【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 資訊工程學系韓哈斯】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
International student Seth Austin Harding from Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
但更不幸的是,我在打籃球時弄傷了我的前十字韌帶,做了兩次手術,需要一年半才能恢復。許多的負面情緒壓得我喘不過氣。我被困在人生的低谷,不知如何是好。我覺得我的中文不夠好,我也被診斷出失眠跟ADHD,另外,美國高中的數學太簡單了,來這邊不夠用。種種壓力讓我足不出戶,找不到自己的人生方向。後來,我向臺大心輔中心以及我的心理醫師尋求協助,然後我也開始跟系上有更多互動。有一位教授叫徐宏民跟我說,"Never give up",雖然那時候我覺得這句話太過於簡化了我的問題,不過,在我仔細思考了一個禮拜之後,我下定決心,發誓不讓自己被這些事擊敗。我決定要克盡全力,認真做好每件事。這是我人生的轉捩點,我開始變得異常自律。當時廖世偉教授和洪士灝系主任帶我進入它們的研究室鑽研學術。這重燃了我對資訊工程的熱忱,提醒了我當初會愛上這個領域的原因。我開始研究人工智慧以及區塊鏈,也開始跟其他系上同學交朋友,一起成立臺大人工智慧應用社NTUAI。NTUAI現在是校內頗具規模的技術研究社團,致力於推廣人工智慧給任何對該領域有熱忱的學生。歡迎加入NTUAI,可以掃描我們的QR CODE。
最近,由於疫情的緣故,我已經一年半沒回美國了。但是沒關係,因為我已經找到了我第二個家。我很愛臺大,以及台灣的人事物。雖然我經歷了人生的低潮,但這裡的一切總是給我滿滿的祝福與協助。最後,我想送給大家「功夫熊貓」裡的一句台詞: "You just need to believe"。只要用樂觀的態度去面對困難,就有能力改變自己,甚至改變身旁所愛的人。就像阿波的父親說的,"心誠則靈,只要你相信,點石就能成金。根本沒有什麼秘笈。只有你。"謝謝大家。
President, professors, and classmates, I'm very honored to be here. Thank you to NTU for giving me this opportunity. My name's Seth Austin Harding, and I'm from the D.C. metropolitan area. I'm going to tell a real story that's personal but that's relatable and what I see as the real me.
What motivated and guided me to take my undergraduate studies in Taiwan? When I was very young, I really loved watching kung fu movies, and when I was 10 years old, I went to the theater to watch "Kung Fu Panda". This became my favorite movie as I felt like the story of the main character Po was one to which I could very much relate. After watching this movie, I decided that I wanted to start learning kung fu, so I went to the United States Wushu Academy. At the time, I began hearing Mandarin on a daily basis, so when I was in high school, I decided to begin formally studying Chinese. It ended up being my Chinese teacher from Taipei who was my favorite teacher who taught my favorite class, so I decided I'd hang out in the Chinese classroom every day and practice lots. By the time graduation came around, I had attained the highest proficiency in Chinese among any non-native speaker in my school. My second favorite class was computer science, and I ended up attaining among the best coding skills in my school. After getting accepted to the school of my dreams -- National Taiwan University -- I felt honored, humbled, and excited; I could now spend time at among the world's finest universities studying Chinese and at the same time advancing my knowledge of computer science.
But when I look back at my freshman year, to be honest with you, I didn't know what I was doing. Despite having taken very many Chinese classes, when I went to the NTU lectures, I understood only about half of what the teachers were saying. Contrary to most people's impressions of an American, I was actually too shy to raise my hand, to ask questions, or to even meet with teachers after class, so I had very few friends at the time. I started to become homesick and depressed. At that time, I found that basketball was the only way I knew of relieving my stress. However, while playing basketball, I had torn my ACL and it would take two surgeries and a year and a half in time to fully recover. At this point, I felt caught between a rock and a hard place. In fact, this was the lowest point of my life, and I didn't know what to do. I felt like my Chinese wasn't good enough, I had been diagnosed with insomnia and ADHD, and I felt like the math taught in America was too simple to allow for me to keep up with my classmates. I was under immense pressure, and at this time, I lost any sense of purpose or direction. Later on, I went to seek help from NTU counseling, from my psychiatrist, and from my department. I reached out to Professor Winston Hsu from CSIE, and he told me this: "Never give up"; it was such an oversimplified way to approach such a complex series of problems, I had thought. However, I pondered these words intensely for one week, and by the end of that week, I had made a firm decision. This would NOT be another example of me giving up. I decided to go all out, to work diligently and passionately on all tasks at hand. This was the turning point of my life; I started to discipline myself to a very high degree. At this time, I met my then-to-become advisors Professor Shih-Wei Liao and Professor Shih-Hao Hung and entered their labs to begin research. Finally, the passion that I had for computer science that I had previously held in high school was kindled again, and I was finally reminded why I loved this field. I began my research life in blockchain and AI, and at the time I entered the lab, I also began creating NTUAI. NTUAI is now a large and highly successful NTU club that is dedicated to the research and public understanding of AI. Welcome one and all to join us; please scan our QR code here.
For a year and a half I haven't returned to America because of covid. But not to worry; I have found my second home, away from home. I love it here in NTU and I cherish all of the things I've had the privilege to experience in Taiwan. I've gone through the most difficult of struggles in my life here, but I've also had the most fortunate and blessed of experiences. To conclude, I'd like to quote a line from "Kung Fu Panda": "You just need to believe". As long as you are willing to adopt an optimistic attitude in facing challenges and hardships, you may become a positive force in changing the lives of those around you as well as your own life. It all depends on how you view it; just like what Po's father says, "there is no secret ingredient. It's just you." Thank you, everyone.
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大資訊工程學系 #韓哈斯 #SethAustinHarding
同時也有73部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,夏季宅家香氛蠟燭推薦 ► https://smarturl.it/rgcvt5 乾淨、清新像剛洗完澡般的舒服,經典白麝香調香水,不挑人、不看場合,隨時噴完全不違和。 01:44 The Body Shop白麝香EDT香水,60ml NT$1,680 03:25 Acca Kappa白麝香淡香水,1...
- 關於adopt中文 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於adopt中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於adopt中文 在 李鼎的也不賴Leading Lee Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於adopt中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於adopt中文 在 馮韋元Francois Devatine Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於adopt中文 在 SoniaSu TV Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於adopt中文 在 We Adopted Mermaid! If My Mom Runs a Water Park! - YouTube 的評價
adopt中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
這陣子一些個股的飆法, 是不是讓您覺得賺錢很容易呢? 這並不是常態, 所以正確的投資與理財觀念很重要. 也請不要認為這樣(買這些飆股)能一夕致富喔.
今天要介紹的一本書, 就是作者藉由分享自己的理財方式, 希望讀者能夠參考自己的方法, 來有系統地打造一個理財計劃.
我年紀不小了, 所以不是這本書的主要目標族群😅, 不過倒挺建議剛入社會, 或是年輕人看看, 說不定會從裡面得到一些啟發. 你不理財, 才不理你. 如果能從年輕時開始擬定適合自己的理財計劃, 並養成習慣, 好好執行, 那財富指日可待!
🌻Fidelity Contrafund的Will Danoff訪談摘要
很扎實, 有內容的一篇訪談. 雖然不少內容都已經在自己的實作上了, 但有從他的談話中應證了以前的一些想法, 於是還是整理了一下筆記(不過也不是完全100%同意他的觀點就是(有寫在下方))
1. Azure revenue growth accelerated and came in above analysts’ expectations for the quarter.
2. Sales of new Xbox consoles didn’t hurt the margin of the Windows business as much as analysts had expected.
3. Revenue guidance for the company quarter beat expectations.
(中文文字來源: https://tw.appledaily.com/property/20210127/YQPVSZAXC5HV5GFAWVZACAT5QQ/)
原文: What we are witnessing is the dawn of a second wave of digital transformation sweeping every company and every industry. Digital capability is key to both resilience and growth. It's no longer enough to just adopt technology. Businesses need to build their own technology to compete and grow. Microsoft is powering this shift with the world's largest and most comprehensive cloud platform.
官方財報新聞稿連結: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Investor/earnings/FY-2021-Q1/press-release-webcast
🌻沒太follow ARK的新聞, 不過最近連續有三個媒體在報導. 這些基金對我來說, 算是動能投資的操作方式. 若碰到修正, 會拉回很多. 供參.
高盛:美股的確已有泡沫現象 SPAC火熱
GS的CEO在財報上也有提到SPAC: Goldman Sachs warned of the risks in SPACs"I do think SPACs is a good use case, versus a traditional IPO, and advantages for sellers and for investors and looking at this ecosystem. But the ecosystem is not without flaws. I think it's still evolving. I think the incentive system is still evolving. One of the things we're watching very, very closely is the incentives of the sponsors, and also the incentives of somebody that selling. And while I think these activity levels continue to be very robust, and that they do continue as we head into 2021 continue to be very, very robust. I do not think this is sustainable in the medium term...things I certainly think is the case is you have something here it's a good capital markets innovation. But like many innovations, there's a point in time as they start, where they have a tendency, maybe to go a little bit too far, and then need to be pulled back or rebalanced in some way. And that's something my guess is we'll see over the course of 2021 or 2022, with SPAC" - Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon
Pictures來源: 出版社提供; https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/microsoft-msft-earnings-q2-2021.html
adopt中文 在 李鼎的也不賴Leading Lee Facebook 的精選貼文
您建議在劇終「我們 路上見」(Let’s Me Again, on the road.) 應該是(Let’s Meet again, on the road)。您的建議在標準文法完全是正確的。但可以容許我為您解釋一下最終導演仍採用了我們使用「me」的想法嗎?
