AIESEC作為聯合國United Nations嘅伙伴組織,致力向全世界青年宣傳聯合國所制定嘅可持續發展目標,而其中一個途徑,就係透過YouthSpeak Survey了解你哋嘅諗法,同埋點睇呢個世界未來15年嘅轉變。我哋希望可以收集全港青年嘅睇法,幫助改善香港現今嘅問題。
YouthSpeak Survey:bit.ly/YSmovement
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals aim to combat social, economic and environmental problems in 15 years and have now been activated worldwidely.
We are AIESEC, and we are mobilising young people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Stay tuned about #Y4GG : Youth for Global Goals, an activation platform by AIESEC to facilitate local engagement for global impact. In the meantime, fill out the YouthSpeak Survey here: bit.ly/YSmovement
Special thanks go to participants who have joined our video shooting and thank you for supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.