Featured on theSundaily and I'm so grateful for the interview. Here's hopping for more people to have a better understanding of creative food works.
#foodstylistmalaysia #foodphotograhymalaysia #sycookiesxstyling #foodeverywhere
Full interview -
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過300的網紅Wui Kathy,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A picture is worth a thousand words! Mouse mommy loves photography and capture every single moments in our life especially family and kids’s precious ...
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a picture is worth a thousand words 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
英文裡面有一句話叫做 ”A picture is worth a thousand words.” 意思就是一張圖片勝過千言萬語,你無須多做解釋,看了圖片就可以感受。從去年第一次和 聲音訓練專家-周震宇 老師直播,我就有這樣的感覺:他一段聲音表達就像是包含了一千個字。到最近邀請他來進行訪談時,我覺得那個感覺更是十分強烈。
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🌟周震宇老師 優質課程《聲音表達基礎班(線上直播課)》開課倒數中!🌟
a picture is worth a thousand words 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1700人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
1. 我就係留意埋啲冇人留意嘅嘢,咁先有獨家(*)
2. 以前有個同事,花名叫做「吉吉」,因為佢叫做阿喆。幸好,自從有咗陶吉吉後,好多人都知呢個字讀「哲」。不過目測好多人都仲係叫佢陶吉吉,未必唔知係「哲」,但怕同人講去聽陶喆,人地以為你去聽陶傑,或者曹捷。正如我上次寫仙台(https://lkdin.io/3TPk),話我寫咗篇文講魯迅,都有人以為係佬訊。(我話:係呀,嗰條友抄咗佬訊個logo)
3. 其實應該話,「喆」「哲」根本就係同一個字,異寫。正如「碁」亦即係棋,不過好似圍棋專用,或者係ACER。有型啲咁解。
4. 而作為一個文青,我當然早就知道「喆」字。都唔係好深啫,金庸嘛,王重陽咪王喆,歲在甲子,陽者為吉,重陽咪喆(亦所以重陽係九月九)。
5. 至於呢間公司,我一路都以為係「喆麗」(請睇招股書),做乜變咗「哲麗」?而且我見好似係得aastock(巧似中資背景喎btw,因住拎晒你啲data,知道你睇過乜股票),同埋好少部份嘅大陸網站。
6. 但係咪關簡體字事?又似乎唔係。就我理解,簡體字都有個喆字。呢,之前盛傳呀Bill Gates件翻譯小三,咪正係「王喆」,大陸都有個歌手叫「王喆」。
7. 又,呢啲咁嘅問題呢,我唔知會唔會遲早搞到出法律問題。「所以都係要有common law」(**)。你見啲文件全部都講,中文名嘅嘢,for identification only
8. 加埋簡體字就更煩,例如肖剛到底係姓肖定姓蕭,佢本人都未必知。更煩嘅,例如美團嘅蔡文胜,我到而家都唔知係蔡文勝定蔡文胜。因為繁體字版招股書都係寫佢係蔡文胜。
9. 最後都講返呢間「喆麗」,咩東東?正係Yes Asia!嘩,啲回億返晒嚟,我估四十幾歲嗰班人(即係我)就會識!元祖電商公司!(甚麼點點紅 博學堂嗰啲就香晒)
10. 第一個反應應該係:嘩,間嘢仲未死的?第二反應係,嘩,仲搞上市?
11. 唔失禮的,14億市值。收入又係十幾億港紙,舊年純利成億港紙,唔係啲假大空嘢。「王維基檔嘢半年計埋保就業都係賺1億咋」
12. Yes Asia做乜?知嘅自然知,我年代嘅人,識呢檔嘢,九成係上網搵啲港產片VCD,歌手CD,香港小說咁。正係咁嘅生意!
13. 事實公司今年24年,你見到了,都話第一代電商股,亦係我讀大學嘅年代,初接觸互聯網嘅年代,生存到今日仲上埋市,真係好嘢
14. 公司成立源起,就真係因為創辦人在美國唐人街買四大天王CD,發現好貴,然後覺得不如自己做。果然係解決痛點。最初只係都係拎唐人街啲貨上網賣,後來甚至繞過中介,直接同唱片公司拎!
