演英國電視劇火紅的男神Benedict Cumberbatch擁有一把超重低音的磁性男生,身為聲音控的蕭叔叔,也不禁為之顛倒。這一短片,是Cumberbatch為BBC電視劇拍的廣告,題為A Lifetime of Original British Drama on the BBC。
其中他朗讀的一段文字,來自莎士比亞劇As You Like It的著名獨白All the World’s a Stage,講述人由呱呱墜地到衰老死亡的過程。全文如下。
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
第三階段,係sighing like furnace,整天唉聲嘆氣,要生要死,對住小事如愛人條眼眉都可以作到首慘情詩嘅超難頂lovers。
第六階段,身形漸漸縮水,開始衣不稱身,聲線變弱,由雄厚聲線,變到老人家嗰D好似吹口哨嘅vee vee聲。
第七階段,係second childishness。也就是說,你點嚟,就會點去,變番好似BB仔一樣,冇牙、冇眼、冇味覺、乜9都冇。
第一句來自戲劇 The Merchant of Venice。劇中反派角色猶太人 Shylock 借錢給男主角,合約訂明假如主角於時限前還不到錢,Shylock 就可割下他一磅重的肉,換句話說,就是要了他的命。後來主角週轉不靈,真的還不到錢,一直對主角恨之入骨的 Shylock 當然不會放過傷害主角的機會,有人問 Shylock 為何要堅持要履行合約,他說:
He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies—and what’s his reason? I am a Jew. […]
蕭叔叔翻譯技巧平平,只道個大意出來:他(男主角)不單累我唔見錢,仲常常羞辱我,冷待我,嘲笑我,只因我是個猶太人。大家留意兩個簡單的字:cooled 和 heated。兩個在此都是動詞,cooled my friends,大意就是破壞我同朋友之間的友誼,使朋友離我而去;heated my enemies 就是煽動我的敵人。這兩個字,都簡潔到極,但意思好出,一看就明。大家不妨想想自己會怎樣表達這兩句的意思。英文平平的人,可能會把前半部寫成:
made me lose my friends,或
caused my friends to leave me,或
undermined the relationship between me and my friends,之類。
made my enemies hate me even more。
非常長氣,而且表達還不夠簡單一句 cooled my friends,heated my enemies 生動、深刻。這是大師的功力。
第二句來自老莎的情詩(他的情詩是一絕,將來找幾首同大家讀讀)。老莎跟情人的關係若即若離,有時好high,有時 insecure。有次他寫:
To leave poor me thou hast the strength of law, since why to love I can allege no cause.
他說,你要離開我,實在有太多太多的理由,像連法律都會站在你那邊,因為我從來都配不起你:I can think of no reason why you should love me and stay with me.
要離開我,you have the strength of law!假如你要走,像法律明文寫出一樣堂皇的道理,都在你那邊。可看到老莎在這段關係裏的地位是如何卑微。大家請留意,這句的字,都是很淺的,但意義深遠,比喻深刻。也看 allege 一字。因為,你為什麼要愛我,我一個理由都想不到。Allege 這個法庭常用的動詞,跟前句的比喻呼應。你為什麼要愛我?我一個理由都呈不上。幾可憐!
篇幅有限,先講到這裏,只希望大家也感受到老莎文字可愛之處。讀莎士比亞,不是為了要寫這些「文言文」,而是為了學習他運用文字的 spirit。
最後,由於這是蕭叔叔在本欄的第一篇文,在此向大家打個招呼,請大家多多指教。另外,叔叔也要戴個頭盔。蕭叔叔雖是個英文教與學的狂熱份子,但從未受過正式的語言學、文學、翻譯的訓練。假如有何錯漏,歡迎電郵或在 Facebook 指正,指點,討論,感謝萬分。
作者簡介:蕭愷一,AKA蕭叔叔。夢想做男神,現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱份子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者。以 speak English like an educated native 為教與學的終極目標。Facebook專頁:蕭叔叔的英式英文學會 facebook.com/unclesiu
「all too well男主角」的推薦目錄:
all too well男主角 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sushi addicts need to be aware of mercury toxicity risk】
(Financial Times, Jul. 13, 2015) —by Charles Wallace
Is eating sushi safe?
