#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
美國生活用語:The Red Vegetables 跟紅色有關的蔬菜🥕
你知道叫某人 a ginger 是什麼意思嗎?
ps. 絕對不是很辣的意思喔
1⃣ (sb.) a carrot-top
2⃣ (sb.) a ginger
3⃣ as red as a beet
You may have noticed that there are some bright-colored vegetables out there. It shouldn’t be surprising, therefore, that some of these vegetables would be used in descriptive idioms.
Carrots, for example. 1⃣ If you were to call someone a carrot-top, what would that mean? It would mean they have red hair! You may be thinking, “But aren’t carrots more orange than red? This is true, but lots of redheads have hair that’s more orange then red, and they’re still called “redheads,” right? There’s even a famous American comedian called Carrot Top (his real name is Scott Thompson). Ex: Our two sons are blond, but our daughter is a carrot-top.
拿 carrot 紅蘿蔔來說,如果你叫某人 carrot-top「紅蘿蔔頭」是什麼意思呢?就是在說他們有頭紅髮!你或許會想:「可是紅蘿蔔是橘色,不是紅色的啊?」是沒錯,但實際上許多紅髮人的髮色與其說是紅色更多是橘色,可他們還是被叫 redhead「紅髮」,是吧?甚至有個知名美國喜劇人就叫 Carrot Top(他的真名是史考特湯普森)。例句:Our two sons are blond, but our daughter is a carrot-top.(我們兩個兒子雖然是金髮,但我們女兒是紅髮。)
2⃣ What if you call someone a “ginger”? It also means they’re a redhead! If you cook with ginger, you may wonder why the word has this meaning. After all, ginger root has more of a yellow or brown color. On the other hand, things like gingerbread men and candied ginger both have a reddish-brown color. But the real answer lies in the ginger plant, which has bright red flowers. Worth mentioning is that some people may consider the term “ginger” offensive, so be careful when using it. Ex: Why are there so many gingers in Ireland?
要是你叫某人ginger呢?也是在說他們有頭紅髮!如果你有用薑煮菜的習慣,你就會很好奇,為什麼ginger會有這一層意思,畢竟,薑再怎麼樣不是黃色就是褐色,不過薑餅人或薑糖的外表倒是紅褐色的。不過,真正的答案,其實是在薑這個植物本身:因為薑花是亮紅色的。值得注意的是,有些人會認為ginger這個字有歧視意味,所以使用時務必小心。如:Why are there so many gingers in Ireland?(為什麼愛爾蘭有這麼多紅頭髮?)
Finally we have the beet. You probably know that beets are red, but they’re even redder when you cut them open, and the juice is even redder still. 3⃣ So if you say someone is “red as a beet,” it means they’re very red. The phrase is most often used to describe someone who is flushed with embarrassment, but can also describe a person who is red from heat or sunburn. Ex: Tommy turned red as a beet when the girl kissed him.
最後我們來談甜菜。你大概知道甜菜是紅色的,當你把甜菜切開,裡面更紅,而用它們做成的果汁更紅!所以,如果你說某人red as a beet「紅得跟甜菜一樣」,表示他們真的很紅。這個片語常用來形容某人因尷尬而臉紅的樣子,也能形容晒傷後的皮膚。如:Tommy turned red as a beet when the girl kissed him.(女孩親了湯米之後,他的臉紅得像甜菜一樣。)
yellow idioms 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
中文說的 #金魚腦,英文也有類似的表達,只是用 pea 形容;
18世紀英國工業革命所產生的 #smog,其實跟 pea 有關?
想知道為什麼嗎?跟著 #EZTALK 繼續看下去~👀
1⃣(like) two peas in a pod / alike as two peas in a pod
2⃣ thick as pea soup
3⃣ pea-brained
The British love their peas, and they brought this love with them when they colonized North America. Americans have not only inherited this taste for peas, but also several pea-related idioms.