15. 當然公司後來慢慢轉型(仲有人聽CD睇VCD睇書?),變成賣衫賣化妝品,但的確係賣香港CD VCD 同書起家的。又,仲有留意一樣嘢:CD VCD 書都可以數碼化,但化妝品同衫暫時都未得。見到分別冇?
16. 寫到呢度,想講係,呢種「思鄉」,亦係一門幾好嘅生意。當然唔多唔少會被互聯網鏟平,但仲係有啲嘢取代唔同。
17. 例如我寫過,我阿爺當年係差佬(死咗十世,你鍾意我畀個地址你起佢出嚟鞭屍都得),怕老廉(但佢堅持自己清白),著咗草去台灣。咁佢地成班友,在台灣,就真係好似「大時代」咁,去租TVB錄影帶睇,貴一貴都租。
18. 你笑佢?到我在英國讀書時,雖然我嘅懶係懶到連唐人街都唔去(我在Warwick,最近要去到Birmingham,都搞你粒幾鐘,我除咗飛髮外就好少去)。但,如果去開倫敦(咁有一排在嗰度返intern添),我都係去唐人街,食旺記(好撚好食,特別係同其他嘢比),然後買張小嫻買亦舒睇。(***)
19. 然後又諗下,我而家Patreon讀者,居然都唔少係嚟自海外。冇正式統計,但有啲畀英鎊畀加紙澳紙嘅,就一定係海外。亦都有啲私下有同我傾計,日本嘅有,韓國有,去到芬蘭愛沙尼亞都仲有。而好明顯,我啲讀者應該全部都係香港人,我難以想像一個台灣人或大陸人或馬來西亞華人會睇我寫嘅文。
20. 一方面,固然亦係「思鄉」,我會講到香港嘅嘢,或者畀佢睇到廣東話嘅文。雖然你可以話大把人都有寫文,但,就係唔同。
21. 另一方面,亦係科技真偉大。你諗下,雖然金庸年代之類,寫文真係發達。但,你賣文賣唔到去芬蘭啦?但而家多得科技先進,我在香港寫文,甚至芬蘭嘅朋友都睇到。
22. 仲有?甚至有住加拿大嘅讀者請我食飯傾計。點請?咪佢幫我叫外賣(可惜只係UBEREAT,唔係女),然後佢在加拿大食,我在香港食,開個Zoom傾計。
23. 所以呢,都係應該感恩,感恩過郭感恩(****)。當然我要投訴嘅,扯,我而家Patreon真係可以在邊度寫都得,我可以住兩個月日本,然後住兩個月韓國,又住兩個月越南,照樣寫文,爽到極。以前啲作家都未必有咁爽,至少仲要咩搵個Fax機交稿。
24. 可惜疫情關係,以上呢啲我諗咗好多年嘅嘢,理應可以實現,但就實現唔到。不過唔緊要,心存樂觀。
25. 多謝大家一直嘅支持。下半年仲有更多更精彩嘅嘢。
(*)雖然獨家is overrated。N年前女朋友做記者,日思夜想就係做獨家(財經咋喎,唔係水門海南雞事件),當時我已經隱約覺得唔妥。然後你而家發現,獨家is overrated,creativity is overrated,唔係唔重要,但唔好過份強調。蘋果唔係第一間出智能電話,又唔係第一間賣平板,更唔係第一間賣MP3。但點解唔係潘蘇通松日MP3 Matsunichi變2萬億市值企業?寫文嘅嘢,光有idea冇用,仲要execution,當然好多時亦係寫得好不如寫得快,寫得快又不如有無限資源谷traffic(即係,用公司資源) — 而最重要係:加張靚女相,話知你莎士比亞加陶傑都即時收皮。愛恩斯坦話a picture is worth a thousand words嘛。你睇我都係冇樣賣冇波賣先要打咁多隻字,人地一個月就出幾十張相,我就打幾萬字咁咯。
(**)日本又有common law啦,而未有中資股年代,東京先係亞洲金融中心咯。
(***)點解係買張小嫻亦舒,唔係倪匡金庸陶傑?兩個原因。第一,keep your friends close and your enemies closer,要搞掂港女,先要了解港女。但第二,倪匡金庸陶傑甚至畢華流梁望峰嘅書,我早早已經睇晒。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1700人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
a picture is worth a thousand words 在 Wui Kathy Youtube 的精選貼文
A picture is worth a thousand words! Mouse mommy loves photography and capture every single moments in our life especially family and kids’s precious moments!
