1, 宣佈新任勞工部長人選: Alexander Acosta.
2, 宣佈新出爐的民調顯示,美國民眾非常滿意(55%支持度)新政府
3, Dishonest Media, distorted news, "out of control "media
4, 我收下了前任政府的一個爛攤子. Isis 像癌症一樣蔓延( I inherited a mess)
5, 與加拿大、中國的對話很成功
6, 國會很支持我
7, bragging about the election victory
8, Dishonest Media.
9, 政府減少經濟管制、加強打擊犯罪與毒品(毒品已經比糖果便宜了)
10, Great Wall.
11, 打擊非法移民、打擊恐怖主義、keep you safe. Keep reporters safe. Extreme vetting. Protect our people
12, pipeline. American steel.
13, drain the swamp. Lobby ban.
14, Obamacare is a disaster
15, take jobs back to the country "bigly"
16, every country is taking advantage of us.
17, 我上任之後美國工作機會一直在增加
- fake news
- I'm not going to tell you
- fake news
#Iwon #YouFake