我由衷地恭喜平昌冬奧的美國女子冰球隊,昨天以3比2的精彩PK大戰擊敗加拿大。隊員當中,有六位來自我家鄉明尼蘇達大學的校隊,還有幾位在明尼蘇達長大或是在那裏打青少年冰球,所以我特別為她們感到驕傲。這場球賽節奏很快,雙方都展現高超球技與必勝決心,有些人甚至盛讚說這是他們看過最棒的冰球比賽之一,因為兩隊打得難分難捨,但美國隊Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson以令人著迷的控球射門得分,而Maddie Rooney則以堅固的防守擋下加拿大的最後一球得勝。自1998年以來,加拿大女子冰球隊贏得了每屆的冬奧金牌,但這次金牌終於換我們得手啦!漂亮哦,美國隊! --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector #Pyeongchang2018 #WinterOlympics2018 #TeamUSA #WomensHockeyTeam
Hearty congratulations to the Team USA women’s hockey team for defeating Team Canada in yesterday’s thrilling 3-2 shootout at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. I’m especially proud because six members of the team played hockey at my home state school, the University of Minnesota, and several other team members grew up or played youth hockey in Minnesota. The game was very fast paced and both teams displayed high skill and grit. Some people have commented that it was one of the best hockey games they had ever seen. The only difference was the mesmerizing stickhandling of USA player Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson on her shootout goal and the sturdy goaltending of Maddie Rooney, who made the final shootout save. The Canadians had won every women’s hockey Olympics gold medal after 1998. But now it’s our turn! Way to go USA…km