As we grow older, the lesser time that we spend together with parents and grandparents due to work, kids, lifestyle and so on. Mouse mommy would love to remind myself that family first always. We spend good and bad time together.
Recently, mouse mommy was discovered that Uno Momenty that has monthly subscription photo printing album service that allow us to keep all the sweet and memorable moments to be printed and keep in special photo album to our loved one!
Interested to get to know more about Uno Momenty photo albums,
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mymomenty/
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a picture is worth a thousand words 在 Ray Mak Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Inspired by Celestin Loh @ http://www.youtube.com/celestinloh
A Picture is worth a Thousand words, A Song is worth a Million words, A High Definition Video is worth a Million Pictures and Songs - Redefined by Ray Mak
This is Lake Titisee in Black Forest, Germany.
The Introduction is the making of the Original Cuckoo Clock, one major attraction within the Black Forest area. After that, Lake Titisee. Sorry if the video is a bit shaky, I had quite some high quality German Brewed Beer. Background music is Sonatina in G by Ludwig Van Beethoven from Germany.
Note 1 : Sorry for the zero video editing knowledge. Next time you guys teach me.
Note 2 : For those who don't know what my Channel is about yet, feel free to click on it and Subscribe. Cheerz!

a picture is worth a thousand words 在 MusicNeverSleeps Youtube 的最佳貼文
"Unconditional" on iTunes: http://bit.ly/jdcmothersday
Love is not created equal. Growing up I've been backstabbed, used, and betrayed by a lot of people I considered to be my close friends, so I'm not too familiar with love from "homies". To say I've had an abysmal love life would be the understatement of the century! But my mom has always been there for me, and my love for her is unconditional. My mom is incredible. Sometimes incredibly annoying, but incredible nonetheless =P. Sure, she drives me crazy, but she's also sacrificed more than I can fathom to give me a better life. I've been feeling incredibly lost, but I can always turn to you for inspiration. A picture is worth a thousand words, so let's say a song is worth a million! This one's for you, mom.
Originals: http://bit.ly/jasonchen
Shirts/Hard copy albums @ http://www.NeverSleepStore.com
Visit me on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/jasonchen
Business Inquiries! jasonchenbooking@gmail.com
Official site: http://jasondchen.com
Stream all my songs online for free on Spotify!
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://jasondchen.com
STORE: http://jasonchenstore.com
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I love getting mail! Send me some :)
Jason Chen
P.O. Box 2113
Arcadia, CA 91077

a picture is worth a thousand words 在 A picture is worth a thousand words - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Jane Abramsom's online talk references Leeds as she covers the history of printed images and the development of photography. ... <看更多>
a picture is worth a thousand words 在 A Picture is Worth a thousand words - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Idiom is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. ... <看更多>
a picture is worth a thousand words 在 A Picture is Worth 1000 Words | New York NY 的推薦與評價
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words, New York, New York. 312K likes. PRESS THE LIKE BUTTON HERE --> ... <看更多>