[Royale with Cheese]”And you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?” “They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?” “No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the f*** a Quarter Pounder is”(*)
一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 好似寫過,但寫多次。應該好多人都有留意,Quarter Pounder 中文係「足三兩」。點解?因為四份一磅,就真係三兩咁重!係咪好神奇呢BB!這樣的知識你也知道,你真厲害。
2. 唔使識整GPU唔使識光刻機,中間個圖寫住。3斤係4磅,而1斤16兩(唔識唱「半斤八兩」冇所謂,個圖左邊寫住呀!),咁即係 4磅等於48兩。兩邊除16,4份1磅就即係3兩,所以Quarter Pounder即係足三兩!係咪巧神奇呢!!!!數學之美呀!
3. 不過,再聰明或煩膠少少嘅你,應該會知道,一切嘅關鍵,係嚟自邊個最初中西文化交流,將3斤變成4磅?1斤16兩你大約明白,但3斤變成4磅,fusion 嘢喎,好arbitrary,邊度走出嚟的?
4. 原來係,光緒年代嘅香港法律!1884年,開咗埠了。所以咪有呢個 華洋雜交嘅3斤變成4磅.
5. 咁大家應該知,東亞其他國家嘅斤呀,尺呀,同香港都唔同。但我仲有一個疑問,咁其他地方係咪叫足三兩?答案明顯唔會,只有香港(又,澳門呢?都應該咁叫)呢條式先成立。
6. 咁其他地方點叫Quarter Pounder?就真係考起喎!日本,當然係叫返片假名,西洋事物嘛。韓國?唔知,冇去過麥當勞。台灣呢?出奇地我去台灣成百次,都好似未去過麥當勞,但目測,台灣係從來都冇Quarter Pounder嘅!「你可以睇到美國有幾愛台灣」。而同樣地,大陸我去過麥當勞,好似唔覺有Quarter Pounder.
7. 又,原來不經不覺已經冇咗「Double足三兩」。只係得返le Big Mac.This city is dying
8. 你睇,人地去中環街市就同文青女影相,我就研究埋啲乜撚足三兩,證明我真係溝唔到女嘅毒撚。「不過好彩我有錢」(認真,其實唔係,我低人工時先最多女。潘驢鄧小閒,唔一定要有錢或靚仔嘅。咁你睇我個肚腩點都唔似驢,所以,咪剩返嗰兩味。)
(*) https://ytube.io/3L3c
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arbitrary數學 在 GeoGebra 互動數學教室- Arbitrary Angle 任意角... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Arbitrary Angle 任意角. The angle can be larger than 360^\circ and can be negative. Share · 2 Shares. GeoGebra 互動數學教室, profile picture. ... <看更多>
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namically from arbitrary efficient payoff vectors by applying reductions. Keywords: Excess function, dynamic approach, the EANSC, payoff vector, reductions. ... <看更多>
arbitrary數學 在 [試題] 96下顏嗣鈞離散數學期中考- 看板NTU-Exam 的推薦與評價
的符號略有不同,此外,以下以A代表for any,以E代表there exist。)
1. (15 pts) True or false? No explanations needed. Score= {Right-1/2Wrong};
so do not make uninformed guesses. (Please mark O for 'true' and X for
(a) ExAyP(x,y)→AyExP(x,y) is a valid formula.
(b) The sentence 'Today is Thursday.' is a proposition.
(c) P(d)^(~Ex(R(x)^~Q(x)))‧(~Ex(Q(x)^P(x)))├ ~R(d).
(d) (p_1→q_1)^(p_2→q_2)├ (p_1 V p_2→q_1 V q_2) can be proven using
Natural Deduction of propositional logic.
(e) (~q^(~p→q))→~p is a tautology.
(f) AxP(x) V AyQ(y) and Ax(P(x) V Q(x)) are logically equivalent.
(g) ExEyP(x,y) and EyExP(x,y) are logically equivalent.
(h) ExAyEzP(x,y,z) and EzAyExP(x,y,z) are logically equivalent.
(i) A formula ψ in propositional logic is satisfiable if ψ always evaluates
to True for every truth assignment.
(j) There exists a set A such that A is a subset of 2^A. (Note: 2^A, the power set of
A, ={B| B is a subset of A})
(k) If A is countably infinite, so is 2^A
(l) Every infinite set contains a countably infinite subset.
(m) {ψ, {{a}}} is the power set of some set.
(n) If A is countably infinite and B is an arbitrary set, then A∩B is either
finite of countably infinite.
(o) The union of infinitely many countably infinite sets is countably
2. (10 pts) Use the following predicates
D(x): x is a dog
C(x): x is a dog catcher
T(x): x is a town
L(x,y), x lives in y
B(x,y), x has bitten y
to obtain a first-order formula corresponding to the following:
At least one town has a dog catcher who has been bitten by none of the dogs
in town.
3. (10 pts) Write a propositional formula to express the following statement:
If Clifton does not live in France, then he does not speak French.
Clifton does not drive a Datsun.
If Clifton lives in France, then he rides a bicycle.
Either Clifton speaks French, or he drives a Datsun.
Hence, Clifton rides a bicycle.
(Note: you need to identify the propositions first.)
4. (10 pts) Prove that for an arbitrary infinite set A, there is no
one-to-one correspondence between A and 2^A. (Hint: proof by contradiction.
Assuming f to be such a one-to-one correspondence, define S={x| x belongs to A
^x does not belong to f(x)}…)
5. (10 pts) Prove formally that if for any i≧1, A_i is countably infinite,
is also countably infinite.
6. (15 pts) Prove that the following program is totally correct. (Do not
forget to show that the program always terminates.)
(Hint: For partial correctness, use loop invariant { z=x(y-n+1)‧n≧1 }.)
while n>1 do
7. (15 pts) Calculate (in detail) the following weakest preconditions (WPs):
(Recall that WP(S,{Q}) represents the "weakest condition" P such that P{S}Q.)
(a) WP(if x<0 then x:=x+2 else y:=x+3, {x>0^y<0}).
(b) WP(if odd(x) then x:=x+1, {x=10}). (odd(x) means x is an odd number.)
(c) WP(if y<0 then x:=y-v, {x=y-v^y>0})
8. (15 pts) Answer the following two questions:
(a) (7 pts) Use the truth table method to prove ((p→r)^(q→r))╞ ((p V q)→
(b) (8 pts) Use natural deduction (see the following table) to prove
((p→r)^(q→r))├ ((p V q)→r).
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