During a recent meal with a Wall Street financial adviser, he mentioned that he eats sushi several times a week because he believed it to be the most healthful and convenient way to dine while continuing to work at his desk. I was left wondering if that was as healthful as he said, given the recent concern about mercury in fish.
All around the financial centers in London and New York, shops which once featured only simple sandwiches now stock different types of sushi and sashimi, including those made from various types of tuna. This despite the well-publicized concern when Richard Gelfond, CEO of the US cinema group IMAX, reported that he had been diagnosed with mercury toxicity after eating sushi on a daily basis.
在倫敦和紐約的金融中心周遭,原本只供應簡單三明治的店家現在紛紛賣起了各式各樣的壽司和生魚片,包括用各種鮪魚製作的食品。儘管自從美國影院集團IMAX的執行長 Richard Gelfond 自稱因為每天食用壽司而被診斷出汞中毒症狀後,媒體已對此問題進行了廣泛報導。
In addition, the actor Jeremy Piven, star of ITV’s Mr. Selfridge franchise, also was reported to have been hospitalized for mercury toxicity from eating sushi.
此外,還有報導指出,英國獨立電視臺(ITV)「塞爾弗裡奇先生」(Mr. Selfridge)電視劇中的男主角 Jeremy Piven 也因吃了壽司導致汞中毒而被送往醫院。
While the European Food Safety Authority issued a new advisory notice on fish consumption earlier this year, it said that the types of fish consumed in Europe and fish-eating habits were so different across the continent that it was up to the individual countries to give specific advice.
儘管歐洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority)今年初就曾以攝取魚肉來發表一項新的建議性通知,他們表示歐洲各國所食用的魚肉種類和食用習慣差異極大,應該由各國各自提供專屬的建議。
Britain’s NHS has advice about canned tuna but not about sushi. The US Food and Drug Administration recently set its first minimum fish consumption target, emphasizing the benefits of eating more low-mercury fish.
Given this confusion, I asked Michael Gochfeld, who has studied mercury toxicity for 30 years, what his best advice is about fish consumption.
考慮到這種混亂的狀況,我詢問了研究汞中毒長達30年的Michael Gochfeld,想了解他對攝取魚肉有哪些最棒的建議可提供。
Dr. Gochfeld, an adjunct clinical professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at New Jersey’s Rutgers University, said most people do eat too little fish, an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown in some studies to be protective against heart disease and cancer. But he acknowledged that there can be too much of a good thing.
Gochfeld 博士是紐澤西州羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)環境和職業健康科學研究所的客座臨床教授。他表示大多數人的魚肉攝取量都太少了。魚類是理想的蛋白質和omega-3脂肪酸的來源。一些研究闡明,這種脂肪酸能夠預防心臟病和癌症。但他也承認,過猶不及,好事做過了頭就成了壞事。
“If you eat fish rarely, such as less than once a month, it’s likely that your health will benefit from eating more fish,” Dr. Gochfeld explains. “If you eat fish frequently, more than twice a week, you have to pay attention to eating low mercury fish if you don’t want to get food poisoning.”
「如果你很少吃魚,比如一個月少於一次,那麼食用更多魚很可能會對你的健康更有益,」 Gochfeld 博士解釋稱:「不過要是你經常吃魚,一周超過兩次,又不想要食物中毒的話,你就得注意要食用低汞含量的魚才行。」
Among the fish that have been found to have the highest mercury content are swordfish, shark, marlin and albacore tuna. “If you go to a high-end sushi bar in New York, the chances are the tuna sushi will be bigeye tuna with high mercury levels,” he says, adding that in Japan, sushi is a prized delicacy but eaten only once a month. Sushi is often made from fish other than tuna, which can be safe to eat in larger quantities.
