沮喪而難以離開床)
You think she's adorable, she thinks that you're intolerable
You think you can do it, but your chances are improbable
Once you feel unstoppable, you run into an obstacle
Isn't life comical? I think that life is comical
And if you ever need a friend then you got me
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
Run away, make friends with the moon
Why you trippin'? You'll be with your friends soon
There comes a time when everybody meets the same fate
I think I'ma die alone inside my room
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful