很多人對川普的惡行惡狀睜隻眼閉隻眼, 或是瞞著良心否認川普不適任, 只因為他跟中國打貿易戰, 大快人心! 只要他能傷害中國, 其他任何事情一點都不重要了! 那麼, 川普對世界各國發起的貿易戰效果到底如何呢?
截至七月, 美國的貿易逆差來到十二年新高。七月時跟中國的貿易逆差比前一個月多了 11.5%。對墨西哥的貿易逆差也到達歷史新高, 之前川普口口聲聲北美自由貿易協定對美國不公平, 執意毀約, 然後跟加拿大墨西哥重新談判。看來新協議反而讓美國輸更大。
當然川粉們才不管那麼多, 只要川普罵中國就立刻高潮了。政策面太過複雜, 他們沒興趣。
我舉雙手贊成制裁中共啊, 但是讓一個有腦子的人來處理, 好嗎? 一個破產多次的生意人怎麼靠譜呢!
u.s. trade deficit 在 不負責任金融研究中心 Facebook 的最佳貼文
//在2019年,香港和美國的貨物貿易總額是5,170億港元(佔我們貨物貿易總額百分之6.2),而香港本地產品出口到美國只是37億港元。根據美方的數字,美國從香港賺取的貿易順差在2019年超過2,000億港元。若在服務業及投資等其他方面施加制裁,在香港的1,300間美國企業會受打擊。// ☝️張建宗網誌
//Hong Kong is currently our 21st largest goods trading partner with $43.6 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2018. Goods exports totaled $37.3 billion; goods imports totaled $6.3 billion. The U.S. goods trade surplus with Hong Kong was $31.0 billion in 2018.
Trade in services with Hong Kong (exports and imports) totaled an estimated $23.3 billion in 2018. Services exports were $12.8 billion; services imports were $10.5 billion. The U.S. services trade surplus with Hong Kong was $2.3 billion in 2018.// ☝️Office of US Trade Representative
梧:即係咁,阿張司長話,2019年香港同美國有成200B港紙trade deficit,23B美記,咁就叫順差大?咁撚睇得起自己呀?你知唔知美國一年嘅trade有幾多呀?
咦?原來2018年有成33. 3B美記(31+2.3),即係減少緊。阿張司長又唔同人講一年個surplus小左3成嘅?
u.s. trade deficit 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳貼文
worth of reading.
1. "This is not bad economic news. Imports grew faster than exports as the U.S. economy accelerated and much of the world slowed. The dollar grew stronger as capital flowed into the U.S., and the trade deficit grew to offset the larger capital inflows as it must by definition under the national income accounts."
2. "Note too that the trade deficit expanded in 2018 even as the U.S. unemployment rate fell. This gives the lie to the common political claim that a higher trade deficit means lost American jobs. Capital investment matters more to job creation than trade flows do."
3. "Mr. Trump has a fixation with German-made cars, so it’s worth highlighting that imports of passenger cars declined $2.5 billion as U.S consumers bought more trucks and SUVs produced at home. But since American trucks include foreign components, imports of auto parts increased $10 billion at the same time that truck exports rose $1.1 billion.
All of this reflects how U.S. manufacturers depend on global supply chains and underscores why it would be a mistake to impose tariffs on auto parts. The higher costs would flow to American manufacturers and ultimately be paid by consumers."
u.s. trade deficit 在 United States Balance of Trade | 2022 Data | 2023 Forecast 的相關結果
The US trade deficit increased to $80.2 billion in November of 2021 from an upwardly revised $67.2 billion gap in October and close to a record high of ... ... <看更多>
u.s. trade deficit 在 What Is the Current US Trade Deficit? - The Balance 的相關結果
Annual US Trade Deficit ... The 2020 trade deficit was much higher than that of 2019. At the end of 2019, it was $576.3 billion (vs. $676.7 billion in 2020). The ... ... <看更多>
u.s. trade deficit 在 Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China - Census Bureau 的相關結果
2021年12月10日 — 2021 : U.S. trade in goods with China. NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. ... Trade in Goods and Services. Deficit: $80.2 Billion ... <看更多>