This mercury warning is especially true for pregnant women. “Having even one meal with high mercury fish, like one swordfish serving, at the wrong time could have an impact on a developing fetus,” Dr. Gochfeld cautions.
這裡有關汞中毒的警告對於懷孕女性特別重要。「在不適當的時機,就算只食用一次高汞含量的魚,比如一道由劍魚所烹製的菜餚,就可能影響發育中的胎兒,」 Gochfeld 博士這般告誡。
While he loves tuna sushi himself, he restricts his consumption to once a month and eats low mercury fish such as salmon a couple of times a week.
儘管 Gochfeld 博士本人也愛吃鮪魚壽司,他把攝取量限制在每月一次,並且每週食用幾次鮭魚等具有較低汞含量的魚。
That advice is similar to the counsel from the British government, which says that pregnant women and young children should not eat swordfish, shark or marlin, and that other adults should limit their intake to one portion a week. As for me, I love salmon so that is my dietary mainstay, but also eat other low-mercury fish.
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all too well男主角 在 John黄俊源 Facebook 的最佳解答
Merry Christmas!!!! Come and join the contest and win limited edition prizes!!!
VERTEX: It's X'mas and we are giving you a chance to win something!! Special thanks to MIM Pictures Treze Purple & GOLD ART. Watch Silly John MV at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK2yI8R8smU&feature=youtu.be
观赏傻约翰John黄俊源最新歌曲MV,将有机会赢取由黄俊源领衔主演的微电影 “趁早”限量办T-Shirt、由世界著名纸玩设计师田中新一(Shin Tanaka)设计的限量版Silly John纸玩偶以及价值RM238的Gold Art限量版金饰品! 总共有3份奖品等你来赢取!
1.所有参赛者必需订阅MIM Pictures的Youtube官方频道 – www.youtube.com/mimpicturestv 并且回答3道简单的问题然后把答案连同完整姓名、身份证号码以及联络电话,短讯至MIM Pictures的Youtube频道信息箱. (注:所有参赛者必需首先注册一个Youtube户口方能参加)
a. 请问男主角John黄俊源以及女主角Diorlynn翁依玲总共在MV里换了多少套衣服?
b. 请问从MV一开始至播放完毕,傻约翰的纸玩偶总共出现了多少次?
c. 请写出一件你最遗憾的事情以及为什么。
截至日期: 2013年1月3号中午12点。感谢您的支持! (此游戏是公开给所有订阅MIM Pictures Youtube 官方频道的订阅者参加)
Watch Music Video and Win Prizes!
Watch John Wee’s latest music video and stand a chance to win limited edition microfilm “Before It’s Too Late” T-Shirt, limited edition Silly John paper toy designed by world famous designer from Japan – Shin Tanaka as well as a Gold Art limited premium gift worth RM238.
Take note of the followings rules:
1. All contestants have to subscribe to MIM Pictures Youtube Channel at www.youtube/mimpicturestv and answer 3 simple questions then MESSAGE your answers together with your full name, NRIC number and contact number to MIM Pictures Youtube inbox. (Note: All contestants have to first register a Youtube account in order to participate)
2. The organizer will collect and verify all the answers and will be announcing the 3 winners via a pre-recorded video by John Wee personally. If there are more than 3 contestants who answered the all the questions correctly, we will decide the winners based on the answers of the 3rd questions.
a. Please tell us how many wardrobes that John Wee and Diorlynn Ong changed in the music video?
b. Please tell us how many times that the Silly John paper toy appears in this music video?
c. Please write is ONE most regretful incident that you have encountered and tell us why.
3rd January 2013 12pm. Thank you for your support! (This contest is valid for all MIM Pictures Youtube Channel subscribers)
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