One of these is 1⃣ “(like) two peas in a pod” or “alike as two peas in a pod”. When you open a pea pod, what do you notice? All the peas inside are very similar. So the expression is used to describe two people or things being very similar, especially in appearance. Ex: Cynthia and her twin sister are two peas in a pod.
其中一個是 (like) two peas in a pod 或可以說 alike as two peas in a pod(碗裡的兩顆豌豆),這個諺語是用來描述某兩人或兩樣物品實在像到無法分辨,尤其是指外觀上。如:Cynthia and her twin sister are two peas in a pod.(辛西亞跟她的雙胞胎根本長的一模一樣。)
Another idiom is 2⃣ “thick as pea soup,” which is used to describe fog. Ex: The fog that rolled in from the bay was thick as pea soup. Interestingly, this expression originated in 19th century London, which was often covered in a thick yellow-green smog—caused by the burning of coal—that looked like pea soup.
另一個諺語是 thick as pea soup(跟豌豆湯一樣濃),用來形容「霧濃到看不清楚」,如:The fog that rolled in from the bay was thick as pea soup.(灣上的霧濃到什麼都看不到。)有趣的是,其實這個用語是起源於十九世紀的倫敦,當時倫敦經常被一片黃綠色的霧霾籠罩著,這團霧霾其實是因為燃燒煤炭而產生,顏色剛好就跟豌豆湯一樣。
But Americans have also come up with their own pea-related expressions. One of the most common is 3⃣ “pea-brained.” Considering the small size of a pea, you can probably guess that pea-brained means “stupid or foolish.” Ex: My pea-brained coworker can’t seem to do anything right.
不過美國人也有專屬自己的豌豆諺語喔。其中一個最常聽到的就是 pea-brained(豌豆腦)。想想看豌豆的大小,你大概就明白,pea-brained 其實說人「蠢笨的」,類似中文的「金魚腦」的概念。如:My pea-brained coworker can’t seem to do anything right.(我那同事的腦就只有豌豆般大小,啥事都做不好。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
yellow idioms 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
doggy bag?
doggy waste/poop bag?
🆒 俐媽英文教室—狗狗篇:
🐶 doggy/doggie bag (n.) 剩菜打包袋
—> leftover (n.) 剩菜
🐕 dog waste/poop bag (n.) 狗狗拾便袋
—> disposal (n.) 處理
—> biodegradable (a.) 生物可分解的
—> compost (n.) 堆肥
—> meet...standard 符合⋯標準
—> suffocation (n.) 窒息
—> infant (n.) 嬰兒
—> crib (n.) 嬰兒床
—> carriage (n.) 嬰兒車
—> playpen (n.) 嬰兒用遊戲柵欄
🐩 call off the dogs 不再找(某人)麻煩
🐩 dog days of summer 長又熱的夏日
🐩 fleabag 老狗
🐩 stray dog 流浪狗
🐩 lucky dog 運氣好的人
🐩 be in the doghouse 惹麻煩而失寵/受處罰
🐩 not have a dog’s chance 希望渺茫
🐩 shake like a dog shitting razor blades 超級緊張
🐩 top dog 優勝者;人生勝利組
🐩 put on the dog 裝腔作勢
🐩 a dog in the manger 佔著茅坑不拉屎的人
🐩 better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion 寧為雞首不為牛後
🐩 give a dog a bad name and hang him 欲加之罪,何患無辭
🐩 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. 孺子不可教也
🐩 be like a dog with two tails 十分開心
🐩 work like a dog 工作十分辛勞
🐩 come like a dog at a whistle 呼之即來
🐩 yellow dog 卑鄙小人
🐩 help a lame dog over a stile 助人渡過難關
🐩 dog ear 書頁上折到的一角(像狗耳朵)
狗狗是我們的好朋友,所以idioms, phrases, proverbs特別多,有興趣可以多查查。
但當別人給你doggy bag時,可別拿去裝狗💩了呦~😂
#俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室狗狗篇 #doggybag #doggiebag #dogwastebags #dogpoopbags #dogidiom #dogphrases #dogproverb