在接到這份翻譯的殊榮時,我是既興奮又緊張的。李鼎導演的詩意作家特質,及對角色,故事的詮釋,描寫及張力,絶對不是平舖直敘就能感受到他的初衷,他的溫度。所以,明知冒險,我還是選擇做了大膽的嘗試。我和團隊(二位ABC) 經由彼此對各自語言及文化的了解,試著把李亦捷,Ray (楊鎮)及福地佑介的個性,藉由使用語言的個性,帶入他們的對話裏。
因著「台61」而讓他們三位相遇,也延伸了之後的故事。在從最初Ray 安靜的推著重機不願打擾到海鳥的開始,第一個「me」就出現了,然後是亦捷⋯所以。
在最後,當三個人,開心但不捨地以咖啡乾杯後的分道揚鑣, 許下再見面的心願時,這是李鼎導演在影片中第二次使用「路上見」(第一次在福地祐介留給李亦捷的紙條中)(第一次我們翻譯使用的是:See you on the Road),而當第二次再度使用「路上見」並用在片尾,使用三位角色的聲音,我們覺得意義非凡,不再來自於See you on the Road的想像,決定讓中文中的詩意,翻成Let’s Me again, on the road.這讓三個角色心中無論是吶喊,低訴或是緯緯道來,我想,都是由她/他的心「me!」「 Let’s Me...」讓我,在路上再次遇見你。
很感謝李鼎導演給了我和團隊這樣美好第一次翻譯的經驗,我仍有許多需要進步的空間,也期望因著這部「我在台61」, 我們都因此有共享的公路,感動及連結。
Dear Ms. Nguyễn
Thank you so much for the comments. I am so grateful that you watched the movie and given valuable comments. Please allow me to explain the usage of “me” here ( I am responsible to translate the scripts.)
Yes, you are absolutely right on the “ Let’s MEET” again!” in most of the circumstances. But I am humbling to say that my purpose of translating the word “meet” to “me” is trying to emphasis on the willingness of “coming back on the road again” from three individual main characters. They are all cheering up for their fate to be together because of Highway 61. So I thought they would shout out loud from their hearts to say “let’s me again, on the road!” to echo the director Lee’s poetic style.
Like every language, it’s never easy to complete portrait the whole story from one to another. A simple word could have few different meaning in the culture. It’s truly my pleasure had the opportunity to translate the Chinese( or Taiwanese) story to English. There are so many beautiful words and touching moments that just can’t change words to words. And each characters has her/his personality and tones. Therefore, I try to adopt the heart of story with the understanding of English that I think it would sound most authentic for each characters. This has been an amazing experience to me, walking along with director Lee to see my country and helping to deliver the landscape, the sea breeze, the birds, the temple...and the Highway 61 to you in different language.
Thank you again for the heart of going through the Highway 61 journey with us, and share your thoughts!
Btw, it’s very nice meeting you here. Could I assume you may from Vietnam? My husband is also from Vietnam and we live in Colorado now.
Chien Yi 朱倩儀 (Chienyi Luu)
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01:44 The Body Shop白麝香EDT香水,60ml NT$1,680
03:25 Acca Kappa白麝香淡香水,100ml NT$2,100
04:52 Adopt白麝香香水,30ml NT$690
05:30 Tom Ford私人調香系列白麝香,30ml NT$5,000
06:46 Byredo返璞歸真淡香精,50ml NT$5,000
08:10 Jo Malone London玫瑰與白麝香精粹,100ml NT$11,000
09:21 Creed銀色山泉,50ml NT$6,900
10:23 Kiehl’s原麝香淡香水,50ml NT$1,450
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製片人/剪輯: Jason Kuo(https://mosicstudios.wixsite.com/mosic)
p.s.這部片不需要剪輯XD 但你還是必須去看他的作品集
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And what will happen then? Watch right now! # adopt #mermaid #waterpark Popular Playlists: Let's Have Fun Together: ... Troom Troom 用 中文 : ... ... <看更多>